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TNT online content requires Cable/Sat subscription, right?

Obviously this is the way the networks offering online content are going. So my question is, to access or unlock streaming content, must I have that particular channel in my line-up, or is merely having a basic Cable/Sat Economy subscription applicable to access any streaming content. I'm just trying to cut my bills down. DTV went from $49 a month 2 years ago to $93 a month now...and that's with 2 downgrades in package quality to try to keep prices reasonable. If I had stayed with the original package I started with, I'd be paying $124 a month. This highway robbery needs to end.

1 Answer

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    I totally agree with you on this one. I mean I pay a large amount of money a month for Direct TV it's ridiculous how expensive these channels really are. I'd say just drop all the channels you don't watch then you won't be paying as much. That's what I PLAN to do.

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