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Need help on Fasfa, please!?

I have never filled out my fasfa before. My parents have always done it for me.

I know they have put that they I lived with them before. And I was always marked as a dependent. Is it better if I say that I don't live with them? I do live with my grandparents most of the time. I did that and it said that I was not an independent.

I also only worked for about 4 months last year and I got paid out of pocket so I didn't file a tax return. I never have anyways, my parents always did it for me before and I do not know anything about it. So, is it bad if I say that I am not going to file one?

I am also not working right now. Should I lie and say that I am working?

I don't expect to get grants or anything, I just want loans. My grandparents have been supporting me since January because I got really sick and I even had to take time off of school.

I just want to know if I won't get loans if I say I am not working and it technically says I am an independent.



It just asks if I was living with my parents and I said no and went onto the next page. Then it said I was considered an independent because I said I wasn't living with my parents.

I didn't click anything that said that I was a independent though.

So, if I don't have my own tax returns, do I need any at all?

Or should I ask my father for his. He isn't very involved and is hard to get a hold of. So, I would rather not have to ask him. My parents never divorced but have been separated since I was 8 and I don't contact my mother anymore.

im 23

Update 2:

My dad is a programmer and makes over 110,00 a year. Don't really know how much. Don't really talk to him.

My mom is an aide at a elementary school. Don't know how much she makes. not much.

I live in california

Update 3:

Well, I actually got paid under the table at a Republican campaign office. They just paid me that way. And like I said, I don't know anything about taxes. My parents always did that for me in the past.

I have never gotten grants or subsidized loans before, so I am not exactly mooching off anyone. I said I "just want loans" earlier. Did I say I wanted to lie to get grants? No, because I don't.

4 Answers

  • Merry
    Lv 7
    8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Always tell the truth on the FAFSA!! Lying is a good way to get into major trouble.

    And, if you're not working, why would you even consider saying that you are? The more money you make, the less your chances are of getting the maximum amount of financial aid.

    It doesn't matter where you live - whether it's by yourself, with your parents, grandparents, friends, etc. You have to truthfully answer "yes" to one of the questions here to be considered independent. If you cannot, then you are dependent for FAFSAS purposes and will need to include your parent's information.

    If you're not going to file taxes, it's not bad to say that you're not.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    You are not considered independent just because you are living away from them; that is irrelevant and not part of the criteria for an independent student. Given you are under 24, you very likely answered a question wrong and will need to make corrections before you can receive any financial aid.

    If you did not file taxes, then you put will not file. You will have to receive proof of nonfiling from the IRS when you are selected for verification.

    Why would you realistically lie on this application? Just answer truthfully. Saying you're working when you are not will not gain you any benefits.

  • 8 years ago

    "I know they have put that they I lived with them before. And I was always marked as a dependent. Is it better if I say that I don't live with them?"

    They never said this, because it never asked. And unless you plan on scribbling useless notes in the margins (not recommended), you won't be able to say so either. Who you live with is irrelevant. Unless you meet one of the defined criteria for applying as an independent, you will be required to provide your parents' information.

    "So, is it bad if I say that I am not going to file one?"

    No, it is the truth. Obviously if you have no income, then there would be no reason for you to file an income tax return. So you certainly aren't committing a crime by not filing one.

    "I am also not working right now. Should I lie and say that I am working? "

    Fraud is a felony. Are you willing to accept the consequences of this if you get caught? Worst case scenario, prison time, and a fine of thousands of dollars, and once you do get out, you would be permanently banned from the financial aid process. the best case scenario is that they will assume that since you are working, you clealy do not need as much financial aid since you have an income coming in, and would therefore be able to cover some of it yourself.

    "I just want to know if I won't get loans if I say I am not working and it technically says I am an independent."

    You are ALWAYS eligible for loans. No matter what your dependency status is. Unless of course, you do something like lie on your application, in which case you could potentially get yourself into serious trouble, and ruin your chances of EVER getting financial aid again. And it will not "technically say you are an independent" either. You either are one or you are not. If it was as easy as just saying you were one, then everybody would just say they were.

    Financial Aid is based on financial need. Trying to hide the fact that you need financial aid would backfire big time.

    Since you clearly are trying to dive into this completely blind, I recommend reading up a bit on the whole process first. Just asking here will not get you all of the information you need. You don't need to dive into all the details, but you should at least have an idea of what you are getting into. Don't even begin to apply until then. You can use the website below. It is a great source of information:

    Source(s): Spent several years working for the Federal Student Aid Information Center
  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    you didn't include important information here like: how old are you? ur parent's income? state you live in?

    even if you're living with your grandparents u're still dependent on ur parents. u will need their tax info from the previous year to file the fafsa. im assuming you're less than 24 yrs old otherwise you would be considered independent (24 and above) ans since you didn't file any tax returns it doesnt make sense to put on the fafsa that your filed taxes. and u cant lie about working because they'll check the social security number. never lie about anything.

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