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What ever happened to "The customer is ALWAYS right!"?

Very few people actually like the "New" Yahoo Mail. There is an extremely good reason for this. This latest incarnation of Yahoo Mail is just plain GARBAGE! It looks like they could accomplish the same things while leaving the GUI that we use basically the same...withOUT taking things away (EG: They took some fonts away and left only two types of fonts. What kind of "choice" is that?) and with additions of newer features, but while allowing us to navigate the same basic way. Why do they think that is so hard do?

Doing a search on how to switch back to Classic Mail turns up more than numerous posts complaining about this latest abomination by Yahoo. So, I would like for Yahoo to answer why they are shoving this complete waste of code on everyone against our wishes? What it is that they are trying to accomplish? For everyone to stop using them? (That would serve them right!!!) Do they truly want fewer users???

It's blatantly obvious that Yahoo doesn't intend to let us have Classic Mail back although that is what a lot of us would like. What do YOU think about the New Yahoo Mail and all of the reasons behind it? What changes would you make? How would you improve it? Or are you just sick enough of Yahoo to move to another e-mail service?


@ Jeff, Even paying customers (who really pays for Yahoo Mail, anyway?) have to deal with the same abominable code that the rest of us do...that is with the exception of the advertisements being pushed. On this point, Jeff, you (along with Yahoo) need to take a look at I agree with your other points, though.

6 Answers

  • 8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    The only reason Yahoo would impose this kind of change is if they were trying to lose customers. They should at least offer the option to maintain the classic skin.

  • 8 years ago

    This new 'New Yahoo' is the ugliest thing I've ever seen! Are the developers over there on drugs, or just aesthetically challenged? I agree with others who feel that the old skin shouldn't have been changed.

    I've tried the basic version, but everything is text only, there is no way to select all messages on the page at a time in the inbox to delete or move them, and the inbox now displays just a small number of messages, all of which makes that version totally useless to me.

    I had no choice but to go full featured, because I need to be able to do HTML in my emails. However, I've already noticed that the emails I get back from people are not formatted the same either. An embedded attachment that usually arrived in an embedded box now turns to text only, making it harder to read.

    I hate that when I insert an address from my address book it shows up as a bubble with my contact's name, and I have to hover over it to make sure that it's the correct address.

    In this version you can select all messages, but you really select ALL messages, not just the current page, which I used to have set to the most recent 200.

    Scrolling down that endless page is literally a headache, and totally buggy. In fact, there is too much scrolling necessary altogether. Used to be that I could scroll in the browser, now I have to scroll the messages separately from the folders. Totally inaccessible for some of us with disabilities.

    And what's with the popup message when clicking on next message and reaching the end? That used to be obvious when the 'next' or 'previous' were grayed out. Is Yahoo making money off of clicks, and that's why we have to click more to get anything done now?

    I hate the tabs. I prefer to use my browser tabs.

    I hate that the inbox refreshes without my doing anything. This is going to be an issue for people on dial-up (YES, there are still people who are on dial-up, who are either poor or have certain disabilities).

    This is just what I've noticed so far, having been forced to switch just about an hour ago or so.

    I've had my Yahoo account for well over a decade. The first few years were wonderful. No problems ever. Then it went downhill, with increasing frequency of the changes made. I've finally reached my limit. I'm going to be looking for an alternative to transition to.

    Thanx a lot for making more work for all of us, Yahoo.

    Source(s): The stabbing pain in my head ever since I was forced to switch.
  • 8 years ago

    I am looking into alternate e-mail services. This new version has removed the notepad, a feature I used very often, changed the skin to a remarkably cluttered and difficult to look at abomination, and is generally just offensive on every level.

    My suggestions: Return notepad. Give us the option for a custom Classic "skin" that will make everything look like it used to. Stop trying to force spyware on us.

  • 8 years ago

    I don't think we qualify as "customers" because we don't PAY. (Or we didn't click enough of the ads.) So far, I indeed hate the new Yahoo!Mail because 20% of my screen width is taken up with the giant ad to the right of my inbox. So far, it looks like I can affect what kind of ads I get but not turn them off.

    BTW the annoying helper at the right of this screen (" looks like you have a lot of punctuation.") is offensive!

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  • I have no idea how these weird changes will help Yahoo compete...has to be something like competition OR saving money?? Show me another service and I'm outta here!

  • 8 years ago

    I hate it. The resolution is not compatible. My geek says I will have to change it each and every time I go in and out out of mail. I'm considering going elsewhere.

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