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Is Atheism a Blessing or a Curse?

I would like to call to every ones attention here the following article:

It is a challenge to BOTH theists and atheists... I would like to hear intellectual opinions about this in the attitude of peace and civility. Thanks!


Shi Tzu- I appreciate your opinion but did you take the time to read the article?

6 Answers

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Depends how you look at it. In one light, having a God can be a blessing, a comfort to know that you don't control everything, that it isn't all your responsibility that everything has meaning, that nothing is really anyone's fault. (This being a good thing, allowing a bit of tranquility). However, it can also become oppressive, if everything is preordained, out of your hands, surely that lack of personal freedom would drive you insane?

    While an Atheist may not have the comfort that a deity brings, they have the comfort that their actions are their own, that they control their destiny. And as i personally see it, knowing that nothing has universal meaning is a good thing. Bad things don't happen for a reason, neither do good. it just happens. i find that quite a relief.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    In nature, the female praying mantis eats off the head of it's partner while mating. A lion will rip open a young gazelle. A snake will digest a mouse while it's still alive. A spider will bite and digest the innards of an insect or other creature. Is this all this sacred consciousness you crackpots speak of? Surely the manifestation of god should be god since god wanted to be manifested? Why are we not this "god" then? Why do you make us into "other"? Can god become delusional or not know himself or what he is doing?

    He is a spiraling wheel of consciousness. please. Don't bring me this bull.

    Am I really one with some rapist, murderer, pedophile, bigot...and that is all the manifestation of god.

    Well I'm definitely not believing that.

    *Oh and that's why people are Atheists...

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    Este prima data cand intervin.Nu este nici binecuvantare nici blestem.Atat religia cat si ateismul sunt pareri personale care se leaga de structura sufleteasca.Unii se gandesc mai mult la suflet si-si leaga actiunile de credinta.Faptul ca ne consideram atei sau credinciosi nu este relevant deoarece actiunile noastre ne pot contrazice.Consider ca societate in ansamblul ei este tributara indezvoltarea ei acestor doua forme dar nu pot spune cand una este mai favorabila decat cealalta,iar viata oamenilor se supune majoritatii membrilor ei.Subiectul este vastsi nu poate fi redus la cateva idei

  • 8 years ago

    Atheism is a curse.It is a self limitation from experiencing the super natural.

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  • ?
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    Atheism is a curse and a blight on society.

  • 8 years ago

    neither, it just is

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