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What are your top 11 greatest anime series?

This is more a question for everyone. All anime can count in this category question (Yes, even ecchi and hentai if you're into it). However, no Americanized anime (Avatar, Teen Titans, etc...), and no Anime movies (I'll bend that rule if their from an Anime series). I'll also except OVAs. Also explain your reasons for why they are on this top 11 lists.

"Why top 11, because I like to go 1 step further" - The Nostalgia Critic

2 Answers

  • 8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Naruto - (obviously) i like naruto because although there are filler episodes, the action is great and the world created in it is really fun to watch as it expands and you learn more and more.

    Soul Eater - the fight scenes in this are formidable, and the characters are quirky, strong and funny, while still being serious over all

    full metal alchemist : brotherhood - this anime has a great story and it pulls you in so that you have to keep watching, i like all the characters, and the idea of alchemy in this way

    fairy tail - i havent gotten in to this very much yet, but the anime is funny, and action packed, so i was drawn to it

    one piece - i love the idea of "mystical powers" in anime, as you could tell from my above answers, and this one fits right in to that, it again has great fight scenes and cinematic action, and it makes me laugh

    for some reason, my mind has gone blank, even though i have seen way more than this.....

    oh wait

    Ouron high school host club - this anime is fun because it makes me laugh, and the episodes vary suprisingly for the concept

    dammit, i cant think of any more... ARGH

    dragonball - dragonball is a hilarious anime, even if geared sort of towards a younger audience, the concept and unique story makes it grrrrrreat!

    you said no americanized, and im not sure if this fits, but when i was younger i used to love it, so im putting it in anyway

    Pokemon - i added pokemon because i loved it as a kid, and the games tied in to make it even better, the newer episodes have decreased in quality, but their inability to recognize team rocket, and the variation and the world of pokemon was really enjoyable to me

    im stumped, i cant believe that i cant come up with 11 good anime... wow, well sorry, but i tried my best

  • 8 years ago

    1. Clannad afterstory(the sequal to Clannad) like Clannad the animation is beautiful but The afterstory actually made me cry while the first season didnt. When I watched Clannad I thought it was okay but then I watched the after story and FELL IN LOVE.

    2. Death note-i dont know whether I like death note or clannad after story better because both are amazing. This show has a great plot and characters and has you rooting for a psychotic god-wannabe killer. And L is awesome :p

    3. Mirai Nikki-AMAZING. The plot was beautiful and the characters were great. You never knew what would happen next and I love love love it!

    4. Clannad-after watching the after story I started to like clannad alot more than before. I used to think it was okay but now I love Clannad so much. The animation is amazing and the plot is heartwarming

    5. Lovely complex-I just loved the love story of this show. And its funny

    6. Another-lovely animation and great plot. It had me making wrong accusatons the entire time because ypu had no idea what would happen next. Its so great

    7. Higurashi no naka koro ni(when they cry)-good animation and plot. Most complex plot I've ever watched. I really love how innocent or normal character become psychotic murderers just like that. Ypu dont know what is really going on until later on in the second season but the first season is still my favorite

    8. Shiki-ITS SO GOOD. Very unique drawings of hair Lol. Its a completely new twist on vampires to the point where there NOT vampires. They are shikis!

    9. Ouran highschool host club-EEEEEL I LOVE IT SO FUNNY THE TWINS ARE HOT. Okay I had to let that out. I also love Kyoya. Its really good and funny:)

    10. Soul eater-Insanely awesome and very unique plot. I love the uniqueness of the characters. The son of death is a freak obsessed with symetry lol. But he himself isnt semetrical because one side of his hair has 3 white stripes strips while the rest of his hair is black!

    11. Angel beats!-its a great anime with a unique plot and nice animation. It has alot of action and a bit of romance and I love how it is set in pergatory(a place with dead people who are stuck)

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