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Did you ever watch any of these programs? What was your favorite and least favorite episode?

I was an avid Buffy fan. My favorite was Hush. My least favorite was the one with the first slayer in it. I loved the subtle humor. I was sad when Tara died. I liked her. I did not care for any of the episodes with Faith in it and the last season was sort of uninteresting. You could tell they were running out of story line.

Angel - I enjoyed this, especially the first season or two. I loved Cordelia with her long hair. Why they chopped it off is beyond me. She looked very nice with it long. I cannot recall a favorite one but I did like the Pylea ones and the introduction of Fred's character. Once they got into Wolfram and Hart I knew the end was near. I did not like the ending at all. I don't like being left hanging. Did they win, did the world end or what?

Charmed - No favorite here either but I really liked the first few seasons better. They did a good job introducing Paige into the mix though. I did not like the ones with Billie in it or Christy but the ending was very nicely done.

2 Answers

  • 8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    My favorite Buffy Episode has to be The Body, when Joyce dies. I cry every time I see it. Why because it was a natural death we didn't see coming. You would have expected that it would be Glory who kills someone close to Buffy but no, her mom died as a result of a brain hemorrhage. I especially breakdown when Anya starts to cry because it's the first human death that has affected her, especially given that she has killed people as a vengeance demon.

    My least favorite has to be the entire 7th season, It wasn't good until the last few episodes leading to the finale'.

    Angel- My favorite episode is I Will Remember You. Buffy and Angel can finally be together without him becoming Angelus, but after seeing how being human makes Buffy vulnerable and that he can't do good and atone for his bad deeds, he decides to ask for the day to be re-set and only he knows about it, was really heartbreaking because it, we got to see what we've always wanted.

    My least favorite was the one about the Cops either being robots or being programmed to be violent toward women. I really hated that so much that I can't remember the name of it. I think it's called "Billy".

    Charmed- My favorite is all of the time travel episodes and the first 3 seasons with Prue.

    I agree it was a fluid transition with Paige but it took a while for her to grow on me. Individually it would have to be their 100th episode, The Seven year Witch. It's the last time we see Cole and his interaction with Piper was priceless. That no matter how evil he became as the Source, he never stopped loving Phoebe, even after she vanquished him into limbo for good. All he wanted was for her to find love again. I'm glad she ended up with Coop.

    My least favorite has to be when they introduced Christy. She annoyed me so much as the idea of her being the big bad was silly but I did enjoy the way the series ended, the only thing missing was Shannen's return as Prue.

    Source(s): Me, A huge fan of all 3 shows which i still watch over and over again on Netflix.
  • 8 years ago

    Oh man is this a difficult question and I'm going to regret my answers when I press submit.

    Buffy- Favorite episode was probably when spike is insane and he comes to buffy and tries to pretend he's normal but at the end he's hugging the cross and smoking and Buffy realizes he has a soul.

    Or the one where they bring Buffy back to life and we see how much it's torn apart spike who doesn't have a soul but is protecting Dawn.

    Least favorite was after she killed the master and she came back from LA and was a total b&^%% because she had died, it just defeats the whole purpose of the show which was to have a strong female charector when she easily gets mad at her friends. Or maybe one of the early ones where she says "I really didn't like him" when talking about Angel but had no reason to say it.

    Angel- The Pylea episodes where brilliant, I loved the dances of the Krevlornswath clan. I loved the any episode where Wesley was a bad a^%. Every single episode of the last season is amazing (except the harmony episode) but they where all done with more help from Whedon so ofcourse they where.

    The episode I hated the most was the death that happened in the last season because it makes me cry for days, it was so well done I just wish that they could have done it properly, the episode before was the one where they where told the show was being canceled so they had to throw all their story lines togethor in the last 8 episodes.

    If your wondering what happened after the last episode you can either read the comic book "Angel; after the fall" which picks up where angel left off and is an amazing comic or you can probably just go to a wikipedia for angel after the fall and learn what happened to all the charectors.

    Charmed- I love the episode where Chris goes into the future and sees Wiat that was great, I also loved the episode where Pheobe finds out that Coal is a demon.

    The episode I hated the most was either the one which stole an entire fight scene from the matrix or when Billy was introduced because it was SOOOO cheesy and stupid.

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