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? asked in HealthDiseases & ConditionsDiabetes · 8 years ago

Tips on getting blood drawn?

Ok so my doctor said due to my symtoms I have a blood Disease. I'm 13and haven't had my blood talked since I was 5 and I have to get it taken today and I'm freaking out. I was a vegetarian previously so my doctor told me last year to get it taken and I tried but I got kicked out of 2 blood labs. My mothers making me this time because they already ruled out an iron deficiency and she's afraid it's like lukemea or something

I am deathly afraid I cry thinking about it please help me!!!!

5 Answers

  • 8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    I have an extreme phobia of blood work so I get it, what I do is go there early and talk to the people (only one lady can EVER get a vein cause they're horrid) and explain how I am with blood work and I'll talk to them and joke around to lighten the mood then when I actually get in the chair ( that's the fun part where the water works and anxiety comes) I put music on and get as lost in the music I can. If you're too afraid some blood work places wmhave numbing medicine

  • Gary B
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    FIRST, you are 13, so there is no ore reason to act like a baby, throwing screaming fits ever time you see a needle. Blood Tests are a fact of life, and you WILL have MANY of them in your lifetime.

    Second, your fears are all inside YOU. NO ONE has said that you DO have leukemia, so until the tests come back there is no reason to fear. The TEST does not cause the disease, and getting the test early is one thing that could help you get well. NOT being afraid of the doctor and getting regular checkups is one way to keep yourself well.

    SO, GROW UP, and understand that the doctors are there to help no matter WHAT you have.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    I can flick you with my middle finger harder than that little needle will hurt you. It's like a bug bite that won't itch afterward.

    Look away. Look at your mom and talk to her and concentrate on what she is saying to you not what the phlebotomist is doing. With the opposite arm (the one the tech isn't drawing from) take your thumb and index finger and press them together.

    I know it is hard - but you need to get "it" together. I don't want to belittle you and tell you that you're being silly but if you "freak" out and have to be held down for blood than the results will not be normal. There will be falsely critical levels of potassium and other things just because you've upset yourself so much and fought.

    It'll will be over before you know it. Don't look, have someone talk to you, and do the finger thing.

  • 8 years ago

    The thought of getting blood drawn is far worse than actually getting blood drawn. Here's some way to make it easier.

    Drink a little extra fluid - it takes less time to draw the blood if you are fully hydrated.

    Take an MP3 player and listen to music

    Don't watch any of the procedure - look in some other direction or close your eyes

    Take slow, deep breaths and exhale fully. Its very hard to draw blood if you are holding your breath.

    Relax your muscles

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  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    it's really not that bad. take it from someone who's had diabetes since birth and cancer since 2 months old. the worst part is the leading up to it, because you think it's gonna hurt, but i always seem to imagine it hurting much more than it usually does. just a tip, when the needle is going in, wiggle your toes as fast as you possibly can, so you're concentrating on that, not the needle. then it comes out 30 seconds later and you're fine! you can email me at if you need any advice. i have leukemia & lymphoma!

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