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Can you sign a petition for Tesla Motors?

I know this is off topic..but I am working for a cause to put more electric vehicles on the road and TESLA is a company that created an electric vehicle and has gotten the best reviews for their cars.

You can visit to see their cars.

More electric vehicles means less pollution and very good for our environment.

However these dealerships are fighting with this company to keep them from competing with them and in order to be heard from the White House, Tesla is collecting signatures on their petition.

We only need 50,000 more signatures by July 5th. If you can kindly sign the petition (takes less than 5 minutes) and send it to as many people as you can it would be great.

This petition is open to US residents only but I know some people living in Canada signed the petition by using a US Zip Code (example 11358), so if you can try it would be great!!

Here is the link

Thanks a Bunch...let us save our planet!!!

4 Answers

  • 8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    You have a good idea but I think you are taking the wrong approach (unless you are working for Tesla and have to highlight their name.) It may be because you don't understand the situation fully. It is not directly an "Electric Car" issue.

    Independent car dealerships in a number of states including NY have managed to have laws passed to give them a favorable status. An independent car company must sell their cars through the independent dealership networks. Tesla wants to cut out the middleman and sell their cars directly to consumers.

    When all cars are essentially the same this system works to give a equal viewing for many cars while providing some cost saving for setting up dealerships.

    But it also legally creates a monopoly and may in fact represent a restraint of trade where the vehicle being sold is very different. Sales personal don't particularly care what car they sell. When they are more familiar with petrol cars they will probably tend to sell those and electrics will sit in some back corner of the lot. Tesla is right to set up there own dealership network.

    I would say the issue is more about protectionism than electric cars. If approached this way it may give you a wider audience. For an analysis of all the arguments look here:

  • happy
    Lv 5
    8 years ago

    Tesla took a Lotus and put an outruner electric motor as a power plant and has charged 100 times the price so some one could go fast and still feel good .

  • JerryJ
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    The dealer laws were made when most dealers were small family run businesses that sold one and only one brand of car and the car manufacturers had way more power than any dealer. Now those small family businesses have gone the way of the family farm and most car dealers are large multi-brand businesses that add 30% to the cost of a car and provide zero or negative value to the consumer. It's time for those antiquated laws to get shelved.

    As far as "favoritism for electric cars goes". What about the two aircraft battle fleets we pay for in the Middle East to protect cheap oil? What about the thousands of young folks who have died or have been injured to protect your cheap oil? What about the health costs of air pollution caused by gas vehicles? I'm all for a level playing field, but let's not kid ourselves that the playing field is even remotely level with the oil companies getting billions of dollars in subsidies every year.

  • John W
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    Batteries and hydrogen are methods of chemically storing energy. Well, so are gasoline and diesel. Fossil fuels are the chemically stored solar energy collected by nature hundreds of millions of years ago, the problem with them being their use releases carbon that were sequestered hundreds of millions of years ago and thereby changes the carbon cycle in nature.

    We actually know how to efficiently synthesize hydrocarbons from carbon monoxide and hydrogen gases, a mixture known as syngas, in the exothermic Fischer Tropsch reaction. We've run entire countries on synthetic fuel, WWII Germany, embargoed South Africa, the US dilutes it's sulfur rich diesel with synthetic diesel to meet federal ultra low sulfur requirements. We make our syngas by gasification of coal and natural gas but we also make it from wood, agricultural waste, trash and dried sewage. With an energy source such as a solar furnace, we can make it from CO2 and H2O ( Sandia Labs CR5 ). We in fact can store energy in synthetic fuels with about the same efficiency as inefficient batteries and hydrogen but without replacing a single vehicle or building new infrastructure.

    If made from biomass and the charcoal byproduct used as biochar, the process sequesters carbon making the fuel carbon negative. Existing vehicles could actually remove CO2 from the atmosphere which is something EV's could never do.

    EV's and hydrogen cars are not about the environment, they are about selling new cars to replace existing cars, they are about economic growth, profit and jobs. EV's are greenwashing.

    The entire concept of private vehicles which spend most of their time parked are about consumerism, economic growth, profits and jobs. We should've had PRT transit instead.

    EV's actually increase the environmental damage in the short term, your ploy will not save the planet but it may save the economy which in itself is a worthwhile goal.

    I would not sign any such petition as I am not as easily misled as you are, I do like electric cars but the best course for our environment given the existing billion internal combustion engines and supporting infrastructure would be carbon negative fuels and a promotion of PRT transit with perhaps some EV's trickling in.

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