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What if "God did it" is the correct answer for some things?

Science by having a priori (unproven assumption) that rules out including in any explanation of the evidence assures that scientists will have it wrong in every case where the correct answer is "God did it"!


BLUE That depends on what IT is.... but you have not answered the question!

Update 2:

Mitts: God of the gaps might only apply if God didn't do it... The question is what if God DID Do it? Apparently you are admitting that there will always be unanswered questions if that is the case. This then would stand as a good argument for science not being the sole arbiter of truth since by your own admission some truths are beyond science.

Update 3:

Zimmy: Not at all. I am saying if the evidence supports the assertion it should not automatically be discarded based on an unproven assumption... You could say I am asserting the opposite of what you say, I say follow the evidence where ever it leads, you say follow the evidence only if it leads where you like.

Update 4:

PaulB That's kind of the point, with a priori in place that rules out any explanation is not materialistic, even if there is evidence god did it, that interpretation of the evidence would be summarily dismissed regardless of it's validity.

Update 5:

PaulB. I am saying follow the evidence where ever it leads, even if that evidence leads to God. You are the one arguing for an exception!

Update 6:

Freethinking Liberal: From your own source: "A priori knowledge or justification is independent of experience" Independent of experience - or lacking evidence - or an assumption all amounts to the same thing a priori is something that is asserted without proof of being true!

Update 7:

Gandalf the black: I never said that it did or it would., I only asked, what if "God did it" is the correct answer? Would that not mean that Science by maintaining a priori that rules out God summarily even if the evidence supports the assertion would necessarily be wrong!

Update 8:

Bear1: If that is the case the priori of materialism is not necessary so why limit and hinder science with an unnecessary priori?

Update 9:

Zimmy: Again, if that is the case the the priori of materialism - or any other unproven assumption used when examining the evidence - is unnecessary and should be discarded.

The only reason modern science holds the priori of materialism is because atheists are afraid that the evidence might ultimately lead in a direction that does not agree with their world view. Science does not need such a priori, in fact such a priori hinders science.

14 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 5
    8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    That's an excellent point. It's ridiculous that our tax dollars are awarding grants and funding scientific research which excludes a very plausible and logical explanation - that of a higher intelligence. Why are people so full of pride that they won't even consider the possibility of a higher intelligence in the entire universe. Abiogenesis, still a hypothesis after over 100 years - I think 150, and the great majority of origin scientists have now agreed that it could not have happened by mere chance. So they are searching for an unknown factor such as a law of chemistry which will rescue them and their hypothesis. But what if that factor is God, which I believe it to be. They will ignore it and keep searching for what they want to find.

    Why is it ok for top atheist Lawrence Krauss of Arizona State to go down the road of Star Trek, claiming that robots will surpass humans in intelligence and will possess consciousness, and now he wants to make sure when they do achieve consciousness, that we change the definition of life to include them, because he suspects they will object if we don't. And forget Asimov's 3 laws of robotics to protect humans from his dreamed up world of computer life -- no, because it is not a bad idea to rid the world of humans in the long term future. I wonder who will choose which life should be done away with! Yes, and he is head of science depts. at Arizona State, the Origins Project, and has advised Congress on science education! And he is nuts. But nobody cares as long as a Higher Intelligence is not considered.

  • Paul B
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    If the answer was "Goddidit" then surely there would be evidence to support that answer.

    There isn't.

    It makes as much sense to ask "What if the answer is 'Zeusdidit?'"

    BTW, a priori means before the fact, usually regarding coming up with a conclusion before testing it. It's not generally encouraged in science but should be taken with a grain of salt in this instance. Firstly, science isn't in the business of dealing with God; its role is to explain the natural world. Secondly, assuming there is a natural explanation rather than God is exactly the same as assuming there is a natural explanation rather than leprechauns or pixies or fairies, an assumption I'm sure you would have no problem with... so why make an exception for God?

  • Paul
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    How would you know if it was the "correct" answer without evidence?


    By the way, science doesn't "rule out" anything, nor make any a priori assumptions. If you could demonstrate that "god did it" then it would be accepted. Trouble is, nobody can demonstrate any such thing -- they can only claim. And through history, a great many of those claims have been clearly shown false.

    oops again.

  • 8 years ago

    1 a priori does not mean unproven assumption. Read:

    As for the rest of your question(?) I suggest you read up science.

    "God did it" is just a lazy and superstitious cop out.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    So basically you're just saying that scientists should automatically set " god did it" to default until proven otherwise?

    Edit: scientists don't follow their evidence to where they want it to lead, they follow it to where ever it becomes an indisputable fact. That doesn't mean the scientist wanted or knew it would end up that way, it just turned out that way.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    The correct answer cannot be considered to be 'God did it' until there is evidence of gods. Once there is, then there is some sense in making a hypothesis about things they might have done.

  • 8 years ago

    Science explains the 'how' and God explains the 'why'. Modern science is born from religion, there's no conflict.

  • 8 years ago

    That still wouldn't prove that anyone knows what God wants or if he even desires anything from us. Why does an omnipotent being have unachieved goals?

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    It can't be..since No valid testable evidence shows a god exists!

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    Thor and his five brother-gods did it.

    Just as plausible.

    Edit #2: I sure am glad you're not working on the cure for cancer.

    Source(s): Actually, the seven magical unicorns did it. Still just as plausible as your god.
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