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? asked in Arts & HumanitiesBooks & Authors · 8 years ago

Writers, do you want your future spouse to be a writer, too?

Or if you're already married, is your spouse a writer? Do they read your work? Are they a bookworm like you?

How important is writing in your relationship? Is it just your thing, or is it something you want to share?

As for me, I would prefer my future husband to be a writer, so that I have someone to share ideas, constructive criticism, and advice with on a daily basis. We would actually understand one another on that level, whereas other folks think of us writers as crazy schizophrenics. But with a writer husband, we would understand one another's active imagination. And I don't think anyone here on B&A would complain about going on a date to the bookstore/library. XD

7 Answers

  • 8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    I don't care if my future spouse is a writer or not, but that would be awesome. It would also be awesome if they were a bookworm, I think people who don't read much are kind of stupid. No offense, but my brother and others I know who don't, aren't very bright.

    I agree with you that it would be awesome if my spouse to be a writer for the reasons you've listed.

    I know in some TV shows like Cheers where Ted Danson's character and Shelly Long or whatever her name was didn't think their relationship would work because she wanted to have a writing career in another state.

    If my spouse or girlfriend or whomever wouldn't be able to handle the fact that I am a writer and want to travel, then that's too bad. It's my passion. It wouldn't discourage me if she wanted to be a professional tennis player or singer or whatever that would make her travel frequently. Would I be sad? Yes. Would I worry? Yes. But as long as she calls once in a while and tells me how she is and whatnot, I wouldn't freak out.

    So to sum, I don't care if my future spouse is a writer or not, but it would be pretty cool.

    Source(s): Sorry if I ramble, must be the writer in me. :)
  • 8 years ago

    My boyfriend of three years is the complete opposite of me. He's into maths, physics, computers and technology, and he works in engineering.

    Honestly, would I prefer someone who shared more of my interests, someone I could read with and talk to about my writing, someone who was more passionate and creative? Yes. But it's not absolutely essential that they're a writer, as long as they can understand and appreciate that I need time and space to write. Writing has always been a solo activity for me and I'm a very independent person, so I don't absolutely need someone else to share it with.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    Well my ex-wife always complained about how much time I spent reading and never gave me any support when I tried writing and complained when I wanted to go to a bookstore or the library so I agree being married to a writer would be cool

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    Like Nicholas, I want to marry an artist some sort as well. But one that is a 2.0 version of myself, you see. I'd like a person who has strengths where I have faults, and faults where I have strengths, so we can help improve each other.

    Dating someone like myself can be a double edged sword. Artists can be quite insufferable. But I think that I would rather roll my eyes at his elaborate description of Rum-Tum-Tugger's sensitive side than not be able to share the agony of having wicked writer's block with a pressing story. Cool question. It's nice to see some writers on Yahoo.

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  • 8 years ago

    I feel like there would be good and bad sides to this. On the one hand, you'd both be creative and would probably find lots of new ways to entertain each other and keep the other person happy. On the other hand, having someone not in your profession makes it more interesting. You can ask them how their day went and learn something you haven't experienced from someone you love, as opposed to just reading about it.

    For me, they don't have to be a writer so long as they at least like books :3

  • 8 years ago

    When I think of my dream girl, she doesn't have to be a writer, but she does have to be some sort of artist (painter, actor, writer, musician, ect), I'm a big writer and an actor, I consider myself an artist

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    HECK YES. But I'm fifteen, so...

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