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What is the Islamic attitude to learning difficulties, particularly conditions like Downs' syndrome?

4 Answers

  • 8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Linked below is a thirty page study (the first seven are the methodology of the study, pages 8-30 deal with the Qu'ran and Hadith as far as disability) on the issue of disablement as noted by Islam and its scholars.

    The abstract is as follows, but the study you might find interesting:


    The purpose of this study is to seek a first-hand understanding of the Islamicposition and attitude towards disability by examining the primary sources of Islamic teaching—the


    and the life example of the Prophet Muhammad as preserved in his sayings and teachings


    We search the Qur’an for references to such terms as blind, mute, deaf, lame,weak, orphan, destitute/needy, and wayfarer. We attempt to understand the intent of these terms by examining the roots of the Arabic words and investigating their possible synonyms; cross-referencing the Qur’anic verses containing the same terms; and confirming the meaning with theHadith. We conclude that the concept of disability, in the conventional sense, is not found in the Qur’an.

    Rather, the Qur’an concentrates on the notion of disadvantage that is created by society and imposed on those individuals who might not possess the social, economic, or physical attributes that people happen to value at a certain time and place. The Qur’an places the responsibility of rectifying this inequity on the shoulder of society by its constant exhortation to Muslims to recognize the plight of the disadvantaged and to improve their condition and status.

    Source(s): atheist (disabled with epilepsy)
  • ?
    Lv 5
    8 years ago

    Islam opposes prejudice against and exclusion of any group of people. The Qur’an addresses all of humanity in this way: “O mankind, We created you from a single [pair] of a male and a female, and made you into nations and tribes, that you may know each other [not that you may despise each other]. Verily the most honored of you in the sight of Allah is [he who is] the most righteous of you. And God has full knowledge and is well acquainted [with all things]” (49:13). In this revelation God is telling us that He created us from one man and one woman meaning then that we are all equal and that all human beings are created through the same process, not in a manner in which some are created better than others.

    Islam teaches us that everyone deserves love, care, and respect, and this fact does not change when a person is impaired. What really matters is his or her heart and conduct. We are enjoined to be accepting of all people regardless of their disability and include them amongst us and support them by addressing their needs. In one of the hadith, our Prophet said, “God the Merciful shows mercy to merciful people. Show mercy to those on earth so that God shows mercy on you” (Abu Dawud).

  • 8 years ago

    why should there be an islamic attitude to everything? .. if someone's got down's syndrome then you take care of them and let them enjoy a happy life, and that has nothing to do with any religion

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    It is really disgusting to read how Muslims kill, maim, etc. people while the real blight of the humanity is you. We mostly just fight among ourselves. We have no "agencies", armies or corporations ruining, invading and sucking the blood of every country that has some natural resource. You have accumulated two world wars, one Cold War, one Holocaust and countless banana republics just in the last century. I call you Pigistians after your equally disgusting favorite animal

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