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Gandalf the black

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  • What's the difference between religion and mythology?

    I'd say just about a few thousand years. All beliefs seem to follow the same pattern. First they start out as cults, just a couple of crazy people with some wild ideas but no one really takes them seriously. Then if it survives long enough to be accepted within society it becomes a religion. After centuries of cultural appropriation, translations, denominations, eventually it grows into something unrecognizable, at least to its original followers. Where it is then decided if we as a society should abandon the belief all together, or simply call it by a different name. At this point it becomes a mythology. 

    The process can take a millennium but it is an inevitability. With all the denominations within Christianity eventually the believers are gonna have to give up pretending like they know who's right. There will be so called "Christians" that don't even think Jesus was the son of God. Honestly I don't know how anyone can call themselves a Christian with a straight face these days knowing it's just a shell of its former self. Do they stand for anything positive anymore or is all just protesting gay marriage and abortion clinics? 

    9 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 hours ago
  • Can diversity be a bad thing? Racist people, why do we need to keep the races pure?

    Can the fight for diversity turn just as ugly as the fight for white supremacy? Suppose a mixed race dictator rose to power and started killing all purebreds. Only families of interracial relationships would be safe. The KKK and Black Panthers would have to join forces to defeat him. Nature seems to crave diversity but it also breeds chaos. However, through the madness it also grows stronger as it adapts. Smarter as it learns from its mistakes. This is why sexual reproduction has an evolutionary advantage over asexual reproduction. Why do we as human beings want everything to be the same? Is it just for the sake of comfort? The irony of mixing together is that in the end, we all become part of a whole and therefore are collectively the same. Should this be the goal, separate but equal doesn't seem to work? Ultimately it's about comprise. Everyone loses something, but in exchange we get to live in harmony with each other as a result. 

  • Religious people why is the afterlife so segregated?

    If you think about life on Earth there are so many different types of living things. Plants, animals, microscopic organisms and yet I'm supposed to believe there are only humans in heaven? Even among us humans there are so many different cultures and lifestyle choices that coexist on one planet. Both good and evil people are held accountable for their actions without having to be separated by different dimensions. So why can't it be this way after death? Why should I assume there is only straight people in heaven, or only Muslims, no Christians, Jews and gays? This is as ridiculous as saying there are only men in heaven or only black people. Is diversity a sin? What about the handicapped? Do the mentally challenged even have souls if animals do not? If God expected us all to share the same universe while we were alive why should that change when we're dead?

    6 AnswersReligion & Spirituality10 hours ago
  • Fellow Christians, I had a dream about Thor and he spoke to me. I also hear his voice in my head. Is this enough proof of his existence?

    That seems to be all the proof you need that your God is real. So who are you to tell me Thor isn't? I know it's strange, if he can talk to me surely he can speak to you as well but for some reason he chooses not to. This doesn't change the fact that Thor exists. At least based on your logic. How can I be wrong and you are right? Anyone can tell a story about a disembodied voice in the sky that only prefers to talk in private for some reason. If God wanted to make his presence known, I'm sure he can do so effortlessly. According to the bible, he's done so many times before. Why is it my job to find him?

    4 AnswersReligion & Spirituality11 hours ago
  • Is reputation more important than love?

    I'm sure there are a lot people out there in secret relationships putting unnecessary strain on hiding how they feel about each other from the public. No one should be ashamed of being in love with a person. Why should others get to express love while some have to hide it? Even if someone personally thinks you're amazing, they may not hang out with you simply based on who your friends are. Embarrassment is the greatest tool for a break up. We all have our closets and insecurities and to reveal them to another human being shows our greatest weakness. Does it take longer to recover from a broken heart or a bad reputation?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating2 days ago
  • Are relationships really based on love?

    Everyone says it is, but if people were really honest with themselves I think they'd realize their relationships are actually based on status quo, reputation, and money. Love is no different than any other human emotion. Sometimes you're angry, sometimes you're sad, other times you're happy, but you're not supposed to feel any one way all of the time, that includes feelings of love. If you think love lasts forever you are delusional. Even if it could, it shouldn't as this would be unnatural. The Beetles were wrong, love is not all you need for a relationship to work. It can't always be sunshine and rainbows, the party has to end at some point. Is it really your spouse's charming personality that keeps you from getting a divorce or are you simply afraid of loosing the house, car, and becoming a single parent, until one day you decide to overcome that fear? Love fades, it is pretty much an inevitability, yet no one prepares you for it. Nobody warns you about this, but they are quick to wish you the best of luck in your future together as if everything is just gonna work out perfectly solely because you want it to. 

    Am I being too pessimistic or just thinking realistically? If you marry simply because you're in love it just seems like you are setting yourself up for failure. Can we have a real discussion on what to do when the love just isn't there anymore, because that day will come, it's simply a matter of time? It's not always someone's fault, this is just human nature.

    4 AnswersPsychology5 days ago
  • Do gay men and straight women find the same parts of a man attractive?

    How can this be if the male brain and female brain are so different? You don't think lesbians know how to think like a man? Doesn't masculinity mean the same thing to both genders and all sexualities? Is racism a feminine trait? Women are usually the first ones to judge your entire character based simply on how you look. When did it become acceptable for women to objectify men?

  • Religious people and atheists, Even if there is a God why assume he still exists today? ?

    All children eventually learn how to survive without their parents. Mom and dad don't have to constantly be alive for you to continue breathing. So why do people believe God has to exist simply because the universe does? Humanity certainly behaves like an orphan who wants to learn more about his birth mother and father. Would you let your child smoke heroin right in front of you? If there is such a thing a divine supervision why would God simply watch as people sinned in his face and do nothing about it?

    12 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 week ago
  • Does anyone really care about equality anymore or are we all just fighting to get on top?

    If everyone is talking all at once no one's voice will ever be heard. That is the secret behind free speech. If you are already the one on top is it wrong to fight in order to keep the title or does everyone deserve a seat on the throne eventually? The rich get richer and the poor get poorer. Some of the hardest workers make the least amount of money while companies pay their CEO's to go on vacation for an entire year. Oh but that's just the way things are, what you gonna do about it? Which is the bigger problem in society, obesity or homelessness? Who's more likely to get help? Why is it socially acceptable to judge dirty and ugly people but not a fat person? 

    4 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 week ago
  • Why do men always have to be the adults in the room while women get to act like overgrown children and everyone thinks it's cute?

    How is it that a woman can essentially admit to being crazy and she's not put on constant supervision or medication? Too many people think it's normal for women to just behave irrationally and no one does anything about it because that's "just how they are". 

    For hundreds of years ladies have been trying to convince the world they aren't crazy. Being accused of being witches and demons simply because it was that time of the month. I believe in equal rights however there is a reason the mentally insane aren't given the same privileges as everyone else. 

    So if we are just gonna accept that all women are crazy and there's nothing we can do about it, why should they have the same rights as men? At least when a man does something crazy he is held accountable for his actions. Why is it socially acceptable for women to not think logically? How can a woman ever hope to be taken seriously if she refuses to act like a rationally thinking adult? 

    I suppose from her perspective it's all the men who are crazy. So far, mass shootings have only been committed by males and perhaps its the men who literally driving women crazy. However at the end of the day, maturity and masculinity go hand in hand. Society never really expects women to be responsible, they do so to be noticed and not get treated like another ditzy blond. Why is this ok?

    3 AnswersGender Studies2 weeks ago
  • Gun owners, why start a mass shooting, knowing we have a democratic president looking for any excuse to ban all firearms?

    I'm no republican or NRA lobbyist, but even I think it would be a bad time to give these politicians a reason to outlaw guns. Considering how many mass shootings have been on the news with the attacker never really getting what he wanted, why would anyone want to attempt another one? Are they trying to break a record? Even if you hate Jews, what are you hoping to accomplish by blowing up a synagogue as if it's the only one? So you kill a bunch of of them only to spend the rest of your life in prison, while the surviving Jews get to roam free from your wrath. Why throw your freedom away committing such a meaningless crime? Do they not dream big enough? 

    Instead of shooting up a massage parlor, you could become president and nuke China. Why doesn't anyone think like that? At this point, can anyone really blame liberals for the stupidity of gun owners? Conservatives, if firearms do become illegal it will be your fault for ignoring this problem for so long. If all gunmen are just mentally insane why aren't they sent to an asylum rather than a prison?

    3 AnswersPolitics2 weeks ago
  • Ladies please be honest, do you really want a guy with a good personality or would you just settle for a pretty face and walking piggy bank?

    This is essentially an anonymous forum so there's no need to lie. I'm just tired of women claiming they want a nice guy only to end up with some jerk with abs and a 401k. When did it become socially acceptable to objectify men? They are human beings with emotional needs too. How many women are guilty of doing the very things they complain that men have done to them? How many wives will tolerate abuse as long as the husband continues paying the mortgage? Sure, males are far from perfect but what makes you think females are any better? 

    For hundreds of years, women have been trying to convince the public they weren't crazy, so they could stop being accused of being witches. Now, we have girls who openly admit that they can't or simply won't think logically and no one does anything about it. I have always been a supporter of equal rights. However there is a reason why the mentally insane don't have the same privileges as the rest of us. They would become danger to themselves and the rest of society. So if you ladies really want to convince the world that you're just too crazy to be held accountable for your actions, why do you deserve the same rights as a rationally thinking man?

    16 AnswersGender Studies2 weeks ago
  • Religious people, how can I send myself to hell if I don't even know where it's located?

    When you get lost I'm sure you wish you could just send yourself home. Kinda hard to do that if you don't even know where home is. That is the very definition of what means to be lost. Yet instead of helping those of us who are lost you choose to ridicule and persecute, but you think you're going to heaven? What makes you so certain? Your GPS hasn't been updated in over 2,000 years. How do you know it still works?

    12 AnswersReligion & Spirituality3 weeks ago
  • Scientifically speaking, are all men transgender?

    All babies start out female in the womb, until an X chromosome decides to mutate or not. It's the only reason men have nipples. Perhaps there is some truth to the statement when a man says he was "supposed to be" a woman. The same argument can't be made for transmen however. So what's their excuse? Did nature "make a mistake" with them too, forcing a person to be born into the wrong body?

  • "If there is no God it would be necessary to invent one"- Voltaire. Atheists, would you agree with this statement, if not then why?

    There are many people who feel like without religion they would become mass murdering rapists. Why would you take away the only thing that is keeping millions of believers sane and docile members of society doing their best to give back to society? Imagine all of the monsters you'd unleash on to the world simply removing the fear of God from the public's perspective. Sure not everyone will react in such a negative way, but the majority will and we may not survive the fallout. 

    Would you really want this to happen? It would be like trying to run the country with an entire branch of government missing. Would you agree that losing one's faith can potentially be as mentally damaging as becoming indoctrinated? Just as in some other cases, I'm sure it can be very therapeutic to convert or leave a religion. These transition periods are never easy and yet they are so common. What helpful tips would you give to someone going through such times? Honestly I can't confirm nor deny the existence of God. I just don't think he can be relied on. Which is why I'd rather ask random strangers on the internet questions like this.

    11 AnswersReligion & Spirituality3 weeks ago
  • Religious people, if you can't prove the existence of Satan what makes you think you can prove the existence of God?

    What's the difference between an earthquake caused by the devil or a tornado formed by God? Why can't these two simply fight amongst each other and leave humanity out from their petty squabbles? It's none of our business, why should we get involved, inserting ourselves between an unending battle of superior beings? What makes the human soul so valuable? Isn't all life precious? Does it not deserve the same amount of protection as mankind? Shouldn't all animals be held accountable for their actions, not just humans? With such a vast universe out there, why does everything have to be about us?

    8 AnswersReligion & Spirituality3 weeks ago
  • How can women go on Facebook complain about the lack of dominant men but then get excited watching videos of men proposing on their knees?

    One of the most submissive things a man can do is propose marriage. Society makes it seem like this is what most women want but if this is true why don't they act like it? Being Mr.Sensative is a huge turn off yet Hollywood is always pushing this idea that women find emotional men attractive. When in reality, nothing could be further from the truth. Why does it seem like in many ways men are constantly being set up for failure? We are brought up to believe so many things about women only to discover most of it is all lies. Women are not instinctively more compassionate or caring. They can be as cold-hearted or evil as any man. Perhaps even worse. They are not better communicaters, you are expected to just know what they want without ever having a conversation about it. Never ask questions always assume, but you better make the correct assumption or there'll be hell to pay. 

    Whenever there's a problem within society it always the men's fault because women can do no wrong. I'm so tired of this narrative. I'm not suggesting we should just blame everything on women either. Isn't there enough blame to go around or does it have to be 100 percent your fault vs. 100 percent mine? Could it be no one's fault? How can we get women to also actually care about what men want instead of just the men caring about what women want? At the very least, shouldn't our actions be meant to attract those of whom we desire? Would a man go to a gay bar to meet women?

    1 AnswerGender Studies3 weeks ago
  • Religious people, why was religion used as a tool for segregation if it's supposed to bring people together?

    For over 400 years and counting it has been a widely held belief that black people were put on earth by God to serve the white man. Whenever I hear Christians speak of heaven it sounds like 1950's America, a utopia for only a select few while everyone else suffers, and this is supposed to seem appealing to me? When did diversity become such a bad thing, why should everything be the same way? Why even bother separating good from evil in the afterlife if we can all coexist here on Earth? Historically, we used to believe in just one underworld, but this did not prevent you from being judged accordingly for your actions. Why must there be a special place for Christians, Jews, or Muslims where only they are allowed to be there? I may be an atheist but that doesn't mean I want everyone around me to be a nonbeliever. I think you can learn a lot from those who are different from you. How would that be possible if everybody acted the same? How could you grow as person living this way? 

    8 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 month ago
  • Religious people, is it impossible to be a white Muslim or a black Jew?

    I thought religion was about you what you believed in not your skin color. If so, why is it so difficult to find white Muslims and black Jews?

    18 AnswersReligion & Spirituality2 months ago
  • Why do so many people act childish in porn if it's supposed to be viewed by adults?

    Is there a porno out there with a complex theme that only adults would understand? Something about religion, science, or politics in which the actors don't feel like one dimensional characters. Imagine watching a porno that blows your mind as well as your load and you actually learn a thing or two while masturbating. An 1800's period piece that isn't afraid to offend people showing a master having sex with his slave. Are we supposed to pretend this is not apart of our history and these things didn't happen? Why is is so difficult to find a porno that makes a real statement? You don't need high production value to tell a good story. Am I asking for too much? 

    6 AnswersEtiquette2 months ago