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  • Why did America's Style of a Constitutional Republic not catch on with the rest of the world the way Communism did?

    When I look at history I'm surprised to know that the US has been around longer then Marxism. Yet, for many years no one ever thought the idea of a multi-party state with an elected congress, a state of checks and balances, a three branch government system, etc... to be attractive to any political revolutionist. As a matter of fact during the early 20th century, and especially after WWI (The Great War), more people were interested in the concept of Socialism, Nationalism, and even Fascism as the political norm. At that time the US was clearly the most productive, wealthy, and powerful nation. Didn't anybody take a look and said, "Hey, that might be a good idea". Did anybody even try?

    All the while, a system like communism spread like a wildfire to every continent. To me it always seemed like the Cold War was America's way of playing catch-up after its head start.

    I only seek an educated answer for this, not someone arguing ideology. I know that most of the world today is exercising that same type of system, but why did it take so long. To put it more simply "If the US is 240 years old why did our influence not spread like Marx's"?

    5 AnswersPolitics5 years ago
  • Between 1989 and 1991, why were there so many movies about infants and child birth?

    Was there some kind of general concern for babies at the time. Look Who Talking, Parenthood, Look Who's Talking Too, The Unborn; even Nightmare on Elm Street part 5, and Ghostbusters 2 dealt with a baby, and let's not forgot the Look Who's Talking Spin-off TV show, and the Rugrats. So, what was going on at that time where babies were the most popular thing in cinema and TV. (I was born in 89, so I don't know)

    1 AnswerNewborn & Baby5 years ago
  • Can Cockroaches carry Bedbugs?

    I've heard of stories about carrying bedbugs from other people, clothing, and dirty beds, but what about other animals like cockroaches. If you kill one in your home is there a chance bedbugs can hitch a ride on them.

    2 AnswersOther - Home & Garden6 years ago
  • Did the West Coast-East Coast Hip Hop Rivalry ever end?

    And if so was it after Tupac and Biggie's deaths.

    5 AnswersRap and Hip-Hop7 years ago
  • What was this animated film?

    I remembered a movie back on Cartoon Network's Cartoon Theatre that had this black and white or minimal color animation done over live action black and white photos, sometimes involving clip art-like animation. It has been a while since I've seen it, but I do remember it was about a man and a shape-shifting dog who investigate a mad scientist's plot to using some kind of nightmare machine. I think the movie may have been European/British/Canadian because it doesn't have any notability in the US, Cartoon Theatre's wikia doesn't even have it listed, but I have seen small clips of it on retro promos for Cartoon Theatre. I remember the title having the world nightmares in it. If anybody knows the title, let me know.

    1 AnswerComics & Animation7 years ago
  • Who was Fat Bastard a parody of?

    I'm a big fan of the Austin Powers movies, but always wondered that while the characters were parodies of known James Bond characters, what was the satire of Fat Bastard. Was he based off of a famous overweight villain in the 007 movies. I watched quite a few 007 movies, but I don't remember all of them, and I don't quite remember a character like fat bastard. Was he an original character?

    3 AnswersMovies7 years ago
  • What ship out-did Titanic?

    Was there ever a cruise liner that out-did Titanic as far as size and accomedations.

    4 AnswersCruise Travel7 years ago
  • What should you do if you pop a Sty?

    Should I wash my eye out, or should I take some real serious consideration. I was looking up cures and it's all the same on the internet: Don't pop it, DON'T POP IT!!!!, Infection will spread, and more will form. I need some advice because I did pop mine (My mistake), and I just want to know if I didn't do anything extremly threatening to my eye? Just need advice from someone who has run that same mistake or knows of someone who has.

    2 AnswersSkin Conditions7 years ago
  • What to do with an Eyelid pimple?

    Okay I just found out to never pop an eyelid pimple, but I got that info a bit to late. What do I do if it has been popped? How do I prevent the possible risk of more pimples or infection?

    4 AnswersSkin Conditions7 years ago
  • Can you pay for a convention ticket with cash?

    Every time a good convention comes to my town I have to pay for the ticket online with the internet and pay with a credit card. I haven't tried it yet, but before I go or make a fool of myself, can I head over to the convention or ticket sales and pay for it up front with cash. It's just a question. This is my first time I plan to go to a convention.

    1 AnswerOther - Destinations8 years ago
  • Can medicinal marijuana prevent Alzheimer's Disease?

    I've learned that the CBD components of Cannibis can repair and protect vital parts of the brain, but can it treat or prevent those who suffer from Alzheimer's disease.

    5 AnswersAlternative Medicine8 years ago
  • How long will it be before man colonizes the moon?

    There have been many predictions, but I would like an expert opinion about possible colonization in the future.

    4 AnswersAstronomy & Space8 years ago
  • What will happen in the future with this scenario?

    Here's an idea. At this time a US Mars rover discovers gold or any other great valued resource on the red planet. Like all governments with a great find, the country tries to hide this discovery, but let's say an incident like the Edward Snowden case happens, and info is leaked to several other powerful countries (China, Russia, India, and the EU). Your probably guessing where this is going. Now predict what will happen, and how will this change the world in the next 20 years, and then after that what will happen in the next 20 years after that?

    I would like a good educated question, and this is something to think about.

    3 AnswersOther - Social Science8 years ago
  • What will happen in the future with this scenario?

    Here's an idea. At this time a US Mars rover discovers gold or any other great valued resource on the red planet. Like all governments with a great find, the country tries to hide this discovery, but let's say an incident like the Edward Snowden case happens, and info is leaked to several other powerful countries (China, Russia, India, and the EU). Your probably guessing where this is going. Now predict what will happen, and how will this change the world in the next 20 years, and then after that what will happen in the next 20 years after that?

    I would like a good educated question, and this is something to think about.

    2 AnswersEconomics8 years ago
  • What will happen in the future with this scenario?

    Here's an idea. At this time a US Mars rover discovers gold or any other great valued resource on the red planet. Like all governments with a great find, the country tries to hide the discovery, but let's say an incident like the Edward Snowden case happens and info is leaked to several other powerful countries (China, Russia, India, and the EU). Your probably guessing where this is going, now predict what will happen, and how will this change the world in the next 20 years, and then after that what will happen in the next 20 years after that?

    I would like a good educated question, and this is something to think about.

    7 AnswersAstronomy & Space8 years ago
  • What are your top 11 greatest anime series?

    This is more a question for everyone. All anime can count in this category question (Yes, even ecchi and hentai if you're into it). However, no Americanized anime (Avatar, Teen Titans, etc...), and no Anime movies (I'll bend that rule if their from an Anime series). I'll also except OVAs. Also explain your reasons for why they are on this top 11 lists.

    "Why top 11, because I like to go 1 step further" - The Nostalgia Critic

    2 AnswersComics & Animation8 years ago
  • What's your greatest Fast Food experience?

    It could be anything, first time eating there, a date, a funny moment, a time you won a prize, or something amazing and/or out of the ordinary.

    8 AnswersFast Food8 years ago