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Should I file for divorce?

I got married to my girlfriend of less than 1 year for about a year now, everything was great until I lost my job back in Sep 2012. I'm not a lazy person so I quickly began looking for a job but it was hard and only had part time work and I got laid off early Jan 2013. My wife and I started to have problems with communication and finances and also in bed. I was really stressed and depressed because I couldn't provide for her that it was difficult for me to focus sexually. All that caused a lot of stress that keep piling up for sometime. I became really lazy and depressed but I was trying to fight it I said a lot of bad things to her that I didn't mean. I love her will all my life. She began moving some of her stuff out to her grandparents but she told me it was for a yard sale, I didn't imagine that one day she will bring a friend and her sister to help her move out and the rest of her stuff. I was devastated. I begged her to stay and that I will do anything to change but she still moved out. I called and meet her couple days later and told her that I will change and things will be different but she said she couldn't do it anymore. I had one more call like that with her and she finally told me that things wouldn't work anymore and the damage was already done. That she still loved me and cared for me but she didn't want to deal with the same things anymore. She said to stop calling her and I haven't talk to her since. This was about 2 weeks ago. I'm really lost since I have no one to talk to about this, I still love her but I don't know what to do. My luck just began to turn around and now I have found a stable job, I don't know if she has filed for divorce or not and I don't know what I would do when I get the papers. Some help or advice will help. Thank you people. We are all humans.

7 Answers

  • 8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    you seem like a nice man. if she left you once she will leave you again. you need a woman that is as sweet as you are.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    It sounds like you've been going through some really difficult stuff, Oscar, and my heart goes out to both of you...relationships and marriage are definitely not always easy, but I'm glad that you haven't given up hope and that you're looking for good advice! You might check out the book Love Must Be Tough by James Dobson. He's got some really great information in there on marriage, separation, and divorce that could be really helpful to you. Do you have a counselor that you can go to?

  • 8 years ago

    That's a terrible situation and I can only imagine that you're in pieces right now. I feel for you, really. Since you have nothing to do but wait for her to contact you one way or another, I'd say instead of stressing in that time use it to improve yourself as much as possible, this being your final chance with her should be plenty of motivation. Get up early, eat healthy, run, lift weights, quit smoking. And reeeaallllly push yourself! Work as very much as possible and put some money aside. Embrace one of her interests or passions. And when you do finally see her, don't be a mess. Try to seem ok. And when she notices these changes you've made let her know you did it for just a chance with her and that's the only way you could bring yourself to do anything without her, by doing everything for her. This may not work but I think it's your best chance with her. And worst case scenario atleast she knows she's leaving a respectable, dignified man and not some pitiful cliche mess.

    Whatever you choose to do in your situation I really hope the best of luck to you. Whatever happens just understand it's not the end.

  • 8 years ago

    You 2 are a young couple. the 1st 5 yrs are the hardest. those are the years you both are learning each other. try to explain to her or write a long heart filled letter that you married for the long run for good or bad. that you made terrible mistakes especially saying bad things to her. people marry thinking its going to be perfect and began to go crazy when the reality pops in. both parties have to be willing to stick in there and make it work. i wanted to leave my hubby within our 1st 5 yrs but i realized that the Good out weighed the Bad! and that i was going to have problems still in another relationship. the grass isnt always greener on the other side. i must add, give her the letter and give her time to think. fight for your marriage. but when you have done all you can and she doesnt come around you two were on different levels of commitment regarding the marriage. also, you may want to began counseling now even by yourself. it would help you to cope with whats going now and future issues. good luck.

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  • 8 years ago

    It's a sad thing my brother, but if nothing you do works all you can do is respect her wishes if you truly love her and move on try your best to move on with life. My grandmother once divorced a man because she could not stand how things were with him and he went on for the rest of his life living in sadness and greif with hopes she would one day come back to him. She didnt, and he died whith a hole in his heart because he could not just let go of something he could not get back. As much as you love her man if you can't get her back don't chase after something that won't be returned to you or you will end up more hurt than just accepting it. The heart is a fragile thing and it will never heal easily but IT WILL HEAL in time and when it does someone else may bring you happiness. I hope you do find it wether it be with this woman or another. Peace be with you my brother in love.

    Source(s): Love is known to me
  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    Sit down and talk with her you still love her so stay with her every marriage has its problems you two can get through it

    Source(s): Parents
  • 8 years ago

    My friend just remember, those who gives up never wins!!! Just talk to her but dont stalk her, afterall she says she still loves you,,

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