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Lv 7

Atheists..., does this video substantiate any part of The Bible to you?

BQ: Are you going to teach your children to scoff at this, the way that you teach them to scoff at the rest of The Bible

8 Answers

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    I thought these neo-apocalyptic prophets were kooks when I was a Christian. Even more so now that I'm an atheist.

  • 8 years ago

    No video on YouTube or anywhere else can substantiate anything except the fact of it's own existence.

    The quality of that Russo rubbish is revealed in the first few seconds with the title "Tading Places". If they can't check the spelling on their titles, then why should I take anything they say seriously? This crap has been around for thirty years, we've heard it all before, typical American paranoia and cheap conspiracy theories, which some of the religious are too easily sucked into because of the fact that they cannot think critically. What's next, are they going to revive the Satanic ritual abuse of infants scare, or is some rapture retard going to calculate another date for another rapture that will never happen?

    Reminds me of one I saw that was supposed to substantiate claims that the world would end on 21 December 2012, with three errors of fact in the first couple of minutes.

    The Bible is choked with errors of fact.

  • 8 years ago

    I fail to see how the hyperbolic (and often false-flag) conspiratorial silliness of Alex Jones and his ilk in any way relate to the mythology of the ancient Middle East.

    Actually, I suppose they do have some things in common - the people who take them seriously are delusional, fantasistic, and generally ill-educated. There is that.

  • 8 years ago

    If we've come to a point where the 'best evidence' for a deity is a YouTube video, then atheism has WON.

    You win the Pathetic Apologist of the Year Award. It comes with a lifetime supply of shame.

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  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    I've seen it before. It's based on paranoia. With RFID the technology is possible, but not going to happen. I'm pretty sure this guy Rockefeller doesn't exist.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    20 seconds... the bloke is an accomplished nutter.

    Surely you didn't get sucked into his büllshït...

    You did?


    I teach my children to spot büllshït...

    Like your parents didn't teach you.

    When I was about eleven I said to dad: Jeez you're cynical.

    Dad came straight back: What's the opposite of cynical?

    Me: I don't know.

    Dad: Gullible.

    That was how he taught me about spotting büllshït...

    And I have never forgotten that lesson.

    Lift your game, kid.


  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    No, this video comes off as conspiratorial - something the lunatic Alex Jones would put out.

    edit- I guess I was right, lol: "infowars"

  • Mackey
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    No. I did not have children.

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