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Why do Christians say god if in all religions they have gods?

I know it's confusing but put I together

10 Answers

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Tradition mainly. Also we Capitalize the word so god becomes God, as in a specific God. Other religions do this as well: "Elohim" in hebrew means "God(s)", "Allah" in Arabic means "God", etc.

  • 8 years ago

    If you do this small exercise I am sure it will destroy the "God" label thingy all together. Please read and watch entirely. I am more than sure it will send some of you off the deep end.

    What I am going to present will have a two prong effect upon those that reply.

    Group 1. Non seekers/believers - Some will leave hateful remarks, nor will they take the two minutes needed to hear something that will aid them. Those that think this post is too long will zone out and never know as to what they are missing out on and or the free information within. Those of them that do the exercise and understand it will not reply! Those that do the exercise and deny the findings will have to lie to themselves if they remain part of group 1( Group 1 will be the majority of replies)

    Group 2. Seekers - Will be able to string together the names, educational backgrounds of those involved and their statements and see the importance of my findings.

    Good luck!

    Please reply after you have completed the below tasks from the comfort of your computer chair.

    1. Go to and search for a movie titled "God's last secret." Forward the time bar to the 1:53 mark and listen to the background of whom is pictured.

    2. After watching that short minute clip please watch "The Secret" the movie can also found on

    3. Purchase "E-Squared: Nine simple test to prove your thoughts create your reality. By Pam Grout ( e-book $5.00)

    4. Go to and search for: In-tune with the Infinite. By Ralph Waldo Trine. ( This book may become your 'Life" instruction booklet so to say)

    You do not have to buy "E-Squared, but it is great fun and really important for those that want to fine tune themselves.

    So, what does this mean to you and would you share it with friends and family? Also, If you like this exercise I have one more that will knock the socks off any person that is willing to read a little and or has a lawyer friend. Time to experience life the way it was meant to be!

  • 8 years ago

    In Christianity "God" is a name, and is therefore capitalized according to standard English. The same goes for Yahweh and Allah. Other gods have other names, and therefore the word "god" is simply a title for what they are.

    That's why even atheists capitalize "God" when they are speaking of Christian beliefs.

    That was a good question, though. The type of question this site was meant for.

  • Bob L
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    All religions do not have multiple gods.

    Judaism, Christianity, and Islam are monotheistic, meaning they worship only one God.

    It is not the same God that they all worship, but each religion worships one God, and only one God.

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  • 8 years ago

    We have the one and only living God. We worship him regularly. But Hindus have several gods by which they can worship a god per day. ( benefit: if one god fails, they have another alternative. ) But we trust our one and only God that his grace is sufficient for us. We need none other than him at any time.

  • ?
    Lv 5
    8 years ago

    There is a difference between God and gods.

  • Kyle
    Lv 4
    8 years ago

    They are referring to their God, the only God

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    Christians chase after their pagan god's like Tammuz, Nimrod, Baal, Gawd

    sunday resurrection and Sunday worship glorifies Nimrod

    Crosses - glorifies Tammuz

    Lord, LORD, LORd = Baal Baal Baal

    God God God = Gawd Gawd Gawd

    they call the Son and the Father false names like Jesus, Lord, and God . (not by their real names)

  • 8 years ago

    because Christianity is most present in the successful 1st world countries making it the most important. next

  • 8 years ago

    There is & can only be one GOD the Creator.

    Other gods are actually evil spirits or demons.

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