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  • Can you sign a petition for Tesla Motors?

    I know this is off topic..but I am working for a cause to put more electric vehicles on the road and TESLA is a company that created an electric vehicle and has gotten the best reviews for their cars.

    You can visit to see their cars.

    More electric vehicles means less pollution and very good for our environment.

    However these dealerships are fighting with this company to keep them from competing with them and in order to be heard from the White House, Tesla is collecting signatures on their petition.

    We only need 50,000 more signatures by July 5th. If you can kindly sign the petition (takes less than 5 minutes) and send it to as many people as you can it would be great.

    This petition is open to US residents only but I know some people living in Canada signed the petition by using a US Zip Code (example 11358), so if you can try it would be great!!

    Here is the link

    Thanks a Bunch...let us save our planet!!!

    4 AnswersAlternative Fuel Vehicles8 years ago
  • Can you sign a petition?

    I know this is off topic..but I am working for a cause to put more electric vehicles on the road and TESLA is a company that created an electric vehicle and has gotten the best reviews for their cars.

    You can visit to see their cars.

    More electric vehicles means less pollution and very good for our environment.

    However these dealerships are fighting with this company to keep them from competing with them and in order to be heard from the White House, Tesla is collecting signatures on their petition.

    We only need 50,000 more signatures by July 5th. If you can kindly sign the petition (takes less than 5 minutes) and send it to as many people as you can it would be great.

    This petition is open to US residents only but I know some people living in Canada signed the petition by using a US Zip Code (example 11358), so if you can try it would be great!!

    Here is the link

    Thanks a Bunch...let us save our planet!!!

    2 AnswersCivic Participation8 years ago
  • Should I approach another lender for business loan?

    I am trying to get financing for a franchise. I have about 50% of liquid cash that is equivalent to the cost of the business and I am willing to put about 30% down. My credit is fairly good (Canadian FICO score of 680).

    I got turned down from one institution.

    If I go to another institution, do you think there are is a good chance of getting approved even though I got turned down at the first one.


    2 AnswersCredit9 years ago
  • My mom gets upset when I tell her to dress nicely?

    My mom designs her own clothes and she literally looks like a clown.

    She wears shirts and cuts them up and makes weird design.

    I tell her to wear proper clothes as we can afford clothes from the store.

    She is brown and dyes her hair blonde. She looks ridiculous.

    When I tell her that she would look better in brown hair she snaps at me and when she buys cloths from the store she starts crying saying I forced her to buy such clothes when in fact she picked them out on her own.

    I am not soo rich so money is important to me. I do not mind buying her clothes if she wears them and is happy with them, however I get pissed off when I spend $100 and she is not satisfied.

    I cannot return these clothes as they are final sale.

    What should I do?

    6 AnswersEtiquette9 years ago
  • Canadian Resident Filing US Tax Return-What forms do I need?

    I am a US Citizen with a Permanent Resident Status in Canada. I filed my Canadian taxes, however I need to file my US Tax Returns for 2010 & 2011.

    What forms do I need?

    I have been working with a Canadian Employer and have the T4s.

    I also had some self employed income <$10,000 in 2010 & 2011.

    Please guide me through. I usually file Canadian Tax Returns on my own. My income for 2010 & 2011 from the T4's have been less than 25k for the year.


    2 AnswersUnited States9 years ago
  • What should I do-Want to apply for an Internal Position?

    This is the situation:

    I am currently working at an entry level administration position.

    We have an internal opening in the IT Department. The supervisor who makes the final decision regarding the hiring came up to me and told me that I should apply for the postion. I then said, if I do, would you hire me? And he said yes.

    To be honest I did not think about applying for the postiion until he approached me.

    Now the actual procedure for applying for the position is you have to send the Human Resources an application. Then you would be scheduled for testing. Then there would be a 1st interview with the HR and then a second interview with the hiring supervisor.

    The HR knows that the hiring supervisor approached me and asked me to apply.

    Now the problem is that I submitted my application. Now I am just waiting to be scheduled in for testing. The HR said that he would book me in for testing this week but I am also going on vacation as of Thursday. I did not hear anything from the HR today about when the test would be. I have to know in advance so I can shift my schedule around because the testing will take a good 1-2 hours.

    So my question is, why is my HR delaying the testing and not getting back to me? Should I ask the HR?


    1 AnswerOther - Careers & Employment9 years ago
  • Did Canada Post lose my mail?

    I sent a letter out from Brampton, Ontario to New York City...this was sent on August 2nd, 2011.

    They still have not received it.

    I sent it via regular mail.

    Should I wait a few more days or should I try getting the same documents and resending it to the party?

    2 AnswersToronto10 years ago
  • is this fish tank overcrowded?

    20 Gallon

    7 male guppies

    1 female molly

    1 female & 1 male wagtail platy

    1 female tuxedo platy

    (I do not intend on keeping frys in my fish tank)-I give those away to my local pet stores...

    I wanted to get 1 more male guppy but not sure if I am overcrowding my tank.


    6 AnswersFish10 years ago
  • What should I do-regarding my work?

    I am a woman and I am married. My work is sending me on a business trip for 5 days to Las Vegas. My husband does not want to send me alone and he cannot come with me. My boss is making me feel guilty as if I am doing sometihng wrong? How do I tell my boss to stop making me feel guilty?

    2 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment10 years ago
  • is there anything wrong if i spend time in my room?

    i live in a joint family....with my inlaws and i am 29 years old...i work like 6 days a week (saturday being half day)...this week has been stressful at work and my husband and his brother went out on some errands and my father in law is at work...i am just stting in my bedroom watching tv...and enjoying my new fish tank...

    my mother in law is in the living room watching tv (she is 55 years old) there anything wrong if i just sit in my room and just chill as i am sooo tired?

    4 AnswersFamily1 decade ago
  • what is the white debris floating around in my tank?

    i had my tank 20 gallon running for 2-3 weeks not..i have 3 guppies and i platy...ammonium and nitrate 0....i have white debris floating around in my tank when i did a water change and its clinging to my plastic plants... fish are swimming actively...

    and water is cloudy...

    is this fungus or a bacterial bloom? i have the tetra whisper filter..should i get a better filter?

    2 AnswersFish1 decade ago
  • how can i save my rasbora?

    i have a platy and rasbora in my 20 gal fish tank. i was siphoning the water and when i poured the water back in i accidenlty hit my rasbora with the my rasbora is upside down on the bottom still breathing..will he survive? what can i do

    2 AnswersFish1 decade ago
  • how can i make my mother in law not feel offended?

    Here is my situation. i work 6 days a week (saturdays being a half day get home by 3) ..and sundays off...

    My inlaws live with us.

    Every weekend I take my mother in law out-you know shopping or for a drive or whatever..Today I didnt feel like going anywhere as I just want to relax at home.

    I did the groceries last night so I could have my sunday off and just be at the area where I live going to Walmart is like a DISASTER!!! So much crowd and no parking!!!

    Anyways today is Sunday and my mother in law is like lets go and I am like where?? and she is like walmart and i am like no and i tell her politely that i dont feel like going anywhere. today is my day off and i just wanna rest and get some housework done..

    anyways she got angry and is like oh when you wanna go somewhere i go with u and now when i want to go u dont want to go...and i am like yeah but please try to understand i just want to stay at home...

    anywyas she is upset iwth me and i told my hubby and hes lke dont worry about it and not to feel bad....

    ok now hours later my father in law comes and is like y don tu take ur mother in law out and i told him my situation that i just feel like being home today and i told him y dont u take her out and he says she does not want to go out with me. my mother in law got angry and says that she does not need anyone and bla bla bla...what should i do? i feel so bad but i am really tired of compromising and being like a dog..when it seems like no one is considerate of my feelings...

    PS: She has a drivers license and a car!! She is 55 years old.

    2 AnswersFamily1 decade ago
  • how much will my take home pay be in ontario?

    if i am making 3,000 per month and getting paid bi weekly?

    2 AnswersCanada1 decade ago
  • why is my platy hiding?

    i have a 20 gallon tank. ammonium nitrite and nitrate levels are fine. i have one wagtail platy and harlequin rasbora. since i introduced teh harlequin rasbora in tank, my platy has been hiding in the plant. he is a male so therefore cannot be pregnant. he comes out to eat but thats about it...

    2 AnswersFish1 decade ago
  • is my fish tank water parameters ok?

    had a 20 gallon fish tank for a week now. I have one wagtail platy and a harlequin rasbora.

    Ammonium 0, nitrite 0, nitrate 0...

    I do a 10% partial water change daily.

    Fish are swimming nice and healthy and eating.

    8 AnswersFish1 decade ago
  • new fish tank with one platy-what should i do?

    I setup my fish tank which is a 20 gallon. It has 3 fake plants and one big castle as a center piece.

    I dechlorinated the water and had the tank running for 3 full days. I added live liquid bacteria to jump start the cycling process. I added one wagtail platy yesterday. Before adding my fish I had the water checked at the local fish store-and the water was fine. The temperature is 76 degrees and ph levels are normal. I checked the ammonia today and its 0 and so is the nitrites and nitrates.

    My wagtail platy is swimming at teh bottom. Its a male and not really active. When I put my hand in he moves away. But he just in one corner.

    Why is he acting like this?

    2 AnswersFish1 decade ago
  • what designation is more higher?

    executive secretary or an administrative assistant?

    1 AnswerCorporations1 decade ago
  • can i still be on the title of the house and not the mortgage?

    here is the situation:

    my 2 brothers and i bought a house and we had the mortgage in all 3 of our names. now we want to refinance and take some equity out-so my mortgage broker advised me that take 2 of my brothers out of hte mortgage since they have bad credit.

    now when the signing of the papers happened-there was a document from the lawyer transferring the property from my 2 brothers to soley me.

    now i dont mind taking the mortgage in my name alone but i would like to have my 2 brothers on the title. but we already signed the papers transferiing the property in my name.

    so how can i change this?

    4 AnswersRenting & Real Estate1 decade ago
  • will i get paid for the period i worked if i breach my employee contract?

    i have been working at my current job for 3 months. I am not a manager or anything. I signed a contract that i would give a 4 week notice if i decide to leave however i am giving only 1 week notice. I get paid monthly on the 7th of every month. I want my last day to be on the 5th. If I leave will i be entiteld to my pay?

    1 AnswerLaw & Ethics1 decade ago