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Lv 7
? asked in News & EventsCurrent Events · 8 years ago

Radio 4 today,"muslims come to the West to escape terrorism etc,.?

They come to be safe.

Why then do they bring the seeds of that terror with them ?

Nurture and protect it,then inflict the behaviour they apparently fled,on the new host nations ?

Blaming the host nation,when things go **** up.

What is the only common denominator around the World,where islam is in occupation ?

Their religion.

1 plus 1 does,very often,equal 2 !!

Isn't this obvious ?


I'm sorry Yollande,but why ' dollys '?

Probably thick Q of the day but,,,,,

14 Answers

  • 8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Muslims are practiced liars and deceivers,it is their make up and recommended by their religion,they came to the west to colonise,disrupt and spread Islam while destroying established nationalities and cultures and the fools in the are aiding with useful liberal idiots,political correctness and the false God called multiculturalism which is also a curse,Europe is the modern Tower of Babel and like the original tower will come crashing down destroying all European culture,history leaving a wasteland of brutish savages and deluded religious madmen,a 7th nightmare in a post modern schambles.

    When will the B.B.C cut the B.S and admit Islam is the enemy and the threat,wise up.

  • 8 years ago

    Muslims come to the west for the freebies.....they have brought the terrorism with them.

    Along with honour killings, child rape gangs, child marriage, forced marriage, acid attacks, bigamy, Intolerance, homophobia etc etc

    But they see themselves as victims and have a long history of making allegations of bigotry and racism.....coining islamaphobia as a term for anyone who is not pro Islam.

    It was the biggest mistake in Britain's history to allow millions of people from lawless countries where barbarism and intolerance are cultural 'traditions' ....and an arrogance to pick and choose which laws if the west to follow....

    Muslims end up causing problems with any society they enter enmasse.....when the numbers get big enough they start to flex their political muscles....sadly the liberal west has made it all too easy for them.

    Source(s): Kosovo.....stolen from the Serbs by immigrants from Albania.
  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    Regrettably when they turn up knocking on the door, they haven't got good/bad muslim stamped on their forehead.

    One of the killers of soldier Rigby is a Christian convert, he's been brain washed into believing anti-West rhetoric.

    Radicalised extremists are human weapons sent to attack & cause fear, they're doing a good job so far.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    Yes 99.9% of refugees that come here want to pick up new lives

    however their is 0.01% that believe it is acceptable to wage war aginst the nation that tried to help them in the first place.

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  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    what do you expect from a BBC radio channel lol the truth how come other non muslim immigrants do not act like barbarians.

  • 8 years ago

    In my View the Goverment has let to many people into the country .

    We should be looking after our on people, not letting more poeple into the country

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    They are dollys!

    @Gent dolly was the name of the first cloned sheep.

  • 8 years ago

    So who do you Blame when a Priest molests/abused a kid?


    The community

    The religion

    The nation

    The government

    Half world

    And do you expect to be accountable for his action and need to make a public statement about the event?

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    When the " good " muslims clean up their own dirt,I'll subscribe to the " minority are bad ",excuses.

    The " good " ones allow the " bad" to exist.

    That's aiding and abetting,by inaction.

    They " nurture " the seeds of Evil,which they bring with them.

    Kill off the " bad seeds ",then talk to me of muslim innocence.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    If you planted the seeds that way, it will grow the way as you wish for.

    Muslims are just a kids that needed a guide to adapt to the craziness of the modern world.

    I've been there and I can read their minds. :D

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