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What ship out-did Titanic?

Was there ever a cruise liner that out-did Titanic as far as size and accomedations.

4 Answers

  • Jeff H
    Lv 7
    7 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    There is a difference between a cruise ship and an ocean liner. A cruise ship is more of a multi-purpose ship capable of ocean crossings as well as travelling around smaller bodies of water and islands. An ocean liner basically, as the name states, was designed at that time for crossing the ocean and, at the time of the Titanic, was the best method of crossing the ocean since transatlantic flights were still in the future.

    In comparison with modern cruise ships the Titanic was actually quite small and, compared to today's ships, quite basic in accommodation. The majority of passengers had shared washroom and bathing facilities and recreational activities on board the ship were extremely limited. Comparing the last of the modern ocean liners still in regular service, the Queen Mary 2 to the Titanic, the Titanic comes up short in every area including length (1,132 ft vs 882 ft), width (135 ft increasing to 161 ft vs 92 ft), height (236 ft vs 175 ft) gross tonnage (148,528 vs 46,328). In addition the Queen Mary 2 has bathrooms in all it's cabins, much better restaurants, and many more activities for it's passengers.

  • Dash
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    Titanic was very small compared to todays cruise ships. Most of the cabins on the Titanic did not even have running water, toilets, and showers. That would be un-heard of on a modern cruise ship. Most of the Titanic passengers were not First Class and had minimal accommodations by todays standards.

    The Titanic was an "ocean liner" and was built for high speed transatlantic voyages. It was a means of transportation between Europe and America. A modern "cruise ship" is a bit different. They are giant vacation resorts at sea. They casually cruise about stopping at various nearby ports and then end up back where they started.

  • Den B7
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    The Titanic is small compared to most cruise ships of today.

    The smallest Royal Caribbean - Majesty of the Seas

    Gross Tonnage 74,077

    Length 880 ft

    Max Beam 106 ft


    Titanic -

    Length: 883' (269 m)

    Construction started: March 31, 1909

    Launched: May 31, 1911

    Weight: 52,310 tons

  • 7 years ago

    I was just on Royal Caribbean Allure of the Seas and the population was around 7,500 including crew. The population of the Titanic was somewhere around 2,500.

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