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my dad can I stop being in so much pain...?

how do you cope with the loss of a loved one?? only been 8 weeks for me losing my dad....but am wondering if you can ever find peace and cope with the real pain & sense of loss...i'm struggling so much & so badly with it at this moment ...& I wonder how others cope...

any tips and advice right now would really be appreciated....thank you

11 Answers

  • 8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    I’m so sorry to read that your dad died, Valentina. My heart goes out to you. The tornado of emotions you’re going through must be unbearable, and they are too overwhelming to handle on your own. You're going through a roller coaster, a whirlpool, and a maelstrom of emotions as you go through these stages of grief. You have to go through all 5 stages to heal.

    Denial (You don’t feel the emotions about death yet)

    Anger (why is this happening to me?)

    Bargaining (I promise I'll be a better person if...)

    Depression (I don't care anymore)

    Acceptance (I'm ready for whatever comes)

    I suggest that you go to a meeting of GriefShare. There are thousands of meetings world wide. I've put a link below. You'll meet people who have gone through what you're going through, and they can help you heal.

  • 8 years ago

    You are going through the grief process. Just take things one day at a time. If you feel you need some closure then please consider grief counseling. Contact your local Mental Health clinic or talk with your doctor and get a referral to a therapist. Your local United Way may be able to help as well. It may help if you focus on his life rather than his death. Think about all the good times you had with your dad. Write down the memories you have may help as well. My condolences on the passing of your father.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    It's really hard, but you will eventually overcome the pain. Believe that he's in a better place and is watching over you. I don't know if you're religious or not, but it may help to go to a place of worship and pray for his soul. This may help calm your own spirit. Also, becoming active in other activities to keep your mind from thinking to much about him can help because the more you think about him, the more pain you may feel. Doing activities with your family and friends can also help. If you have any pets, they can be great stress relievers, if not, getting one may be a good idea because it'll keep your mind occupied and even happy. Hope this helps.

  • 8 years ago

    When my father died, I just felt like I felt, which was very sad. I did a lot of crying. I talked to one of my sisters about it, and both of us cried. But after 8 weeks, it wasn't so crushing as it was initially. There was not anything that I did, that I know of. I just began to contemplate the world now without a father. I was in my 30's. If you are quite young, it may not be so easy to do as your loss will be bigger than was mine.

    One woman I know was so distraught over her husband's death that she went to a doctor and took anti-depressant medication. It worked. She took it for a few months and then stopped. I did not do this, but losing a father at 30 is probably not as upsetting as losing a spouse.

    You can go talk to a priest or nun. I am agnostic. I'm certainly not a Catholic, but talking to people helps. Once I was so upset about something in my life, I went and talked to a priest. We just talked. It helped.

    In short, I think something that might help you, as it has me from time to time, is to talk to another person, face to face about the things that are painful to you. I think it helps especially if you talk to someone who has had the same loss as you have had.

    Best wishes.

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  • 8 years ago

    First off, my condolences.

    Everyone takes a very personal approach to coping with grief from losing a loved one. I have seen many of my friends and family lose their loved ones and when I lost my granddad, I noticed that we all took the same approach. We threw ourselves into our deepest passions.

    My experience was allowing the lyrics and melodies of all my most cherished songs or musical pieces put my heart back together. That, paired with time, is the most effective way to cope with losing a loved one.

    My best wishes to you.

  • 8 years ago

    My condolences .Dealing with the loss of a parent is the most tragic experience of ones life. Since everyone has to die & we can do nothing about it , accept the reality Once 'Budha'(Founder of 'Buddhism') was approached by a mother who had lost her child.She wailed & begged Buddha to bring back her child. Buddha tried to reason with her but she was inconsolable. Buddha then gave her a pot used to collect alms from door to door. He told her to get food from a house in which there had been no death. The woman came back in the evening ,exhausted but in control of herself. Her pot was empty & she told the great preacher that she had not found any house where there have been no death. Buddha told her that since she was not the only one facing death she should accept the realty of death & that will relieve her of her pain.

    Prayer is the best solace. Pray for the departed soul & beg God to give you the strength to bear the loss. Only time can heal your wound. Keep youself occupied so that you have less time to brood.Remember -'Nothing can bring you peace but yourself'

    Source(s): Teaching & counselling experience
  • 8 years ago

    Its normal to feel in such pain when you lose a loved one. Let yourself grieve for along as you need. Talk as much as you can about your feelings with family friends or counsellor. Everyone copes differently and everyones grief is unique.

  • 8 years ago

    Try wring down your feelings In a diary. Sometimes that will give you a place to deal with your feelings and remember the good times with your dad. He is never gone and always with you In spirit Little mindy.

  • 8 years ago

    Well I went on a long holiday where I could lie back and think about in peace so I didn't have to listen to people telling me how sorry they are for me! It always makes me feel worst! :/

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    Time, ice cream, and if you're a male, boobs. I'm being serious though. Though mainly time.

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