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Asdfgh asked in SportsOther - Sports · 8 years ago

is this a good skateboard? what wheels do you recommend for sidewalk and street skating? 1O PTS 4 BEST ANSWER?

i have that skateboard but the wheels suck or idk if its just me. I can't skate on the street with the smallest cracks cause i go flying. i could only skate on very smooth ground so its annoying. thanks in advance!

6 Answers

  • Sam
    Lv 4
    8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    There are a countless number of brands out there! Here's a site where you can build your own skateboard:

    Expect to pay around $100 for a complete deck. If it is around that price, you will be getting quality. Remember, when it comes to skateboards, you get what you pay for. Meaning, the more you pay, the longer it will last and the better it will ride. All of the brands at the warehouse look legit though. Hope this helps and have fun skating!

  • Jœy
    Lv 6
    8 years ago

    Yeah Darkstar boards are good..

    If you skate and do tricks and stuff the beat wheels are :

    Bones ( stf) = street formula




    Those are the best four top brands for wheels

    Makesure you get the proper size to.

    For street good size range from 51mm - 54mm

    Also consider the versions of hard and soft wheels..

    If you simply cruise around only than you might wanna go with a bigger size wheels. Cause the bigger & softer the wheels the smoother the ride and the easier it is to go over small cracks and small pebbles/rocks you encounter on the streets.. You will get easily stuck on cracks with small size wheels and the more effort you have to put while riding.

    So if you simply cruise around you might wannna consider looking into getting some cruiser type wheels . With them you can glide caus they are really smooth even on rough surface.. They are those big ,soft & wide jelly type wheels so they go over small cracks ,rocks etc easily.. You still gotta be considerable though to makesure you avoid getting stuck and flying off the board. They are not designed to do tricks though.. If you skate & do tricks get some regular hard wheels from the brands i mentioned..

    Goodluck and watch out for them cracks & rocks on the street.

  • 8 years ago

    ehh i heard some bad thing about darkstar products, i never rode it. i usually stayed away from those products. i looked at the wheels, 54mm 99a is the recommended street skating hardness and size. you can get softer wheels but there usually used for skating vert. i have 99a wheels and all you really haft to do is get use to skating over craks and bumps and knowing how to ride over them. i usually just lift my board a tiny bit up when im coming over a crack. im sorry if this is not what you wanted to hear, i hope it helped

    Source(s): skater of 5 years
  • 8 years ago

    1. Bones

    2. Spitfire

    3. Ricta

    ^^^^^^^ top wheel brands.

    Source(s): long time skater
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  • 8 years ago

    I never really used a darkstar board before so idunno about that but plan b boards are really good but for wheels i would say 1 spit fire 2 plan b or bones street formula

  • 8 years ago

    You need new trucks and wheels.

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