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How to deal with neighbor's house?

The house next door pumps out rusty water from their basement onto the street 24x7. It's because they have an old cast iron field tile running next to their foundation that the developers did not remove. Because of the slope to the sewer drain, the orange water pools in front of my house, where our cars drive through it tracking it onto the driveway.

The homeowner association refuses to do anything about it. They say it's my problem.

The catch is, the guy next door is a nice guy.

How do I ratchet up my complaints without ruining the situation? And who can I escalate my complaints to if the HOA refuses to intervene?


3 Answers

  • Favorite Answer

    Hi...well...if the guy next door is a nice/good guy like you say...why not simply ask him and I'm sure he can see the cars tracking through the water and bringing it to stain your driveway, walkway, house carpeting? Tell him..."I know it's not your fault and I wasn't really sure how to approach you on this...but this rusty water pooling out you have any ideas...can you help me out here?" Something like that...if he's ok like you say...he shouldn't take offense! And when you say it's pumping 24/7, you mean that the electric sump pump is going off at intervals or is it continually running all the time or is just the work of gravity because the street is below the house? If it is running as much as you say, then tell him that fixing it will lower the electric bill because the pump won't be running all the time and will save on burning out pump after pump...I'm sure if this has been going on a long time, he's replaced that pump a time or two! Ask him if he has been in contact with the developer? No One wants to pay a couple of $$ grand for a digging crew, that's a big/dirty job but it couldn't hurt to ask! Can't think of anyone else besides the HOA...anyone else, like the EPA may force him to fix it if it is, in fact, an issue. I don't know if it is...but he'll blame you...that you called someone on him and if he has to pay, it'll just tick him off...I say go to him first...don't rat him out. Good luck!

    Source(s): Ex-Realtor and Energy Consultant.
  • ?
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    I take it since you have an HOA that its a private community. I believe you then should have a copy of the by-laws which defines what is the responsibility of the community vs. the home owners. Usually, the HOA is responsible for outdoors and the home owners indoors. I think you need to have that determined first, and then you have the right to take it to the board and file a complaint.

    But, before you do that talk to the neighbor he may be understanding and you may be able to resolve it with him. Some people who work for the HOA, in all honesty are peons, and are there only because they can't get better jobs and in allot cases they are a$$holes who can't deal with people properly.

    Good Luck!!

  • 8 years ago

    Don't assume that you will necessarily have to ratchet up your complaint. It is always best not to with any neighbour, especially one who is basically nice, and always best to approach the source of the problem, in the nicest and calmest way.

    Start with him on a very softly softly basis and just say that he probably doesn't realise (though in all probability he does), that the water he causes to pool outside your home, is causing a nuisance. Then state, again very politely, that you need something to be done about the nuisance, but would like to find an amicable solution to this and will he work with you to try to find one.

    That will give him the opportunity to explain any reasons why he has not attempted to resolve his problem to date and to come up with a solution that will hopefully satisfy both of you.

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