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Christians. is this true? read details?

God is all knowing. He knows everything that will ever happen. God created lucifer (satan) knowing he would rebel. He created adam and eve and placeemd the tree of good and evil in the garden, told them not to eat from it. Since he knows everything, he knew they would eat from the tree yet he still placed it there. So it must've been in his plans for the fall of man. So he planned for satan to fall, man to fall and fall into sin. If he knew it would happen yet still allowed and planned for it, whats the point of everything? What does this say about christianity?

13 Answers

  • 8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Religion does not have to make sense. People will believe any nonsense they are told and put money in the collection plate.

  • 8 years ago

    God placed the tree of good and evil in the garden because he wanted man to have a choice in following him or not.

    He created Lucifer and gave him a choice to follow or rebel; because he loves all and wants to be followed(loved) by all.

    But it wouldn't be love if there wasn't a choice to not love him.

    Source(s): My own studies.
  • ?
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    Very good. I don't have one problem with anything you just said.

    From what I understand he did all this, knowing what would happen, deliberately.

    He said what he was doing though (that is where everyone seems to lose it), He is making Man in his own image. Adam wasn't the finished product. What we are going to be after all this stuff ends is going show saved people being incorruptible, like God. Adam was corruptible, and so he fell for the wrong thing. I wont be when God is finished with me, but not by power, nor by strength, but by His Spirit.

  • 8 years ago

    because the other worlds out there have not fallen & we will get to rule over them later. they have to see how we behave & how we will treat them & be true & just to them. furthermore..god let satan & the others fall to prove that we do have free will....even the angels. that said..god did plead with lucifer several tiems first. he had plenty of chances....just like we do.

    now we who want things put right again ....& those other worlds (who are cloaked to us right now since they havent fallen yet...bit like klingon technologoy ...or harry potters invisi-claok) we'll see what happens to those who turn away (hence why the other planets didnt fall...they see how we screwed up) & once thigns are right will never happen again.

    Source(s): bible
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  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    God gave Adam and Eve a choice they disobeyed. God let satan tempt them but god gave them a clear warning. He didn't let Satan kill them god protected them god told them to not eat of the tree and they did.

  • 8 years ago

    God gave everyone a choice, including his angels. If he didnt, we would all be his little robotic slaves doing anything and everything he told us to. He knows everything that will happen with whatever choice we make. So he knows your current path and the next few that follow depending on a choice you make

  • 8 years ago

    It says one of the greatest gifts given to mankind after life, is free agency, and God knowing before hand what would happen and prepared a way for mankind to escape death and sin upon conditions of repentance through his Son.

  • 8 years ago

    Yep this theme continues when he tells his disciples that one of them will betray them. Now if you knew your friend was going to betray you, you'd go and talk to him wouldn't you?

    He also says peter betrays him but he didn't since jesus told him not to remember him

    Anyone that believes in that sort of monster needs to wake up. God is a phycopath made by phycopaths to try and control the masses by intimidation.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    I think, Michael, that God could have created creatures in His PERFECT IMAGE, but they would not have been conscious of their existence. He chose to give them free will, which gave them a choice to chose Him or not to chose Him. I think that God knew that they had a choice, BUT I think that He, in his wisdom offered a choice to them and the consequences of either choice. He knew and they know. That is how we are like God, we have will.

  • 8 years ago

    Just because he let us fall..

    Doesn't make him irresponsible...

    God gave us free will..

    We chose the fall..

    We follow satan not God..

    Mankind is evil..

    God tried to change us..

    But we didn't want to..

    Humans don't like what's good

    They only know evil..

    God told us what is good...

    We know..

    We just don't care..

    Christians hide behind Jesus..

    They think they're safe from judgement..

    But Jesus will judge them..

    They know that hell awaits them..

    All faith returns to hell..

    But only hope can make it back to heaven..

    Source(s): God isn't the man you thought he was...
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