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Is this sentence correct?

The primary goal of this publication is to share work news, developments and initiatives within the XXXXXX Organization as well as serve as a tool for our team to get to know each other's professional and personal ongoing endeavors.

2 Answers

  • 8 years ago

    Suzanne's answer is actually LESS correct, as it contains an error in parallelism ("to provide" vs. "sharing").

    Technically, yours does too. I'd suggest putting a "to" right before "serve":

    The primary goal of this publication is to share work news, developments and initiatives within the XXXXXX Organization as well as to serve as a tool for our team to get to know each other's professional and personal ongoing endeavors.

    While this isn't completely necessary (the "to" I suggest putting in is sort of implied), it eliminates any grammatical ambiguity.

    Other than that, it's fine.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    The goal of this publication is to provide the news, developments and initiatives within the XXXXXX organization while also sharing professional and personal endeavors.

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