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Why did America's Style of a Constitutional Republic not catch on with the rest of the world the way Communism did?

When I look at history I'm surprised to know that the US has been around longer then Marxism. Yet, for many years no one ever thought the idea of a multi-party state with an elected congress, a state of checks and balances, a three branch government system, etc... to be attractive to any political revolutionist. As a matter of fact during the early 20th century, and especially after WWI (The Great War), more people were interested in the concept of Socialism, Nationalism, and even Fascism as the political norm. At that time the US was clearly the most productive, wealthy, and powerful nation. Didn't anybody take a look and said, "Hey, that might be a good idea". Did anybody even try?

All the while, a system like communism spread like a wildfire to every continent. To me it always seemed like the Cold War was America's way of playing catch-up after its head start.

I only seek an educated answer for this, not someone arguing ideology. I know that most of the world today is exercising that same type of system, but why did it take so long. To put it more simply "If the US is 240 years old why did our influence not spread like Marx's"?

5 Answers

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Many of the ideas of the American Revolution are not American in origin, but came from enlightenment thinkers of the French Revolution. America was always isolated from Europe and the rest of the world and not influenced by them as much. Prior to WWII, America mostly stayed out of global affairs and did not export its ideas.

  • 5 years ago

    That Depends. Communism as a global movement is constantly agitating unrest and discord. Maybe that's the reason.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    5 years ago

    There is an accurate twofold answer to your question. First of all, in the vast majority of Third World countries, the value of a human life is even less than that of a Chicken, or a Goat. The ideals of PEOPLE voting for their rulers wasn't broadcast very widely, and repudiated when it was. I am old enough to remember Nikita Kruschev, sitting at his desk in a meeting of the United Nations. Glaring at the American Ambassador to the U.N., and banging his shoe, repeatedly, on the top of his desk, Kruschev screamed, over, and over again, " We will bury you! We will bury you!" And, this leads me to my second answer to your question. You see, Socialists hope you are stupid enough to actually VOTE them into power. The Communists didn't give a damn WHAT you wanted.....They took over countries with military force. They ruled people with military force. No one " voted " Communists INTO power, and no one DARED to " vote them OUT of power.

  • ?
    Lv 5
    5 years ago

    Because Marxism sounds better. It sounds great, everyone being completely equal, getting everything free. But eventually people realized that it's a horrible system

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  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    Only Americans think that America's government is the best in the world. Everybody else thinks their 2-party system is insane.

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