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Anonymous asked in Social ScienceOther - Social Science · 8 years ago

Moving to Salt Lake City, Utah. Smart move? Or Mistake?

I took a job in Salt Lake City. It's not like it pays much, but I hear it's pretty there. But then when I tell others that I'm moving from San Diego to Salt Lake City, I get this cringed look which is followed by, "Why on Earth would you ever do that?" I then hear stories of polygamists neighborhoods where they pressure you into group sex and weird Mormon rituals?? I also hear that once they find out you are new in the neighborhood, the PRESSURE is on to get you to convert to Mormonism. So now I'm really wondering if I made a mistake??? Help??

10 Answers

  • phrog
    Lv 7
    8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    you heard wrong.....SLC is a good place to live. there are a lot of LDS (aka Mormon church) there, yes...but they are nice people and make great neighbors.

    good luck.

  • 8 years ago

    That is hilarious. When my parents were getting set to move out of Utah to live in Texas decades ago their Mormon neighbors told them not to do it that they would be persecuted and shunned by their neighbors and that they would be pressured to drink and smoke and do all manner of evil. About the worst that ever happened was that my dad had to sit in and smoke filled office all day because back then they didn't have non-smoking laws.

    Don't believe everything you hear about a place, especially by people who have never been there.

    When I lived in the SLC area, about 60% of my neighbors were LDS, who don't practice polygamy, and the rest were non-Mormon. I'm pretty sure if there were polygamists in my neighborhood, I would have heard about it from the other neighbors.

    And I don't know about the pressure to join the LDS Church, already being Mormon. I don't think every Mormon, or even most Mormons that you meet are going to try to convert you or pressure you to join the church. And consider that SLC is an urban area, there will be a greater diversity of people there so you will probably find a larger community of non-Mormons than you had expected.

  • 8 years ago

    To give you a answer from a non-Mormon who lives in SLC: The Mormons are pleasant but distant. The Mormons are nice and polite but, you will always be an outsider. They tolerate you, will be nice to your face, but really, you will understand that this is their town not yours. If you make friends, zero will be Mormons, all will be either ex-Mormons or non-Mormons. It's pretty in SLC, there are lots of recreational opportunities, and the weather is pleasant. Be aware that the further you go from downtown SLC the higher the % of Mormons. There is a vast cultural gap between SoCal and SLC so, if you come be prepared for a "different world"

    What you have to understand is that most of the people here are born, grow and die in the same zip code. They stay in the same cocoon except for a very scripted and controlled 2 years when they leave on a "mission" So, they have no real experience of the larger world, what it is like to be a stranger, what other religions teach etc.. Its a cultural bubble in SLC.

  • windy
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    Relocating To Salt Lake City

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  • ?
    Lv 6
    8 years ago

    polygamists neighborhoods where they pressure you into group sex and weird Mormon rituals??

    Lets brake this down:

    "polygamist neighborhoods" -- I've lived in Utah before, 3 different cities, never encountered this...ever.

    "pressure you into group sex" -- I've lived in Utah before, 3 different cities, never encountered this...ever.

    "weird Mormon rituals" -- Go to a Mormon church in San Diego, you will see how normal their church service is, that should set your mind at ease. Also, although they won't let you inside, you should go visit the grounds of the Mormon temple in San Diego, that should also help you from being so scared.

    Pretty much this whole sentence/question is just full of the worst misconception, hate, lies, and bigotry people try to throw at the mormon religion.

    "PRESSURE is on to get you to convert to Mormonism" -- some people might invite you to church regularly, if you don't want to go say "no thank you".

    At the end of the day only 60% of the population of Utah is Mormon, and only 40% of the population in SLC. Of that 40% only half are actually active members of the Mormon religion. So, while you probably are going to recieve a culture don't have to worry about finding friends or people with similar interests as yourself.

    I would say don't worry and just move you will be fine...but since you clearly have some really messed up preconceptions about mormons, I would suggest just stay in the land of fruits and nuts if you can't get past the wierd view you have of Utah, Utah doesn't need hateful people.

  • 8 years ago

    lol...everything you've heard is beyond idiotic. SLC is an awesome city and when I moved there no was bothered me about anything.

    Its very pretty there, and a very clean city. Wait till you see the mountains. There are NO polygamous neighborhoods anywhere near the main city, you have to go pretty far out of the populated areas to find one. And I never really came across one in the 3 yrs I lived there. And the last thing they want is people getting in there business.

    I think it will be a good move. You are talking to some really biased, ill-informed people.

  • 8 years ago

    What you heard is absolutely incorrect. I am a Mormon and have lived in Utah all my life. I think one of our biggest faults is we tend to spend so much time with our families and other church members and not enough time developing relationships with our neighbors who belong to other faiths.

    However, if you let other people taint your view of Utah before you even get here, you'll likely have a struggle because you'll feel like you have to have your guard up and you'll try to close everyone else out.

    Also, if you want a summary what Mormons are all about here goes:

    1. We don't have multiple wives (there are other sects in rural areas that do but they are not part of us).

    2. We do not have anything to do with group sex. In fact we would lose membership in our church if we did anything like that.

    3. We believe in having strong, close families and spend much of our time trying to teach our children good family values.

    4. We believe in being honest and moral.

    5. Yes, its true, we do consume alcohol, coffee, tea or tobacco but we respect other people's rights to make their own decisions.

    6. We primarily follow the teachings from the Bible and the Book of Mormon.

    7. We enjoy entertainment activities like movies, sports, music, etc.

    I would give Utah a shot. I can't imagine living anywhere else. Just come out here with the attitude of making new friends and don't believe the negative stuff and you'll be good.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    Some might be attracted to group sex and weird mormon rituals in SLC. You never know.... but its no more weird in SLC than it would be in Provo or Ogden.

    Utah is the mormon state. Let's face facts here. Mormons will imply otherwise, but who are they seriously kidding? It's a fact. Their political legislature is around 90% mormon. The LDS heavily influences their laws. By just a single tells-all instance, it's basically a dry state which they have been quite creative by machinated conditioning, insisting people pay fees to drink in any bar. Where else does a US state profit from silly fees to enjoy a glass of wine or a cold beer with your mates while sitting on a barstool instead of tucked safely out of sight in your own home? (How most mormons privately imbibe.) If the state profits, the LDS inadvertently profits from it, being the officially unofficial state religion. According to mormons?... Don't let the truth get in the way of their "facts".

    Or perhaps those people who cringe when hearing another person has succumbed to tall tales of living in a "cosmopolitan" western city hasn't been told of the yearly stench off the salt lake that envelopes the city? Catch your breath now, while you can. You'll need it to protest all those friendly LDS sidling up to you, intent on turning you into another mormon. So they can stop by your house and imbibe for free.

    Buy some barstools. A friendly atmosphere is key to mormons. You'll get used to the stench in time.

  • Ammon
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    Members of THE Church Of JESUS CHRIST Of Latter Day Saints

    are not allowed to have more than one wife. Any Mormon with more than one wife

    is excommunicated no exceptions whatsoever.

    That has been so for over 100 years. Apparently you never received the telegraph...

    message. Chat.

    God bless.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    im offended! You didn't even consider England!

    Move to our country!

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