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I really dont like my mom:(?

I used to purge. I stopped bc i felt sick all the time, and i think thats one of the reasons why i'm anemic.

i started because my mom kept reminding me that i was gaining weight. she always says that im gonna be the perfect daughter she ever wanted.

she always reminded me, dont eat that. watch your weight. you dont wanna look like a cow. blah blah blah. and when shes mad she says im worthless

now she has me on a diet and i honestly dont think i need one but ever since i started ive been getting headaches and stomacheaches cause of hunger. i told her but she says its all in my head.

i eat 3 very small portioned meals. i do dance and run whenever i can. Im 5'4 and 120 lbs i think? anyways now she criticizes me over everything and i just cant take it. i hate being home bc of her. everytime my dad says i dont need a diet im a growing teenager she says i look like a cow and thatmy dad needs to stop lying.

i quit swimmimg but im just so self consious now and shes yelling at me for quiting and im just kinda sad and tired of acting happy and holding back tears and im venting rn but what do i do? ik some pple have it worse but it really bugs me even tho i should just let it go

i just hate that i dont care about what anybody else thinks except for my moms. her words really hurt.

3 Answers

  • 8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Go. Eat something. Now. And when your demands why, just say, "You are not in control of my life. You can't decide these things for me, and I won't allow you to tear me down and force me to go on diets to fit YOUR standards anymore. Congratulations - you've lost a daughter. But the real question is, do you even care? Or do you care about how people will talk?"

    Then calmly walk to your room and lock the door. While you're in there, eat some ice cream and read a sappy romance novel.

    Edit: By the way, your mom obviously knows nothing about dieting. You are supposed to eat around five meals a day of around 300 cals each, but you probably would need more-even for weightloss - because you are so active. If you don't have enough calories, you'll wreck your metabolism, gain weigh, and have weightloss problems for the rest of your life.

  • 8 years ago

    Dude omg if i were you i would punch her right in her JUDGEMENTAL FACE. Listen im 5'2 and like 150. And yet my mom doesnt yell at me for eating what i want. Youre UNDERWEIGHT. And im glad you dont care what anyone thinks, But of course your mothers words will hurt. Maybe you should speak to your dad, another family member and see if you can live with them, How old are you? If you let a family member know youre not happy im sure they'd understand. Your mom judges herself so she feels better judging you. I would hate her too, she has nobody to blame but herself. If she gets mad you quit swimming, dont even acknowledge shes there. Eat what you want!!! im serious chick. If she gets pissy, just say you'll stay healthy, but you dont need to diet when youre UNDERWEIGHT. Hunny you need to stand up for yourself sometimes, Disrespectful or not, she doesnt deserve respect treating you like that. Good luck, and its perfectly okay to dislike an evil woman.

  • 8 years ago

    Whoa! 5'4 and 120lbs! That's 10lbs under weight! DO NOT let your mom treat you like this! I realize she is your mother but she can't put you on a diet because SHE doesn't like YOUR weight or whatever.. Tell your mother that her words hurt! Communication!

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