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Lv 7
? asked in Politics & GovernmentGovernment · 8 years ago

Why afford the NHS afford our treatment?

The NHS cannot afford UK citizens treatment i was watching look north and a boy who cannot walk properly he need an operation but the NHS say "we cannot afford it to give this boy an operation" but then we can afford to give a woman like Josie Cunningham an breasts enlargement on the

and then we can bring over Malala Yousafzai, who was shot in the head by the Taliban and give her an op. while this boy has to go to the united states and paid for it privately from donations


Make me sick


This has nothing to do with the united states it has to do with our country and giving a dumb-butt like Josie Cunningham an breasts enlargement on the NHS and giving Malala Yousafzai an op and we cannot afford to give this boy a UK citizen a operation

Update 2:

our citizen should not need to go to the united states and get an operation if they cannot afford it then why give these two donuts an op while leave this little boy like the way he is

11 Answers

  • 8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Lots of reasons, mostly down to the unique way the NHS was run under the last Labour government (very badly).

    I remember seeing a list on the DM website recently with the Keogh inquiry announcement of 13,000 NHS deaths where Gormless Gordon had increased the NHS budget big style, but blew it all on more management and PR instead of Nurses, Doctors & Equipment. (at the bottom, just before the reader comments start)

    Apparently blows about 14% of it's budget on management.

    There's a load of dodgy PFI deals the NHS is lumbered with thanks to Labour.... means there's service contracts where it costs £300 just to change one poxy lightbulb.

    They also aren't very good at buying replacement bits for computer printers... been paying a 328% mark-up on those.

    There was a dentists contract set-up by Labour that allowed dentists to cheat the NHS out of £73million a year.

    There was an article last September about Millions of pounds worth of equipment being stolen from the NHS that was being sent abroad by foreign gangs to places like Iraq & Afghanistan, and NHS chiefs not appearing to give a toss about it.

    There's also the Health tourist problem, annouced last month as costing us over £200million+ a year.... NHS supposed to recoup it, but seemingly don't bother...

    Was something recently about Government procurement card spending recently, with it being equivalent to what it would cost to take on 52,000 extra nurses...

    TPA have one on the NHS having £435million of redundancy payments due to the Health & Social Care Act.

  • 8 years ago

    It's called "the postcode lottery" - the product of Labour's grand scheme to hand the money over to the NHS Trusts, most of which have "more chiefs than indians" and numbnuts holding the proverbial purse strings.

    The NHS in England alone has a budget of nearly £96 billion this year - which works out at around £1,700 per head of population, most of whom never see the inside of an hospital from one years end to the next - and still it pleads poverty.

    I do contract work in hospitals the length and breadth of the UK and believe me, if the general Public knew what goes on behind the scenes they'd be pulling their hair out. It's the old "book and cover" scenario - people generally only see the cover.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    If you or someone you love is struggling to get pregnant, then this will be the most important video you will ever watch

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    Don't take medication without your health care provider's OK. Certain medications — even those available without a prescription — can make it difficult to conceive. Others might not be safe once you're pregnant.

    Don't depend on vaginal lubricants. Various over-the-counter vaginal lubricants can decrease fertility. Saliva can have the same effect. If you need a lubricant, consider mineral oil or canola oil — or ask your doctor for other suggestions.

    Don't overdo strenuous exercise. Although moderate physical activity can help promote fertility, going overboard might have the opposite effect. Some research suggests that five or more hours a week of vigorous aerobic activity can actually impair the fertility of a woman who isn't overweight.

  • JOHN G
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    The trouble is there is no continuity, some NHS trusts in the UK seem to have endless supplies of money while other have none, perhaps its about time that the UK stopped treating people who come to the UK that are not entitled to free treatment, lots of trusts seem very lax when it comes to this..

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  • 8 years ago

    I totally agree with you it's all wrong. Breast implants, IVF and obesity surgery should not be performed by the NHS. I understand Malala's surgery was paid for by the Pakistani government, but no doubt that was on the cheap.

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    You can succeeded to get pregnant the natural way without any drugs or medical intervention.

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  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    Did u ever think maybe it wasn't the funding but the rooms available and the machinery uses

  • 4 years ago


    Source(s): Bigger Breasts in 30 Days
  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    Yes I read about that but I heard those yanks allow their children to die in the streets without health care the BBC would not lie would it?

    Per your edit Canucks also come to America for operations they can wait for or don't have in Canada and yet these site were alive with Brits and Canucks telling us of their ''free and better health care'' telling us we let people die in the street who do not have insurance pal that just does not happen in America our government pays out billions, yes I said billion on health care for those that don't have insurance I been to the U K I seen your hospitals do you really expect us yanks to just listen to this nonsense and not retaliate? Pal I been having a field with those Canucks who were trying to tell us ''we care, we lead follow our lead in saving mother earth only those Americans would not ratify Kyoto'' maybe y'all should think before you start ragging the yanks

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    Answer mine it's dental related, and they van they just dont give funding so people have to go america

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