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Is it a good idea to take all honors?

I'm home schooled and this will be my first year in high school, is it hard??? I haven't gotten my EOG's back yet so I don't even know if I qualify! If I do is it a good idea to even do it??? Advice needed!!!! Thanxs!!!

2 Answers

  • 8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    I am, but people call me a tryhard and my parents get upset if I don't take them and not get straight A's, so I'm taking 4 honors and 1 AP. Good luck and have fun in your high school experience.

  • 8 years ago

    its your fist year in high school so maybe take one or two advanced classes.. if u think you can handle more go for it but i think u should focus on the main honor subjects (math and science) you will need those in the future! good luck

    Source(s): me
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