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Why Didnt God save the Jews in the Death camps in Poland ?

Why di he let his chosen People die there ?

16 Answers

  • Zvi
    Lv 7
    8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    There is no satisfying answer to that question. People of good will have been asking themselves why for generations. This is the question of theodeicy.

  • 8 years ago

    When you read the old testament, you find a story about God choosing the Jews as His chosen people, then having to deal with them all of the time, since they're just like all other people-stubborn, self-centered, closed-minded, wanting their own way in life, etc.

    So, in order to establish the fact that He wanted them to know Him and follow Him closely, He let them reap from their choices. Usually they would repent as a nation and return to Him and be restored, etc.; often they were reduced to only a remnant, but they always came back strong.

    The same scenario is going on now; ever since they chose, as a nation, to reject God's chosen Messiah, Yeshua, they have been in a state of "correction", to put it in a positive light. As usual, He is allowing them to be persecuted by their enemies, etc., and yes, it means that individuals are suffering, and I do have a hard time accepting that. However, I know that we are all one with God, so actually we all suffer when anyone else suffers; the whole body needs healing and transformation, and that's in process right now.

    Anyway, when the "fullness of the gentiles" happens (Romans 11:25), then God will restore all Israel to Himself by causing them to "be grafted back into" the olive branch.

    So, see yourself and others as one huge body, with some broken limbs, poor eyesight and hearing, and other problems that make life hard- still looking to God for healing and restoration, which He promises that He will do. Ultimately we all will be not only okay, but wonderful and perfect.

    Source(s): Looking at the whole picture- the long view.
  • 8 years ago

    God has given us free will, and allowed us to make choices. He could not and would not interfere. Life happens, and that's how God's plan works. He didn't make the death camps happen. That was hatred at work. Slowly but surely I find the US in a comparable place, where government is taking over. I don't expect God to change that. Only we can do that. Trouble is, like in history, half of the people will deny it's happening, until it's too late, and then they will blame it all on God.

    Source(s): History
  • ?
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    God loves people, his creation. If one would expect God to play favorites of one type of people over another, God would be severely an unfair and debauched concept of creator for all.

    As Martin Luther King or Kermit the Frog might have said" How can God help a people if the problem with these people are people?!"

    Tanks, tanks, and matching unstew (ratatatat)

    P.S. We got there as fast as we could.

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  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    Do some homework and you will find that the Jews were hounded from England to Russia and all of Europe from about 900 to the present in many ways. There was more than one holocaust.

    Besides Hitler merely expedited on a grander scale what had been decided and undertaken in the UK and USA for the previous century. Romanies, gypsies were also persecuted.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    With every trial and tribulation that God has allowed to occur on the Jewish people a blessing also has occurred. From Noah to Jesus the Bible show many accounts of where the Jewish people turned away from Him! Isaiah helped me put that into perspective! Persecution for the believer Jewish or Gentile! Gentiles are just called people and we have faced things too.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    Because there is no god.

    Believers will say that that would have violated the Nazi's free will, ignoring all the other times in the Bible God violated free will, like when He hardened the Pharoah's heart or flooded the Earth killing children and babies and unborn.

  • ILTG
    Lv 5
    8 years ago

    I feel really sad for those people in the Nazi's death camps but there's nothing as God's chosen people .it's just a joke .

  • 8 years ago

    God saved the ones that he needed, (Correy Ten Boom was there for some time but did not get killed)

    also when Jesus came to earth 2000 years ago the Jews rejected him and did not believe he was the messiah. and Gods wrath is never something small

    Source(s): My dad is a Pentecostal Holiness preacher
  • Nekoni
    Lv 6
    8 years ago

    Do you have any idea how bad it is to lie and say that it was their fault when their grandkids are here? Come on man, get some common decency and treat your fellow humans with compassion. I'm an atheist and that answers this question.

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