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Is this an error, a flaw, or a lie from the Bible?

When the Lord spoke to Moses, telling him to cure leprosy with two birds, a cedarwood stick, scarlet yarn, and hyssop instead of pointing out penicillin, was he lying to Moses, or was the author lying about what God said, or did they just make a mistake?


Why is it when you mention the Bible the "inerrant word of God" people come out of the woodwork but you ask a specific question and they are just gone?

And JL, quit being a jerk. I realized the Bible and the whole religion was a lie when I was 5 and read it the first time. Take your vitamin, brush your teeth, and go to bed, Grumpy.

12 Answers

  • 8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    I guess God (at that time) didn't thin Moses was ready for penicillin yet. Although I like the red yarn, always thought 'that will scare them germs into getting the heck out".

  • 8 years ago

    There is a long but good read (note source) on the type/anti-type of the sanctuary, it comes out of a book called "The Cross and Its Shadow" by Stephen Haskill

    Note: The items you afore mention didn't do the healing, they were an offering in thanks to God for healing that had been done

    The following are a few excerpts from chapter 24 on the leper.

    From earliest times leprosy has been a type of sin; and a very fitting type it is of that loathsome spiritual disease which destroys the soul of the one who violates his conscience again and again until he has no power to resist, and becomes wholly surrendered to evil.

    When Miriam became jealous of her sister-in-law, and she and Aaron murmured against Moses, “the anger of the Lord was kindled against them. . . And, behold, Miriam became leprous, white as snow.” After God had taught the lesson that the sins of jealousy, murmuring, and fault-finding are to the spiritual life what leprosy is to the physical being, then, in answer to Moses’ prayer, she was healed.

    The priest who had examined the leper and pronounced him unclean, was the only one that could pronounce him clean. The priest went outside the camp and examined the leper, and if the leprosy was healed, then the healed man was to bring “two birds alive and clean, and cedar wood, and scarlet, and hyssop,” unto the priest. One of the birds was killed in an earthen vessel held over running water; then the living bird, the scarlet, and the cedar were all dipped in the blood. The priest sprinkled the blood seven times upon the one who was to be cleansed, and pronounced him clean.

    Leprosy is a very contageous disease; everything the leper touches is contaminated. Sin also is a dreadful disease, and the earth, air, and water are all cursed by the sins of humanity, and must be cleansed by the same blood which cleanses man. Therefore, after the leper was pronounced clean, the live bird, its feathers scarlet with the blood, was let loose to fly through the air. The blood was not only sprinkled on the person who had been unclean, but it was thus carried through the air that was laden with germs of disease and sin, in type of the blood of Christ which will give a new heaven - a new atmosphere - to this sin-cursed earth.

    Before man sinned, there was no decaying vegetation; the lovely trees were not destroyed by insect pests, but all was free from the curse. Nothing but the blood of Christ can restore vegetation to its Eden beauty. In type of this regenerating power, a piece of cedar, the giant of the forest, and of hyssop, the small plant “that springeth out of the wall,” were dipped in the blood. These were chosen to represent the two extremes in vegetation, thus embracing all.

    The animal life also is cursed by sin, but through the redeeming power of the blood of Christ the time will come when “the wolf shall dwell with the lamb, and the leopard shall lie down with the kid; and the calf, and the young lion, and the fatling together; and a little child shall lead them.”

    The scarlet wool dipped in the blood represented the animal kingdom. The blood of the bird was placed in an earthen dish held over running water. Thus we see that in the cleansing of the leper the blood came in direct contact not only with the leper, but with all else cursed by sin; viz., earth, air, water, vegetation, and the animal kingdom.

    These wonderful types were but compacted prophecies of the far more wonderful Antitype.

    “The entire system of Judaism was the gospel veiled.”


    Lev. 14:6, 7. Blood was sprinkled on the one to

    be cleansed.


    1 Peter 1:2. The sprinkling of the blood of Jesus

    cleanses from sin.


    Lev. 14:6. Cedar, scarlet, and hyssop were

    dipped in the blood. 1 Kings 4: 33. Cedar and

    hyssop are extremes in vegetation. Heb. 9: 19.


    John 19:29. The hyssop was brought in

    connection with the Saviour, while the cross was

    made from the trees of the forest.


    Lev. 14:5. The bird was killed and the blood

    caught in an earthen vessel.


    Luke 22:44. Jesus’ blood came in contact with

    the earth.


    Lev. 14:6, 7. The bird that had been dipped in

    the blood was let loose to fly through the air.

    Jer. 9: 21. Air is unclean.


    Rev. 21:1. There will be a new heaven

    (atmospheric heaven), as the result of Christ’s

    death. His blood dropped through the air from

    the cross.


    Lev. 14: 14, 17. The tip of the ear was touched

    with the blood and oil.


    Isa. 42: 18-20. God’s servants are deaf to things

    they, should not hear.


    Lev. 14:14, 17. The thumb of the right hand

    was touched with blood and oil.


    Ps.119:48. “My hands also will will I lift up

    unto Thy commandments, which I have loved.”


    Lev. 14:14, 17. The toe of the right foot was

    touched with the blood.


    Gen. 17:1 “I am the Almighty God: walk before

    Me, and be thou perfect.”

  • 8 years ago

    Your question is flawed as Penicillin is ineffective as treatment for leprosy. Moses' cure was just as effective and perhaps through the grace of God more effective, even if it was just the placebo effect.

  • A lie. You forget the the Bible is an assortment of myths written by primitive, illiterate men.

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  • 8 years ago

    Really it is just another example of how the Bible is nothing but a collection of the mythology of the ancient Middle East.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    It's mythology, which I guess can be consider a form of lie.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    the whole thing is fiction.

    That constitutes a lie if told as truth.

  • 8 years ago

    To Jl - Figuring that out is a good thing don't be a dick

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    The whole bible is a lie

  • Red
    Lv 5
    8 years ago

    God isn't limited by what mere science can do. God could cure any disease any what he chooses.

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