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What will happen in the future with this scenario?

Here's an idea. At this time a US Mars rover discovers gold or any other great valued resource on the red planet. Like all governments with a great find, the country tries to hide this discovery, but let's say an incident like the Edward Snowden case happens, and info is leaked to several other powerful countries (China, Russia, India, and the EU). Your probably guessing where this is going. Now predict what will happen, and how will this change the world in the next 20 years, and then after that what will happen in the next 20 years after that?

I would like a good educated question, and this is something to think about.

2 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 6
    8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Probably nothing for a long time. It costs a fortune to send even an unmanned vehicle to Mars. Then it would have to be large enough to come back to Earth carrying tons of gold. And if you got enough gold to be worth the effort, it would flood the market and tank the price...either that, or you would show it could be done in a cost effective manner, and that would be factored into the price.

    From an economic standpoint, harvesting precious metals from other planets will never make sense.

  • Elena
    Lv 5
    8 years ago

    Honestly, the first thought that comes to my mind is that there would be wars starting. As with any precious natural resource, every country wants as much as it can get. A lot of countries are claiming parts of the polar ice caps because there's oil being discovered in them. If there aren't any already, there will be wars over that oil between countries.

    Back to regarding Mars, I think that a space race similar to that of the 1960s will begin but this time, it will involve the whole world (or at least most of the countries who can already have the luxury of space travel). More people would get trained to be astronauts than ever before and I believe that these astronauts will also receive army training to combat enemy soldiers on Mars in order to get their oil, gold, diamonds, etc. Another thing I believe is that more emphasis will be put on educating the populace of every country involved in sciences and math so we can all try to come up with better ideas to get the edge on other countries in order to get more of whatever is on Mars.

    Short answer: people will get greedy and go to war with each other like a group of kids trying to get the last cupcake at a party without parental supervision.

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