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What Fallout DLC Should I Get?

When I first fell in love with the Fallout games, I could only get a few DLCs because they were all $20. But now I've gone back to Fallout and want something new to explore while I wait patiently for Fallout 4. Plus the DLCs are $5 and $10 dollars now, which is a lot better.

Number these DLCs from best to worst. (I have the other ones):

Mothership Zeta, Operation: Anchorage, The Pitt, Dead Money, and Honest Hearts.


I know I could just buy the GOTY editions, but I already have both games. I do not want to go to the store or order it online, because I want to play it now.

Update 2:

Plus I already have 50$ on my PSN account.

Update 3:

Oh my god you people suck at reading the question.

4 Answers

  • 8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    That depends. In Fallout 3, your best bets to download would be to download the DLC Broken Steel. This DLC extends your level cap and doesn't kill you at the end of the game, you are simply put into a two week coma. This, and the Mother Ship Zeta DLC. On Mother Ship Zeta, you have access to stronger, powerful weapons from the alien race. Plus, it reminds me of Independence Day. In Fallout New Vegas, the DLC you would want to get, hard to choose from. The DLC's are made in a way so you have to buy them in order. Honest Hearts, Old World Blues, Dead Money, and Lonesome Road. If you had to choose, I would pick the first two.

  • 8 years ago

    I think the Pitt. You get an ammo converter, you can convert ammo into other types.

  • 8 years ago

    old world blues, its lika a 1950s scfi movie

    Source(s): loved it
  • 8 years ago

    i got all of them and the game for $20 ....

    i would just do that

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