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Do you agree with British muslim author Ed Hussain and his comment on the Woolwich murder?

He tweeted "There is nothing "Allahu Akbar" about killing a British soldier in #Woolwich today. Barbaric. Allah bless the soldier, prayers for family."

Do you agree with this?

Why or why not?

13 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 7
    8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    His comments were dignified, and appropriate. It seems a pity a respected author should feel it necessary to comment on a situation---not of his own making.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    Lol. Islam is approximately preaching peace? Take it you have not study numerous the verses in the Qu'ran then.. Or watched the information thoughts on mosques coaching hatred of western techniques and living to youthful muslim adult males.. i don't be attentive to, of the different faith, at this 2d. or EVER. That has led to this a lot hate, homicide, and discomfort. it is like we are all so thinking approximately tip-toeing around all of them. no one purely needs to declare. easily. No. it is bull****

  • 8 years ago


    Hard not to innit?

    But I do wonder why Muslims are Muslims first...and British as after thought.

    Do we have to claim to be Christian British or Christian Pakistani? Is it just more evidence of desperately needing to be different and an excuse for non integration in the country that feeds, clothes, schools and provides for their many children?

    Why are Muslims so obsessed with sharing their religious identity with those who are not interested?

    As for speaking the obvious - does he deserve a medal? Though it does make a change - warsi and Ahmed regularly blame the British for the actions of Pakistani Muslims....all those naughty little girls making dirty old men gang rape them.

  • 8 years ago

    some muslims have started saying the murder of the poor innocent soldier was a fake

    look at thie horrible page

    i am upset and in tears over this offensive page , words fail me , i have contacted the police

    now what do you think of muslims

    i am literally in tears

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  • 8 years ago

    I think you'll find nearly everybody, especially muslims, would agree with it. Claiming to be doing God's work when murdering someone is a perversion of any religion because they all have the sanctity of human life as a basic tenet.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    Hussain is not a British name

    British Muslim my ars@,

    I doubt very much the soldiers family want Allahs blessings or a muslims blessings today

  • 8 years ago

    people in europe and the west in general are kind and innocent , they can't grasp the problem .

    in islam we have many schools of thought , only one school of thought cause this havoc in the world , it called "salafi wahhabi " or "jihadi salafi wahabi " it's a modern islamic sect founded in arabia 200 years ago by sheykh "muhammad abdul wahab" where the name wahabbi drived from .

    the first believer of this sect was the grandfather of the modern day saudi family , the house of saud .

    this man with his sheykh started to preach their radical extremist islamic teachings then they formed a gang like the modern day " alqaeda" to spread their new sect by power , they started to attack other arabs in the peninsula vandalizing shrines of the muslim saints then they started to attack southern iraq vandalizing and killing for their new sect even vandalizing the shrines of prophet muhammad family .. the news of this terroristic actions came to egypt , egyptian were angered , the ruler of egypt muhamma ali pasha was angered ,so he prepared the egyptian army for war , the war was done , the egyptian army went to arabia fought the new sect gang and captured abdulla bin saud "the grand father of the modern day saudi monarchy" then the egyptian army sent him to the ottoman caliph to be executed for his crimes .

    later ,after the destruction of the caliphate in turkey , the saudi family formed itself again and started the saudi kingdom "KSA" ,,, they adopted their grandfather's sect ... when oil discovered in saudi arabia they make it the official sect of the saudi kingdom , they start to persecute any other islamic sect or non muslims too .. they spent 87 billion dollars to spread their new sect worldwide and make it as the only true and legitimate islamic sect (which is a lie ) ... most islamic centers and mosques in the west are under the control of this saudi sect salafi wahabi or jihadi salafi wahabi , they deceive new converts to islam and tell them this is the only form of islam ...

    saudi money talking is well documented phenomena in america , england , austeria ,sweden and most if not all western nations , corrupted western leaders are in love with saudi money , so they support islamic orgnaizations affiliated with saudi arabia's official sect there are countless proofs and evidences ..

    just one example , sharia law thugs in england ,, the british police silenced about taking any action toward sharia law thugs in england , why ? because sharia law thugs exist in saudi arabia ... englands sharia law thugs are supported by saudi sharia law thugs money ....

    sharia law thugs can't exist in any other middle eastern country because ordinary muslims attack such thugs ,, but such thugs are protected by the british police !!! ( saudi money talking ) any british man tried to defend himself from sharia law thugs , the british police will arrest him !!!!! there are many examples of that ,just read dailymail today 2 young guys arrested by british police because they were angry and wrote bad comments online regarding the woolwich killers .... something can't happen in any middle eastern or african country not bribed by saudi money , for me it sound like saudi money talking in the western countries ...

    the same apply to sweden sharia zones , no go zones , saudi money talking everywhere ,and if the swedes tried to defend themselves police will arrest them !! or fuel them till they lose their mind and blow everything around like the poor anders brevick .

    wish i make a help answering your question .

    salamo aleykom ,, good luck brother .

    Source(s): in islam we have many schools of thought here are some few , this is not the whole list . different ismaili islamic groups ,alavites ,and more. sufi shiite salafist wahabi "was the grand sheikh in saudi arabia" salafi wahabism is the official state religion in saudi arabia. islamic philosophical school alfarabi islamic school of thought islamic rushdiite philosophical school sunni islam group "quran only" islamic school of thought islam ahmadiyya school of thought and so on we have too many schools of thought
  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    Well yes. Why would we not agree with him ? So long as he means it sincerely. The attackers were just murderous criminals. I suppose even Islam has murderers ?

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    Allah made the americans as brave as lions as fast as gimlets as wise as the ancients and as strong as monkey puzzle trees so that their rockets fly straight and true because he hates the murderers of his people, god be praised..

  • Andi C
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    Of course!

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