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Lv 613,917 points

Amar Saleem

Favorite Answers11%
  • e-mails won't show up?

    everything will show up, the sender's details. all the other buttons around the screen, but i can't see the e-mails.. i've tolerated everything else because i've had to, this has been my professional e-mail address for years and for better or worse i'm stuck using it, but i don't know how you expect me to tolerate this, showing me my e-mails is the one thing i expect you to do right whatever else you do.

    1 AnswerAbuse and Spam5 years ago
  • fedex customs clearance deadline?

    i've put a question mark in it this time so people will know i'll want an answer.. so here's what's happened, i ordered something from a chinese company a few weeks ago and since it arrived in the UK it's been stuck in customs.. it's totally legal and no duty is owed on it, but they're keeping it from me anyway.. i asked fedex about it (it was fedex who shipped it and who are now refusing to do the rest of the job that i've paid them to do) and they told me that they just need to test my stuff before they clear it.. they haven't begun to do that yet, i've rang them twice asking them what progress they've made and both times they just told me they'd let me know as soon as they've finished doing what they're doing.. i don't understand what the delay is with it, but mostly i'm confused about something the chinese sales rep told me which was that there's a deadline for clearing my stuff, which fedex never said anything about, plus i have no control over any of this, if anybody should be working to a deadline it's fedex.. but in any case fedex never mentioned a deadline.. why would there be a deadline? what can i do to speed up the clerance process, or at least make them start doing something? what happens if the deadline's passed? if there was a deadline why haven't fedex done anything yet, with their reputation to uphold? if anybody can give me an explanation for all of this i'd be very grateful

    3 AnswersLaw & Ethics6 years ago
  • what's wrong with my sky plus box?

    it's started to do funny things, sometimes all it'll show is a screen saying the box isn't receiving a satellite signal even tho there's nothing wrong with the dish, any of the cables, the box (as far as i can tell), or the TV, and if i try to record a programme on one channel while i'm looking at another it'll show that screen on that channel and the recording will fail, it'll let me record a programme on a channel i'm looking at but if i try to do that i can't look at any other, it'll show me that screen again on every channel except the one i'm trying to record something on.. i guess i'll have to reset the software, how do i do that? and if that's not the way to make it work the way it's supposed to, what should i do?

    3 AnswersOther - Electronics7 years ago
  • strange beehaviour?

    pardon the pun .. i've noticed all these bumblebees acting really weird this week, they seem to be eating flies, i didn't think they do that, and a lot of them have been dropping to the ground from exhaustion and starvation, saw a few dead ones on the ground, they've been ignoring all the flowers all around them and eating baby flies in stead.. they seem to be anyway, at first i thought they were looking for shelter from the rain the other day, inside curled up leaves, but there were even more doing it yesterday and more still today when it's been bright and sunny .. maybe that's what the first few were doing, just trying to get out of the rain, and that's when they learned how delicious meat is, and now they've taught other bees to like it as well.. or maybe some GM plant's pollen's messed with their heads or something.. or maybe it's always been happening and i've just never noticed.. has anybody else seen anything like this?

    1 AnswerZoology7 years ago
  • unable to withdraw money from cash machine?

    my bank is HSBC and i have an overdraft with them but for some time i've been below the limit they set for me when i set up the overdraft. my debit card expires in 2015. i was able to use my card 2 weeks ago to withdraw money and i tried to do it earlier today but none of the machines on the high street would let me. one of them told me that it's because it couldn't read the chip on my card, even though it was able to show me my balance. there are no charges going out of my account that i'm aware of. what might the reason be for me being unable to access my money?

    4 AnswersOther - Business & Finance7 years ago
  • funny charges on my bank statement?

    had to phrase that as a question somehow .. alright i found out yesterday that my bank's charged me for being overdrawn, i knew i wasn't overdrawn so i printed out a statement and found these two payments that someone made out of my account a little while ago, one says 'int'l 0063798657' for £21.17 and the other says 'int'l 0063798658' for £3.11'.. what do these numbers mean, why is someone rolling thru different numbers, is there any way i can find out who's been robbing me, is there any way i can stop being robbed without closing my account (i.e. can i make it so that only payments authorized from within my area can be made), and is there a way i can get back my money? i probably can't do anything about the overdraft charge, that's the rule even tho it wasn't my fault that i was overdrawn, but the other payments that i never made, is there a way i can get that money back?

    2 AnswersPersonal Finance8 years ago
  • what are the UK laws about labelling food?

    is there a law against selling food without having a label stuck to its packaging? and would it make a difference if i had signs up with all the relevant information on them? and does the law differ depending on if you're running a shop or not?

    1 AnswerLaw & Ethics8 years ago
  • what does '[price]+VAT' mean?

    what i'm asking is does it mean that the VAT's been added to the price they've given, or that they haven't? so if someone's quoted me a price of '£120+VAT', does it mean the cost to me would be £120 and without VAT it would have been £100, or that the cost to me is £144 and the £120 price is what it is without VAT? and does '[price] including VAT' mean the same as this, or the other thing?

    4 AnswersUnited Kingdom8 years ago
  • theists: what kind of evidence would falsify god?

    atheists may answer as well of course (ideally just the clearer thinkers amongst you), but i'm mostly interested in what my fellow believers have to say .. here's what would falsify god to me: if all the founders of all the religions were conclusively found to be scam artists, that would probably do it for me

    5 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • 'code 12', and can't put laptop to sleep?

    i've bought a new hard drive for my computer as the last one kept looping on startup (but that's just a peripheral detail), installed windows vista, then got myself all the newest drivers for my laptop from the acer website (as it was acer that made it.. again, just peripheral details, for context) .. all the driver software loaded up fine and are working fine, except the one for my video card, which has a little yellow warning triangle next to it in device manager .. when i look in the properties dialogue box for it, it says

    This device cannot find enough free resources that it can use. (Code 12)

    If you want to use this device, you will need to disable one of the other devices on this system.

    Click 'Check for solutions' to send data about this device to Microsoft and to see if there is a solution available.

    and underneath that is a 'check for solutions' button, which does nothing except tell me that it can't check for solutions.. .. i've had a look on other sites, and the only advice i've managed to find is to click a button that says 'troubleshoot', which people have usually said should be where that 'check for solutions' button is (so please don't tell me to click troubleshoot, as there's no button for it.. unless i'm looking in the wrong place.. where else would it be?) .. .. yea so how do i find out which device is conflicting with the video card, and how do i fix this? thanks very much in advance

    1 AnswerLaptops & Notebooks10 years ago
  • how do i contact yahoo?

    this is getting ridiculous, they keep evading my questions, going 'don't email us here again' or, 'you're not a business so we don't want you contacting us'.. .. i'm just after some answers, does anybody know about an email address where i can contact a person, not just machines.. or a phone number, or something.. thanks very much

    2 AnswersYahoo Answers10 years ago