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Do you believe racism against white people is a thing?

The two main arguments to this that I've heard are that prejudice against someone based on skin color and actual *racism* are two very different things. But then the other argument I've heard is that the definition of racism *is* prejudice against someone based on skin color. So based on the former argument, racism against white people does not happen. In the latter argument, it does.

What do you think? Do you feel like white people claiming that racism happens to them too is legitimate, or that it's a total joke? Do you have any additional points to make on the issue?

I'm personally somewhat undecided about it. I feel like racism against white people *can* happen, but that in most of the cases what most white people complain about and claim to be racism, it's really not. Like, when I'm in my school, which is a very PoC dominated school, and I get called "that white hoe" or "snowflake" I don't feel like this is actually racism. It might be a little rude, and possibly offensive based on your mindset, but I don't think it's racism in the same way that it's racism for a cop to pull over and search a black person's person and car for no legitimate reason.

So anyway, yeah. What do you think? Do white people not truly have a full understanding of what racism *really* is? Do we just go by the dictionary definition of it and think we know all about what it is and what it feels like simply because we've occasionally experienced some unkindness from a person of color?

BQ: What about sexism against men?

Thank you for your answers! :)


I'm sorry, I Beez a Egyptian, but that's a *bit* of an exaggeration to say white people are more discriminated than anyone else. The amount of things I get away with every single day simply because I'm white is astounding, and I would be lying to say that I don't take advantage of it. I might not be up to any good, but nobody suspects that I'm up to no good because I look like the innocent white girl. If I were black, even if I *was* doing something completely innocent, I'd get stopped and questioned and even harassed.

And I just have to ask, what rights do white people *not* have that you seem to think every other race does?

12 Answers

  • 8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    You must me kidding, White people are the MOST discriminated race these days, with all this affirmative action and Black (em)POWER(ment) that the media is forcing us to swallow, no one care about Whites is all about blacks and their rights but What about the rights of Whites, I DO understand what racism is.

  • 8 years ago

    Well, I know it does happen because I am White and I have been discriminated against quite a few times. Racism can be against any person, saying that a certain race cannot be racist is racism in itself. You say "and I get called "that white hoe" or "snowflake" I don't feel like this is actually racism" well it is. If it were the other way around, would it be racism? If you called a Black person the equivalent of that, would it be racism? If so, than it is racism against you. Why would it be different to call a White person that than a Black person? Really how is it different from a police officer stopping a Black driver? Would that have a worse emotional effect on the Black driver than it would have on a person who is called names or insulted because of how they look? Also, White people have actually been attacked and killed for being White by Blacks like in the 1980's in Los Angeles. So of course there is racism against white people. Racism is not group to group, but rather individual against individual. Races do not exist, only individuals exist. Can you touch a race? Same for sexism, it is and can be against either gender.

  • 8 years ago

    There tends to be racism in all races. The current issue are those who pretend to be victimized by it like the Jesse Jacksons, Al Sharptons, and radical Muslims. When I go to NY's chinatown, the merchants will always help a chinese first. Blacks, Indians, Hispanics (depending on pureness of race), whites in New Mexico and parts of Texas, also. Racism is everywhere. I speak with my wallet. People have the right to like or dislike anyone they desire.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    Every race experiences racism but for some reason white people get let off easily

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  • Lorna
    Lv 6
    8 years ago

    Racism is discrimination based on skin color and sexism is discrimination based on gender, therefore anyone could experience it even if white people and men are less likely to. Just because it's uncommon does not mean it doesn't exist.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    Of course. Anyone can experience racism, but there isn't institutionalised racism against white people in North America, Australia, and Europe, but there certainly is in Asia.

  • 8 years ago

    Yes, racism against white people IS a thing. Nowadays, there's more racism against white people than there is racism against black people. If it wasn't, I wouldn't of said it. Oh, and I agree 100% with what I beez Egyptian said.

  • 8 years ago

    It is true.. Everyone has gone through racism.. Its not just black people you do realise that?

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    When you hear a voice out of the darkness saying "Whatchoo all doin' here, white boy?" then you will know it's a real thing.

  • Anonymous
    6 years ago

    No, there's no racism against whitey, whitey created it themselves.

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