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What will happen in the future with this scenario?

Here's an idea. At this time a US Mars rover discovers gold or any other great valued resource on the red planet. Like all governments with a great find, the country tries to hide this discovery, but let's say an incident like the Edward Snowden case happens, and info is leaked to several other powerful countries (China, Russia, India, and the EU). Your probably guessing where this is going. Now predict what will happen, and how will this change the world in the next 20 years, and then after that what will happen in the next 20 years after that?

I would like a good educated question, and this is something to think about.

3 Answers

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Well, a find like gold on Mars would obviously be in every world power's interest to take on. Already the debate regarding Edward Snowden has stirred a world wide discussion on what is being held secret and who should know about it and this is a good thing to talk about. I personally feel that a discovery of that magnitude would be in the United States' best interest to keep classified for obvious international-conflict reasons. If Edward Snowden released that info today, that would be unwise to leak because you are ruining the opportunities for the country. Right away every world power would try to get an air-craft on Mars ASAP and that would be a downright mess. Something like that SHOULD be classified. In the next 20 years after something like that, I see tension between world powers and serious trust issues on Congress. (But let's get to reality's future) In the next 20 years in real life, I see society taking a stand against too big of a government thanks to whistle blowers like Edward Snowden. There will be a lot more whistle blowers to come so i see our government making a lot more documents un-classified to put an end to leaks but only time will tell.

    Source(s): Intern at CNN.
  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    If a valued resource (lets call it gold) is found on the red planet, which in time is very likely is, it will need to be cost effective to mine and transport. Thinking about the time it will take to transport the gold back to earth it would be a huge risk for any country to attempt this type of project in the near future unless said country is going to start world war 3.

    War destabilizes the world economy and people invest in things like gold, as investment in companies is too risky.

    Also the volume of gold needed would have to justify the entire operation and they would also have to consider injecting a vast amount of gold into the worlds economy would also devalue the price of it.

    So I don't think that there would be any real risk in letting the world know in the next 20 years of what is found on mars, in the next 200 years maybe when the cost of space exploration has become cheaper or more important as we consume the earths natural resources.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    4 years ago

    For the subsequent 40 it won't make any distinction in any respect. I as quickly as heard a remark that if the Apollo 11 group landed on the moon and located great craters stacked packed with gold bars - already smelted and in a position to be over excited, it would cost extra income terms of gas intake to retrieve those gold bars and produce them living house than the gold bars are easily properly worth. If the planet Mars became created from 24-karat gold no person might ever go there for the purpose of retrieving it or mining it because of the fact it would cost too lots funds. as a manner to make asteroid or Moon or Mars mining a fact something might could be chanced on it is especially uncommon and helpful. to illustrate gold or oil or uranium or regardless of does no longer be properly worth mining off international precise now yet as aspects start to run dry and insist gets extra desirable the fee might go as much as the factor the place it may at some point grow to be economically conceivable. wherein case for sure there'd be a race to stake out claims only as there is with the aspects below Antarctica -international contract prohibits mining or different exploitation of Antarctica yet international places are staking out their claims in the style of "clinical" examine, and could proceed to do "clinical " examine till the aspects grow to be so scarce that international regulation enables the exploitation of this section wherein case they are going to circulate in in the present day and mine it as in the present day as they are in a position to earlier all of us else gets of project as they compete with one yet another over the aspects.

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