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Lv 7
? asked in News & EventsCurrent Events · 8 years ago

London WILL be " clearing out " the poor,Official ?

BBC report states that London's poor will be forced out,due to Government rent and benefit policies.

More room for multi family,maxi-rent,immigrant slums ?


The cheap labour will be in multi occupancy slums.

No shortage,provided you don't need English speaking staff.

The English will have to commute in.

13 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 5
    8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    It's still the poor on the receiving end of the Tory boot.

    Whatever lies,misdirections,and self serving statistical juggling,it's political rigging.

    The poor,dispossessed,labour voters,are being forced out,making room for Tory votes to move in.

    Gerrymandering at it's most cynical.

    Source(s): While the New Labour Useless Party say ,and do,nothing.
  • It's not all 'the poor' it's non-working families with 3 or more children who are probably not going to be able to live anywhere in London, and this includes the cheapest areas such as Barking and Romford.

    And before we blame them for not working, they may be looking for a job and can't find one, we know there a lot more unemployed than vacancies at the moment, about 5:1 on average and we've all seen the newspaper stories about several hundred people applying for one job, or they may be lone parents (often through no fault of their own) with very young children.

    I've been looking at the figures:

    A non working couple with three children will be paid £327.25 pw in state benefits comprising Jobseekers Allowance, Child Tax Credit and Child Benefit, all figures available and checkable online.

    A lone parent with three children will be paid £286.40 pw.

    So, with the £500 pw benefit cap, the maximum amount of housing benefit paid to a non-working couple with three children will be £172.75 pw and £213.60 to a lone parent, so they either find a place to rent within these levels, or they make up the difference from their benefits if they are able to.

    Families with two children should be OK if they live in or move to the cheaper areas of London because they will be able to claim up to £238.45 housing benefit for a couple and £279.30 for a lone parent.

    The website LHA Direct gives the maximum amount of housing benefit able to be paid for each area, and it's set at the top of the bottom third of the range of rents, so we can guess rents charged to tenants on housing benefit will be quite close to the maximum allowable amount, this is currently £230.77 for a three bed property in the outer north east of London for instance including the cheaper areas like Barking, and £300 for outer north which includes areas like Tottenham and Edmonton, so we're not talking posh.

    As to the incentive to landlords to lower rents, this isn't going to happen because house prices are continuing to steadily rise in London and the south east, so more people are getting priced out of the housing market, so there is a strong demand for rented housing which keeps rents high. And the government are giving themselves away on this because they used that argument at first and are now using the one about incentivising work instead, but aren't backing up the figures they are claiming on people who've found jobs.

    So multi-occupancy slums, probably not, more likely the landlords will spruce the housing up a bit and let them for higher than the previous rents covered by housing benefit. Also as more areas of London become gentrified councils are cracking down on licences for multi-occupancy houses.

    Overcrowding, possibly, as one way around the cap if people want to stay in London is to a find an unscrupulous landlord who will allow overcrowding so a family can rent somewhere smaller and cheaper and all squash in.

    Of course the very poorest will still be in London because they will be the only people who will be eligible for what's left of the social housing, and we should remember that councils and government offered housing benefit for private renting as an alternative to not building to keep up with the demand for social housing, so it seems grossly unfair to me to take that housing benefit support away in some areas purely because house prices inflated there and therefore rents, which was not caused by any action or misdeed of the tenants themselves.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    Never mind,the time will come just like 1665 & 1666,and plague followed by a great fire will clear the slums.

  • 8 years ago

    Shouldn't people live where they can afford?

    Or is it different in London?

    If rents are high ( and you pay them yourself) you pay up or move. Those on benefits squeal how cruel it is that the nasty government caps their benefits.....well it is long overdue.

    Move where it is cheaper.....plenty of British people have done it for decades.

    The entitlement foot stamping gimme gimme gimme culture is beyond a joke it is quite sickening for those of us who fund it.

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  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    Don't mean that it will be the indigenous whites though. Hopefully it will be those that have no affinity to London apart from Victoria coach station. The days are over for Somalians etc being allowed to live in £1million plus houses.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    Where IS the voice,of and for the White English People ?

    SILENT !

    PC " liberalism ", has WON.


    Source(s): People once walked silently into the gas chambers too.
  • ?
    Lv 5
    8 years ago

    As always this is racially motivated rubbish by the cabal of UKIPers/ BNP etc. that pollute YA.

    The vast majority of "poor" in England and in London are actually ethnic minorities.

    The relocation of the poor is actually designed to be an ethnic cleansing of London conducted by the Conservatives and the vast majority of the affected shall be British citizens who have the misfortune of not being white... to open the London property markets to the various criminals from the US, Russia, the middle-east and the EU... that the Conservatives are so enamored of.

    Citations below...

  • ?
    Lv 5
    8 years ago

    If opponents of government policy think that ppl who can't afford to live exactly where they want should get other people's money to enable them to do so, then great idea! Can't fault it!

    Put me down for Virginia Water, please.

    Okay, sarcasm over. People have had to move away from their birth place across countries and continents since the dawn of time for economic reasons. Finally the gov is no longer wiling to use other people's money to make people on HB immune from what everyone else just accepts as a fact of life.

    Inevitably lefties are squealing about welfare junkies' "hooman rights". Again. Yawn.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    The authorities need to make room for the influx of Romanian and Bulgarian migrants.

  • A lot of immigrant families will be hit by this too and be forced out of London. The idea is that landlords will no longer be able to charge silly high rent for substandard properties. I know two friends, white British, who are forced to rent these places. Both have their rents for these properties paid for by the taxpayer. If the rents come down the taxpayer will save money. And when I see your avatar coming down my road I will believe it!

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