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Hypothetical question. So, once the Palestinians had Gaza they insisted that ALL jews leave and Abbas?

has stated that once the west bank is part of a Palestinian state he will insist that ALL jews leave or be kicked out too.

Why then would it not be fair for all Palestinians be required to leave Israel at the same time?

I understand that some of you may say that those jews in the west bank that are new settlers should leave.... however not ALL the jews in the west bank are new settlers. What about the thousands who have lived there since before 1948?


Interesting how pro pals dont actually say whether it would be fair or not, and why.

And they dont address the fact that many jews have lived here before the advent of zionism.

Update 2:

Resorting to the "khazar" theory to back up all of your arguments just shows that you dont have an argument at all. Lets say hypothetically for just one moment that all jews from europe have a khazar background, what about the more than 50% of jews living in israel who are NOT of european background. 'The ones who have never left israel ( like one side of my fathers family who have lived in sfat and jerusalem for what we can trace over a 1000 years and no evidence that they ever lived anywhere but israel). what about the jews who came to israel from iraq, iran, yemen, morocco, tunisia, egypt, syria etc. no khazar background there.... so sorry the khazar theory doesnt cover it.

i notice that still noone who is pro pal has said whether it would be fair for israel to do the same to them as they are doing in gaza and want to do in the west bank.

i suspect that once again they expect double standards as they do with the rest of the world. one rule for everyone else and them

4 Answers

  • TNO
    Lv 7
    8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    It's against Israeli law to enforce these things. You can't force certain religious groups or ethnicities to leave because of this.

    I say don't stoop down to their level. Israel is more moral than what they suggest.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    8 years ago

    No, it's not their fault. If Abbas wants to kick all the Jews out, he can forget about any agreement.

    Oh look, Trancy called you Khazar.


    Neither "Yotom" or "Khazar" are parts of my name.


    I've never denied that I'm Yotam. One of you got my other account suspended for nothing, and I still want it back and I also want to know who it was.

    Sorry, none of my family is in your bullshit links.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    They are not settlers, they are illegal colonizers. Thieves get punished not pampered.

    Khazar: "Interesting how pro pals dont actually say whether it would be fair or not, and why"

    They are not settlers, they are illegal colonizers. Thieves get punished not pampered.

    Khazar: "And they dont address the fact that many jews have lived here before the advent of zionism"

    We constantly expose the following non native khazars:;_ylt=Avz7g...

    Encyclopaedia Judaica 1971

    Jewry: Migration 04: Jewish illegal immigration to Palestine since 1882 -

    and Cyprus 1930s-1948: 115,000

    How Haganah and Mosad organized illegal refugee ships - the Arabs are not asked - the measures of the British

    presented by Michael Palomino (2007)

    Exiled to Palestine: The Emigration of Zionist Convicts From The Soviet Union 1924-1934

    Ziva Galili y Garcia, Boris Morozov


    Now be a good Zionist shill and close the sincere question.

    Yotom L Khazar,

    Shill some where else boat spill.

    Everyone here knows you are Yotom L khazar, see my links...look for your grandparents instead of Waldo.

    You Hasberd "Neither "Yotom" and that is denial, but do not worry, I will always remember you and your ilk as Khazars, and I am certain if you pay enough attention to my links you will see your Khazary grandparents or great grandparents.

    Source(s): Sykes & Picot, 1916 Balfour, 1917 Annakbah, 1948 Annaksah, 1967 Freedom, - - - -
  • 8 years ago

    It should be stated in terms of all criminal Zionists.

    There are good, honest Jews. Jews are not the problem. It is the fundamentally unjust ideology called Zionism that is the issue.

    Palestinians as a group did not take part in a war crime while within the Zionists regime so they should not be punished like the illegal settlers should be.

    In fact even though the criminal colonists should be punished - if they would just leave, that would be a great reward for Palestinians and the whole world would cheer to have the "misguided ones" get out of where they have no right to be.

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