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Lv 7
Wiggy asked in SportsWrestling · 8 years ago

On a scale of 1-10, how pumped are you for Cena vs Bryan at Summerslam?

I'm stoked for this match. When paired with the right opponent, Cena can put on some of the best matches WWE has to offer. And what better opponent is there right now than Daniel Bryan?

Just as Cm Punk has brought out the best in Cena, I expect Bryan to do the same. Cena wrestles to the level of his opponent, so I fully expect an amazing match between these two.

Another aspect I'm looking forward to with this is that Cena will likely have the opportunity to control some of the match. One of the biggest gripes fans have about Cena is that he gets beat up 75% of the match, makes a comeback, and wins. Cena's matches are SO much better when he gets to showcase some offense. Take MITB 2011 for example. In that match, we didn't have Cena getting dominated then pulling a "SuperCena" comeback. Cena controlled a good chunk of that bout. With both Bryan and Cena being faces (assuming that doesn't change from now till SS), I think we'll see Cena controlling the pace. When Cena controls the match, we don't get the predictable "SuperCena" comeback.

Lastly, with Bryan, I get the feel that he could actually take the Title away from Cena. I never got that sense from Ryback or Henry. The unpredictability factor makes this match up that much more interesting. Too bad Summerslam is in LA. Their crowds are usually lukewarm. Imagine this match taking place in Chicago or New York!

Regardless though, I can't wait. How about you?

BQ1: Which match are you looking forward to more: Punk vs Lesnar or Cena vs Bryan?

BQ2: I'm sure we'll find out soon enough, but assuming Ziggler takes on Big E at SS, who would you like to see face Del Rio for the World Title?


@ Evil Barney -- Punk and Cena put on a 5 star match. Are you really going to try and tell me that Punk CARRIED Cena to a 5 star match? That's ignorance.

7 Answers

  • 8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    You say CM Punk brought the best in Cena (Which I also think is true) but in all of their matches against each other did CM Punk ever win Fair & Square? Cena might have good matches but his matches are always predictable. The WWE just doesn't want to see the face of the company get beaten fair. McMahon has said he isn't too big on Bryan so who knows if Bryan will come out victorious.

    Daniel deserves to win the title. He is a great Wrestler and fans love him. He deserves it more then anyone. Will he beat Super Cena fair & square who knows. If Punk couldn't beat him fair you think Bryan will? Cena is untouchable.. The WWE will figure something out. I actually get the feeling Randy Orton will cash in his Money In The Bank in the middle of their match. I really don't see Cena losing fairly. I really hope Bryan shocks all of us though. But what I think... Ortob cashes in and that's how he turns heel.

  • "When paired with the right opponent, Cena can put on some of the best matches WWE has to offer."

    Correction, when paired with the right opponent, Cena is carried by them to a respectable match because said opponent is so good they can carry a crap wrestler like Cena!

    And I'm not excited because it will most likely be the same old crap, I actually stopped watching after wrestlemania because that was the last straw for me

    Edit: yes I am going to tell you that Punk carried Cena to a 5 star match because that's how good Punk is that he can carry a crap wrestler like Cena and the only ignorant person is you and the other Cena marks for not realising this. I have been a wrestling fan since the 80s and I can tell the good wrestlers from the bad ones unlike you! I'm sure you are going to write more additional details trying to justify yourself but I'm not going to entertain them from you or any other Cena lovers as I have explained my dislike for him numerous times, consider yourself dismissed as an imbecile!

    Source(s): LMAO @ 12 year old Cena marks who can't handle the fact their hero is the worst wrestler in the history of wrestling!!!!
  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    John Cena vs. Daniel Bryan? MATCH OF THE YEAR!!!

    BQ1:Definitely the WWE Championship match.

    BQ2: Make it a Triple Threat Match featuring All Three Men.

  • 8 years ago


  • How do you think about the answers? You can sign in to vote the answer.
  • 10 I think that will be a great match

    BQ1: though decision im ready for both matches

    BQ2: There is so many people deserving for title match and ziggler vs del rio is getting boring... I see them either having like a battle royal for the #1 contender but what I really want to see is a beat the clock match with del rio, ziggler, rvd, cody rhodes, and christain

  • 8 years ago


    BQ1: Punk Vs. Lesnar

    BQ2: Triple threat match, Ziggler VS. Big E. Vs. Del Rio

  • 8 years ago

    This really the moment I have waited for years for so it's a 10, Bryan has become one of my favorite wrestlers because he has that spark only a few guys in pro wrestling has ever had. He has the heart of a wrestler and is a man that people have come to respect

    BQ1: I looking foward to both because it's the legends of the indies who have risen to superstars in wwe vs two of the largest main stream stars ever.

    BQ2: I be interested to see him face RVD.

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