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Stephen H asked in HealthMental Health · 8 years ago

"Fixed delusional belief being controlled" and "lacks insight"?

Ok, in order to deal with that thinly disguised contradiction, God and I have agreed to extend the internal locus of control so that God is on the controlling end, so "mental health" decision makers with the empty concept "mental health" don't control me anyway. So I still don't have to do what I don't want to and I can do what God wants me to do which is what I like, and so it is about world peace as well. And both God and I agree with that too. Even if the mental health services do say "we all have to do what we don't want to. It's not about world peace [it's about world empty concept people supremacy and no free will and no peace].

So now it's about what God and me want, world peace (individual, collective and worldwide peace).

I just I'd share the good news that the empty concept supremacy people against peace, have been overruled by God and that it is about individual collective and world peace.

And that nothing else controls me. And that anything else "lacks insight" and "lacks decision making capacity". And is both "nature and degree" of an empty concept and harmful and an offence against God and humanity.

And God has more insight and decision making capacity than anybody, so God knows what's best for anybody and everybody, including me. (Not the people with the empty concept who decide there's something wrong with everyone else and try to make things even worse for them than they are for themselves.)

"Internal locus of control", top scores since 7 years old or before (extremely psychologically healthy and not controlled by any living person at all and know it all along).

I've even complied with the impossible double bind of must be controlled must not be controlled and can't do either. Because at the God end, must not be controlled and at the me end must be controlled, and at the God end not permitted to be controlled and at the me end not permitted to not be controlled. And that's the only way the double-binded demanded conditions could be met. So the empty concept people aren't and can't be right that they are at both ends for me in place of me. (In other words they have effectively attempted to steal all of my free will, throw it away and make it my fault. And haven't succeeded even with harmful forced drugs for months on end. All they have done is proved God exists in a wide variety of ways and that they have tried to replace God by doing exactly the opposite of what God does, and making it look right.

It doesn't matter whether it was intentional or not. It is still fundamentally wrong (the whole system) in just about every way possible and results in getting everything wrong.

It's a competitive control and force hierarchy taking the middle position with a pivotal (nothing) and all of the other competitive control hierarchies around that cause all the conflict and damage (but in the name of caring), so all they would do mainly is grab the people who are most caring or changing to become so and mess them up so they can't to keep the conflict running faster and faster, with possibly an elite in the middle hoping to come out of all of the chaos unscathed and inherit all of earth and wealth for themselves. And I'm not saying that is the intention, because it could all be a massive error, but even if it was it wouldn't work because there would be a massive backlash at some point as well. It may well be that people just don't know what they are doing or why, but everything about the system is exactly the opposite of how it should be and it is directly against God and people, however you look at it, because their created hole in reality "mental health" can only be corrected and sealed by God. Everything outside nothing is effectively "mental illness" and wrong in the scheme, and that is built into the concept design to begin with (however complex and dressed up the "mental illness" one is, because everyone would necessarily shuffle along into that one except the people appointed to decide who would all introduce their own biases and accumulate them up, when they can't possibly be ethically qualified to alter anyone at all against their wishes. And all the people in the mental health services and associated professions are tied in to a scheme that goes directly against God and would destroy humanity whether they know it or not.

I can explain it in thousands of ways. But there needs to be a rapid end to it, before it goes too far, because everyone is getting brain trained to get sucked in and it will pass the point of no return if people don't turn around from the repetitive drumming in of something wrong on the outside with other people. And people are doing that more and more and more.


I don't usually hear voices unless I'm listening to a song. It's only if I'm processing things that other people have said that are all contradictory to each other, and they all agree it's a competition between those and I'm seeing how that works and what would happen and how to undo it. So I know how to sort it out. I'm not analytical critical. I'm right brain dominant, so I would know how to do it otherwise. And I've already got peace since I was born and never even cried as a baby, so I don't see why anyone else shouldn't have it. So there wouldn't be much point otherwise. I would be kind of already finished. I just thought I'd solve their puzzle, that doesn't have any other solution, so it must be right. They set it up that way for me to solve it for them. And I wouldn't need to do any harm because everything is the way I like it already and has been for all my life except on forced harmful drugs.

Update 2:

No way in a million years would I consider "meds", just extreme torture and harm for no good reason. I get everyone I know off them, and undo all the psychiatric double-binds that keep them contradicting themselves (even mid-sentence) and not being right either way with them. And no experience being as it was or valid or useful. So they can't even be real or themselves in anyway until that is undone, so they can't help being in confusion and conflict and spinning out of control until all psychiatry undone. And they won't have anything to do with them when they get really messed up by it. So I am the only one that will help them undo it.

Update 3:

No way in a million years would I consider "meds", just extreme torture and harm for no good reason. I get everyone I know off them, and undo all the psychiatric double-binds that keep them contradicting themselves (even mid-sentence) and not being right either way with them. And no experience being as it was or valid or useful. So they can't even be real or themselves in anyway until that is undone, so they can't help being in confusion and conflict and spinning out of control until all psychiatry undone. And they won't have anything to do with them when they get really messed up by it. So I am the only one that will help them undo it.

1 Answer

  • 8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Delusions are at the edge of plausibility, so it's possible, but not likely, what you're saying is correct. That said, there's narcissism or pride associated with your answer that is not exactly Godly. In my view the only mental illnesses are self harm and harm to others; all other so-called mental illnesses are simply ways of being. If someone is depressed, anxious, or psychotic and they are not hurting anyone, then they are not mentally ill. (They may want to do better, but that's not an illness.) If someone has delusions about having a special connection to God for world peace, that's not a mental illness, just a quirk or eccentricity. Go on with your beliefs, just be kind, careful, safe, and do no harm. If the voices ever tell you do to harm, then it's time to consider meds again. The peple in the mental health services are of a great variety. Some are reactionary and seem to simply uphold a narrow idea of what is normal, but others are less interested in mental illness and more interested in helping people find meaning and hope in their lives.

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