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michael971 asked in SportsBaseball · 8 years ago

What was your first baseball game as a kid?

Mine was in 1961. Red Sox vs Yankees at Fenway Park. Yogi Berra hit a home run into screen over the left field wall. (Where the Monster Seats are now)

7 Answers

  • 8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Awesome question! I'm 34, so my memorable game was Game 1 of the 1988 World Series between the Dodgers and A's. An injured Kurt Gibson was put in the lineup by Lasorda during the bottom of the 9th, and he blasted a homerun to give L.A. the victory. Dodgers won their second (and last) Fall Classic under Tommy Lasorda. I was a huge Fernando Valenzuela fan as a kid, although he spent much of the '88 season in Mexico when his father got very ill and eventually died.

    Go Blue!

  • 5 years ago

    How tall are you that this is even an limitation? You should not have to push a kid outta the right way to get a foul ball...Just reach over his head and grab it. But if a kid is racing to a ball on the ground, it's his cuz he's toward the bottom. And you can look like an @ss seeking to get the ball away from the child.

  • 8 years ago

    2007- Tigers beat Yankees in Detroit. All runs scored on homeruns including inside the park homerun by Curtis Granderson.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    Twins vs yankees. Kirby Puckett was killing the yanks. In Yankee stadium. I liked 7. Now I'm 25. Time flies

  • 8 years ago

    Mine was in 2003 and it was the tigers! I got to go on a field trip to see it during the summer! To bad I had a pole right in front of me the whole game. I got a free hot dog and drink! With no clue of what was going on.

  • Foxx
    Lv 6
    8 years ago

    1965-Crosley Field, Reds vs Phillies-don't remember exact date-still have the now bad shape Red's hat.

  • 8 years ago

    Mine was in 1966. We called it 'rounders'.

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