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how is the education system racists towards blacks?

i hear a lot of rappers from ice cube, dr dre Snoop Dogg etc etc etc saying it's a white education system and it's geared towards whites.

i wonder if blacks would like to go back to the time there was only blacks in one class and whites in another.

but then years later then start dating/marrying a white person who was brought up on this so called white education system this is not kind of hypocritical


i never said anything about black salves it's not the white educations fault their are no black teachers that is down to the blacks themselves if they want to get into teaching they can if they don't then that's down to you cannot blame anyone but themselves

Update 2:

So if a black man/women have to work harder then it is right to have a black man/women put into a job where he has unless experience then a white man/women just to please statistics and the bullocks we have to put up with today

Update 3:

Psychosis how am i lying there are tons of blacks rappers who said that go look it up you are imbecile. if you don't listen to rap then you have no say. go watch boyz n the hood and they refer to the education system being racists

Update 4:

then Ash them teachers should be kick out of school for doing that that's the school fault No one else s

3 Answers

  • 8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Woah woah. Hold up. Black people are not saying that they have a problem with white people, (and so SHOULD have no problem with interracial marriage,) what black people have a problem with is the evident overshadowing fact that society is still facing racial inequality, although it is better than before. Obviously black people don't want to go back to a time when they are made servants/ slaves or given menial jobs, are you kidding?!. But examples of inequality in society? 2008 saw its first black president, with all before being purely white...if equality was 100% that date would be a lot sooner. Example 2. I go to a private school, with over 500 students, I can count the number of black students on 2 hands- not forgetting that there are no black teachers whatsoever. Now don't get me wrong I'm not accusing my school of being racist, however, sadly society still has an ingrained idea that whites are more favourable, not outwardly though, and so often, blacks have to work that bit harder to prove that they are equal in ability if not better (in some cases, obviously not all).

    Source(s): I'm black myself
  • ?
    Lv 6
    8 years ago

    Yep. It's hypocritical. Black Rappers are merely entertainers in it for the $$$.They have made fortunes and I've never heard of one spending $$$ to get a good education for an impoverished Black youth. The Feds and individual States have spent billions trying to educate inner city Blacks. Once in aehile a man like Dr. Ben Carson rises to the top through this system. And even frauds like our current POTUS.

  • 8 years ago

    Jesus Christ where do people get this stuff?

    please tell me what lyrics you're referring to , i would love to see them,instead thinking you're a liar who are just randomly picked rappers names,because i don't even think ice cube raps anymore, then again i don't listen to hip hop so i don't know.

    the education system is not the problem , its the class system that keeps a lot of aspiring brother and sisters down. as you already know they have school on the "white" side if town thats predominately white of course , then you have have schools on the black side of town that if course is predominately black.

    this is the problem and why people say that educational system is racist. the system is not racist just grossly one sided. when one race (whites)is over the school boards and government funding of course their going to make sure their kids get properly educated in safe neighborhoods, and well built clean schools.

    then there the other race my my race that breaks my heart . a lot of my race it hurts me to admit it is in ghetto mentality. half the parent only make their kids go to school because its required for them to be in school to get government assistance. a lot of my people aren't even trying to raise their kids right so the kids go to school driving the teachers.already the black schools have disadvantage because black politicians don't care about black people and send their kids to white schools, so they have no political backing and you have frustrated underpaid teachers who don't give a damn, and you have student which 90% won't graduate because of this system. no one wakes up and realize we have a problem .

    anyway i said all that to say the system is not racist towards blacks just extremely biased. but a lot of black people don't care, the blacks on top sell out,and the ones on the bottom don't try anymore and neither one cares to help the other.

    @Tony, i'm an imbecile for you to show me a specific instance to prove your point ? show me something recent and relevant, not something that came out almost 20 years ago. plus i answered your question you just didn;t read it.

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