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  • I really dont like my mom:(?

    I used to purge. I stopped bc i felt sick all the time, and i think thats one of the reasons why i'm anemic.

    i started because my mom kept reminding me that i was gaining weight. she always says that im gonna be the perfect daughter she ever wanted.

    she always reminded me, dont eat that. watch your weight. you dont wanna look like a cow. blah blah blah. and when shes mad she says im worthless

    now she has me on a diet and i honestly dont think i need one but ever since i started ive been getting headaches and stomacheaches cause of hunger. i told her but she says its all in my head.

    i eat 3 very small portioned meals. i do dance and run whenever i can. Im 5'4 and 120 lbs i think? anyways now she criticizes me over everything and i just cant take it. i hate being home bc of her. everytime my dad says i dont need a diet im a growing teenager she says i look like a cow and thatmy dad needs to stop lying.

    i quit swimmimg but im just so self consious now and shes yelling at me for quiting and im just kinda sad and tired of acting happy and holding back tears and im venting rn but what do i do? ik some pple have it worse but it really bugs me even tho i should just let it go

    i just hate that i dont care about what anybody else thinks except for my moms. her words really hurt.

    3 AnswersAdolescent8 years ago
  • What to say when your crush asks who you like?

    ok so everytime we text he asks who i like to keep the convo going i guess and i always say no one really .. and today hes how do you not like one guy? and i was like lmao idk its just small crushes nothing serious. so what do i say? haha he doesnt like me tho, he has a thing with this girl and he says he really likes her and is waiting for the right moment to ask her out so yeah

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • is this a good skateboard? what wheels do you recommend for sidewalk and street skating? 1O PTS 4 BEST ANSWER?

    i have that skateboard but the wheels suck or idk if its just me. I can't skate on the street with the smallest cracks cause i go flying. i could only skate on very smooth ground so its annoying. thanks in advance!

    6 AnswersOther - Sports8 years ago
  • My left ankle hurts so bad from running pls help?

    okay so for almost a month ive been running 1 to 2 miles everyday when I have the chance. I use converse and I didn't feel anything, i was just fine. Today i came back from a run and my left ankle hurts really bad, why? i was fine before and didnt twist it

    1 AnswerRunning8 years ago

    are these statements true or false?

    1) an example of the fantasy travel literature that entranced the late middle ages was the travels of john mandeville

    2)the portolani maps were extremely helpful to sailors because they showed the curvature of the earth and thus were very useful for long over seas voyages

    3)the first major portugese settlement in india was a delhi

    4) the inca empire was the great mesoamerican state when the spanish arrived in the early sixteenth century

    5) spanish commercial power in the americas reached its apex in the seventeeth and eighteenth centuries after fighting off the challenges from britain and the netherlands

    2 AnswersHomework Help8 years ago
  • what happens if you miss a lot of school?

    i'm a freshman and 14. I all ready have 11 absences but my parents always call in and write me a note. the teachers havent said anything but im scared they will or that i'll get left back. i keep my average a 92 and above and im in ap spanish. the reason im always absent is because my periods are horrible. i get really bad cramps that keep me bed ridden, nauseua and then i throw up, headaches etc.

    2 AnswersPrimary & Secondary Education8 years ago
  • 4 questions about the fault in our stars by john green. thanks in advance :)?

    1) how does hazel and augustus's relationship differ from that of other teens? how is it the same?

    2) what is the significance of the words ' always' and 'okay' to the characters? why do they pick these words?

    3) what does hazel learn from her relationshop with augustus? is it a deeper relationship than most teenage first loves? why?

    4) does van heuten actually care about hazel and augustus? why does he feel the need to go to augustus's funeral at the end?

    2 AnswersQuotations8 years ago
  • What does ' youre fit' mean?

    i was changing for gym and a girl was like ' i'm so jealous! youre so fit." and i just said thanks i jog everyday lol. so yeah what does it mean?

    4 AnswersWords & Wordplay8 years ago
  • What does ' youre fit' mean?

    i was changing for gym and a girl was like ' i'm so jealous! youre so fit." and i just said thanks i jog everyday lol. so yeah what does it mean?

    1 AnswerWords & Wordplay8 years ago
  • When should i text a guy?

    ok so i texted this cute guy on sunday and he said to text him sometime this week cause we both had to go. we where flirting a little so should i text him tom? what if hes busy? i dont want to,seem annoying

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years ago

    how do i factor these? thank you so much

    1) 81x^6 - 144x^4

    2) 196x^15 - 49x^13

    3) 18y^2 + 21y + 5

    4) 15f^2 - 46f + 3

    5) 45k^2 + 21k - 24

    6) 12s^2 - 8s -20

    7) 24d^2 - 4d -42

    8) 21w^2 + 93w + 36

    4) 15f^2 - 46f + 3

    5) 45k^2 + 21k -24

    1 AnswerMathematics8 years ago
  • What size wheels do you recomend for a skateboard? im a beginner thanks?

    so what size wheels do you recomend and where can i buy them. i need cheap good ones cus i honestly dont have a lot of money right now. oh yeah i skate on the streets, side walks, & park.

    its really annoying cus i have small wheels and i almost fall when theres a crack. thanks

    1 AnswerOther - Outdoor Recreation8 years ago
  • Im a 14 y/o girl thats a beginner at skating. details below?

    ok so i love skating but i'm just a beginner so i dont have any friends that skate. i went to the park alone today and there where a bunch of guy skaters. so i just got over it and started skating because im still getting the hang of it. one of the guys yelled " you're getting the hang of it!" and they looked 17 maybe. i just smiled shyly.

    i got really embarressed cus i didnt think people where paying attention to me so after a while i just went home. ok so i need advice on how to get over being shy about skating around people because i'm just a beginner so i suck lol. and how do i not get discouraged cus im still getting comfortable with just cruising around and stuff. haha thanks in advance

    1 AnswerOther - Sports8 years ago
  • I hate crying and i just broke down today?

    okay so today was horrible. I cried for the first time in over a year. So i have a lot going on: drama, family problems, trying to hide an eating disorder, stressed about grades, etc. and this teacher always treats me bad and unfairly. it pisses me off because ik that if i play his game he'll eventually win.

    anyways he yelled at me and said he was gonna take me to the dean blah blah blah. and i left before he gave me the slip .. anyways a few min later i started crying. idk why and i just feel horrible rn and sad and ugh whats happening?! i hate being emotianal. i hate people bombarding me with questions. i just want a meaningful hug but everyones so fake and ugh idk i need help. how do i not cry ever again? how do i stop feeling sad?

    2 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships8 years ago
  • Is having internet friends weird?

    so i made a pheed and i started talking to a few people on there through kik. I have lots of friends in real life too lol. i'm just wondering if its weird to have internet friends? our convos are the best, they're so funny.

    2 AnswersFriends8 years ago