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Christians, What does "Even the demons believe and shudder" verse means?
I want to address a myth in Scripture today. We have often told that faith is not enough to save you. They argue that even Satan believes in God and thus faith is not enough.
So what does "Even the demons believe and shudder" verse means for you? :)
(James 2:19)
Bible puzzle #3
@Believe hijacked the what now? I used the word myth to portray that using james 2:19 for means to work/ as a call to perform.... which is a false teaching. ---much like james 2:24 and the rest.
====Answer to bible puzzle====
the primary concern of James was that the Hebrews keep their faith in Christ and that faith preserve over their former faith in the law of Moses.
Check this out. Primarily it was written to Jews and not Gentiles. Where we have gone wrong in reading this is that we have read this with the Gentile mindset.
“ James, a servant of God and of the Lord Jesus Christ,
To the twelve tribes scattered among the nations”
“Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, 3 because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. 4 Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything”
So the main aim here to encourage the Jews to keep faith in Jesus. James says here a person must not be double minded. What exactly is double-mindedness?
this admonishment has to do with Law and Grace. Here is how the Lord revealed it to me.
He actually says there are two kinds of law. One is the law of liberty. The perfect law. The word perfect here means “finished”. The completed law. James 1:25. In Chapter 2 he speaks about the “royal law” which is the Law of Moses i.e. “Love your neigbour as yourselves”. He ask u to obey the law of liberty not the law of Moses.
The Perfect Law and the Royal Law. What then is the Perfect Law?
Check this out in the Amplified Bible. James 1:25
Amplified Bible (AMP)
25 But he who looks carefully into the faultless law, the [law] of liberty, and is faithful to it and perseveres in looking into it, being not a heedless listener who forgets but an active doer [who obeys], he shall be blessed in his doing (his life of obedience).
The word for “faultless” there means “utterly completed” or “of full age” or “perfected”. In other words, “finished”. James is referring to the “completed law”, the Law which is fully fulfilled. He was referring to the finished work of Jesus, the Law of Christ not the Law of Moses.
James was referring to the Law that has been fully fulfilled in us when Jesus died for us.
Paul tells us that the righteous requirement of the law might be fulfilled in us who do not walk according to the flesh but according to the Spirit (Romans 8:4).
In the Amplified Romans 10:4 is translated this way: For Christ is the end of the Law [the limit at which it ceases to be, for the Law leads up to Him...
James is therefore not making reference to “keeping the Law of Moses” but rather “trusting in the completion of the Law” His Messiah.
Listen to the shift of emphasis here in James 1 right after he asks you to obey the Perfect Law of Christ.
26 “Those who consider themselves religious and yet do not keep a tight rein on their tongues deceive themselves, and their religion is worthless
He actually says when you obey part of the law of Moses, you are bound to obey the whole part of it.
“If you really keep the royal law found in Scripture, “Love your neighbor as yourself,”[a] you are doing right. 9 But if you show favoritism, you sin and are convicted by the law as lawbreakers. 10 For whoever keeps the whole law and yet stumbles at just one point is guilty of breaking all of it.
Does James ask you to obey this Law? No rather he is saying you are unable to obey this Law. This is because you break one you break all!
What then is the Law he asks you to obey? Let me tell you it is the Law of Liberty. The Perfect Law.
See James 2: “12 Speak and act as those who are going to be judged by the law that gives freedom, 13 because judgment without mercy will be shown to anyone who has not been merciful. Mercy triumphs over judgmen
So you can see here Paul and James are speaking about the same thing. Faith in the Law of Moses is nothing. You must believe the Gospel of Jesus Christ. When you have done that you have obeyed the Gospel. You have obeyed the Law of Liberty.
Jesus obeyed that law for you. He kept the law for you. What he is saying is this “the law of liberty” is the finished work for you. That is why he says faith without works is dead. It is not your work under the law. It is Jesus’s work. The work that comes by faith not faith the obedience of the Law of Moses.
Now look at this passage.
18 But someone will say, “You have faith (the Law of Moses); I have deeds (the Law of Liberty).”
Show me your faith without deeds, and I will show you my faith by my deeds. 19 You believe that there is one God. Good! Even the demons believe that—and shudder.
Hence when James say even the demons believed in one God, he is NOT saying the demons believe in God, but the demons believe in the 1st commandment, here O Isreal the Lord your God is one. That quotation “Believed in One God” in its Jewish context means the demons knows the Law.
“Deuteronomy 6:4-5
4 Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God is one Lord.
5 And thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thine heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy might.”
The demons do not believe in the law of liberty, the completed law. John says in 1 John 3:23, that law is the belief in Jesus.
The demons do not believe in that law. You see, John says when you believe in Jesus, he lives in God and God lives in him.
Hebrews 6:1
6 Therefore let us move beyond the elementary teachings about Christ and be taken forward to maturity, not laying again the foundation of repentance from acts that lead to death,[a] and of faith in God.
However, we are now the workmanship of God in Christ.
God’s handiwork means it is God who produces the works in you. Not you. So faith without works means “Faith in Moses, without the works produced by God!”
Remember James was writing to Jews. Their original trust was in the Law of Moses. That was their faith. The faith that was without works.
Hope that blesses you.
9 Answers
- Anonymous8 years agoFavorite Answer
You have hijacked the conversation. Using the word 'myth' shows that you have already closed yourself off to being teachable at the cost of your very soul. There will be no one to rescue you.
Edit: I apologize if I misunderstood. I'm not following what it is you want to know, obviously. Our relationship with God should be as loving kids... resting in his goodness.... trusting him. Any work we do is an expression of the new life we have had grow in us.
- ?Lv 45 years ago
i might agree. Rom 8:38-39 is an hermetic settlement from God to us. The term "baptizo' salvation being defined as being baptized into the keeping of the Holy Spirit, is a similar term interior the Greek used for ...say...baptizing a white dress in purple die. you could no longer eliminate the purple as quickly as the textile has been dyed. So the sovereign artwork of Christ, offered at an inestimable cost of his demise God has decreeded and could no longer replace. devil might desire to wreck yet can not however the human will can undo God will, The human will is greater advantageous than God grace The human will will tell God is blood grew to become into no longer intense priced sufficient, there's a sin that God's life blood would desire to no longer pay for. Sounds ridiculous while positioned that way So now I ask a arguable question... I Cor 5:5 5I have desperate to grant certainly one of those one to devil for the destruction of his flesh, so as that his spirit may well be saved interior the day of the Lord Jesus. His spirit is saved yet his flesh is destroyed. that would point out somebody died in sin yet his spirit grew to become into shop. Yours in Christ our Lord
- ?Lv 78 years ago
The verse to which you refer is but a small part of a longer message that actually starts in verse 14, and goes through to verse 26 -
Those are wrong who put a mere notional belief of the gospel for the whole of evangelical religion, as many now do. No doubt, true faith alone, whereby men have part in Christ's righteousness, atonement, and grace, saves their souls; but it produces holy fruits, and is shown to be real by its effect on their works; while mere assent to any form of doctrine, or mere historical belief of any facts, wholly differs from this saving faith. A bare profession may gain the good opinion of pious people; and it may procure, in some cases, worldly good things; but what profit will it be, for any to gain the whole world, and to lose their souls? Can this faith save him? All things should be accounted profitable or unprofitable to us, as they tend to forward or hinder the salvation of our souls. This place of Scripture plainly shows that an opinion, or assent to the gospel, without works, is not faith. There is no way to show we really believe in Christ, but by being diligent in good works, from gospel motives, and for gospel purposes. Men may boast to others, and be conceited of that which they really have not. There is not only to be assent in faith, but consent; not only an assent to the truth of the word, but a consent to take Christ. True believing is not an act of the understanding only, but a work of the whole heart. That a justifying faith cannot be without works, is shown from two examples, Abraham and Rahab. Abraham believed God, and it was reckoned unto him for righteousness. Faith, producing such works, advanced him to peculiar favours. We see then, Jam_2:24, how that by works a man is justified, not by a bare opinion or profession, or believing without obeying; but by having such faith as produces good works. And to have to deny his own reason, affections, and interests, is an action fit to try a believer. Observe here, the wonderful power of faith in changing sinners. Rahab's conduct proved her faith to be living, or having power; it showed that she believed with her heart, not merely by an assent of the understanding. Let us then take heed, for the best works, without faith, are dead; they want root and principle. By faith any thing we do is really good; as done in obedience to God, and aiming at his acceptance: the root is as though it were dead, when there is no fruit. Faith is the root, good works are the fruits; and we must see to it that we have both. This is the grace of God wherein we stand, and we should stand to it. There is no middle state. Every one must either live God's friend, or God's enemy. Living to God, as it is the consequence of faith, which justifies and will save, obliges us to do nothing against him, but every thing for him and to him.
. . .
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- keyjonaLv 78 years ago
When JESUS, on the cross, said "IT IS FINISHED" He meant it: The epistles and Revelation are not Gospel. The names were plagiarized on most of the epistles and REVELATION is a compilation of several works and authors, none of which had a thorough knowledge of the Gospel or the Bible.
- 8 years ago
To believe there is a God is not enough. The demons know God exists yet they continue to rebel against Him.
- 8 years ago
Faith without works is meaningless!
"He accepts faith as the basis for salvation but points out that there cannot be genuine faith that does not produce good works."
WT library
- ?Lv 58 years ago
The devil and demons have their fate already seals, but humans that are alive do not until they are dead.
- Anonymous8 years ago
It means even Atheists believe in God, and they fear Him.