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michael971 asked in SportsBaseball · 8 years ago

Looking for baseball stat?

Which team has most errors against or % or Earned Runs/Runs

2 Answers

  • 8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Houston lead MLB with 69 errors.....96% of runs given up by both the Yankees and Orioles are earned, which is the highest in baseball, although every team is between 89% and 96%

  • Good fielding teams give up an average of about 40 to 50 unearned runs per season.

    Average fielding teams somewhere in the 60's. Poor fielding teams give up 80 to 100.

    I have never seen it expressed as a percentage. But the MLB percentage average during more recent times, of unearned runs in a given season, is between 7 % and 8 % of total runs scored.

    This present season to date: The fewest errors (30) have been made by The Baltimore Orioles.

    And the most (69) have been made by the Houston Astros.

    Fewest unearned runs (17) have been given up by the New York Yankees


    The most (49) by the Milwaukee Brewers.

    You can track this daily, if you want, by going to MLB's home web site and clicking on stats and then clicking on sortable team stats and then clicking on Fielding

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