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Are we approaching the peak of our division in this country?

With each scandal that breaks in Washington D.C. one side is outraged, the other is silent and dismissive. Hasn't this been the trend over the last few years. Obama and Holder were looking to prosecute Cheney and CIA agents after they took office due to water boarding that occurred. Now, this administration has done things that's never been done before like going after "whistle blowers" like no other president in the history of the United States. One side is Outraged, the other claims that the argument or scandals if you will are trivial and insignificant. There are some on the left that quietly or perhaps fearfully agree that the administration has overstepped it's authority but refuse to make issue. The right has stood up even to it's own party's leadership and have as a result been considered embattled. The left has it's own dissenters but they seem to follow anyways as if in fear of being attacked and consumed by their own. Could we be anymore different and divided in this country than we are?

9 Answers

  • R J
    Lv 7
    8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    We are getting there but there is a continuity between the present administration and the previous Democratic one. the main problem I feel is that this administration has too many recruits in it from the Clinton administration and that may spell trouble. Recently the president tried to put former Clintoner Jamie Gorelick in charge of the FBI. as we know she was very busy with in the Clinton administration responsible for Waco, then the housing market crash while making $26 million at Freddie Mac and cooking the books and then sadly building the "wall" which caused 911. Had this taken place surely your distinction would have been totally correct, but due to the uproar of a bipartisan roar she was denied this role.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    You could thank Mr. Bush and his Administration for the division in america..... He is a Divider no longer a Uniter.... He has no longer earned the believe, recognize and self belief of the American humans.... He's an Opportunist, worry Monger,and warfare Monger.... He has taken actual just right care of the haves and have mores and forgot about the leisure of the American people... He has ruined the country Financially and prompted other international locations to seem down on the usa.....He has saved Sixteen(sixteen*)+Million americans in Poverty due to the fact 1997 by using neglecting to raise the minimal Wage.. Thanks Georgie in your DISSERVICE TO the united states.....

  • 8 years ago

    I think we are a product of a system where in the primaries the vast majority in the middle does not even know the primaries are happening. Only the most conservative and the most liberal people many of whom are mentally ill care who is nominated. When they middle chooses among the nominees they are forced to elect candidates who cannot even slightly understand what the people from the other party are talking about.

  • 8 years ago

    No. The Civil War was the peak of our division in this country. We're not there yet.

    Also, the only time the right has stood up even to it's party leadership in my lifetime has been in 2008, after their party's leadership already wrecked our economy and the right was desperate to pin all the blame on the outgoing administration instead of tainting Republicans trying to win public office. The right never stands up to its own leadershp unless it's convinced rightwing media is unable spin away rightwing leadership's culpability for national problems. I see the left standing up to its own leadership more often; the left just will not entertain the right's scandal-mongering as if every accusation against Obama has legitimacy.

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  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    Liberals are only 21% statiscly so it's more like the dismissive ones who gives free passes isn't so 50/50.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    No, it will more than likely get a lot worse, just wait for the 2014 mid-term election.

  • Frank
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    It's been the trend ever since the Greeks invented democracy.

  • 8 years ago

    Obama is the great divider. He knows to take a country down you must divide it from within.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    Not even close. In fact, you could say that we're not even warmed up yet.

    Source(s): My 2¢.
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