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What denomination believes this?

A few minutes ago, a poster wrote the following -

"Death penalty is murder. Aborted babies go to hell for 33 and a half years. Mothers of aborted get cancer. Soda (Pepsi, etc.), cosmetics (make-up), anti-cancer and anti-aging products contain cells of aborted fetuses. Abortion is murder. Euthanasia is murder. Surrogacy is prostitution. Sterilization is a sin. Castration is a sin. Thou shall be merciful."

Is this just a random person, or is there a church somewhere that actually teaches that?


The person's profile appears to claim they're Greek Orthodox. But the posts sound like serious fringe group. Just curious. I like learning about assorted beliefs.

Btw, I'm an atheist

6 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 5
    8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    The person is either a troll attempting to make Christians look crazy, or the person is mentally disturbed.

  • 8 years ago

    This is not from the Bible or any denomination.

    It sounds like someone's personal beliefs mingled with some suppressed medical and conspiracy theory related research.

    The death penalty is NOT murder.

    Children who die are below the age of accountability, so they cannot be sent to Hell. That is ridiculous, and it is not how God works or thinks.

    For years, some make-up has been made with some fetal tissue, not "placenta" as they claim.

    Abortion of the life of a growing child within the womb is just a fancy-sounding way of killing the child, so yes, "abortion", as it is often referred to, is clearly murder. The more informed one becomes, the more obvious this is.

    Even at early stages, when you look at an ultrasound image while pressing on the mother's belly suddenly, you will see the 'fetus' (just Latin for the young of whatever creature) dart across the womb to escape and shiver in fear. A fetus is an aware, small, human being, not a lump of tissue.

    Do your own research on the other stuff.

    Let the Bible be your guide when faced with unusual-sounding beliefs.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    Jesus said he who is without sin cast the first stone.

    Therefore killing of any kind a sin.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    Dats Da work of a TROLL.

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  • Moi
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    unless s/he provided pristine citation then you may safely ignore him/her

  • gw
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    NONE THAT I KNOW OF........//


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