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So Christians, according to your beliefs...?

... is it morally good or bad to commit some act that would send you to hell, for the purpose of sending of another person to heaven, who would have gone to hell without your intervention?

I've been meaning to ask this question for a while, and She Devil's "question" about Flirty Fishing reminded me. Correct me if I'm wrong here, but adultery is a sin, and so prostituting yourself repeatedly would probably send you to hell, but you could, in theory, sleep with hellbound men who would then be able to repent and go to heaven because of your intervention. Would your prostitution be evil adultery, or an ultimate act of self-sacrifice? Or, to look at it the other way, if you fail to prostitute yourself to save a hellbound man, is that an act of selfishness?

As a far, far darker example, imagine you're a mother-to-be living in a world where a person turning from God is practically inevitable, and you're one of the few remaining Christians. If you murder your child when they are born, they will not have the opportunity to commit sin (well, except for original sin; I still think that's incredibly unjust, but whatever), so they will go to heaven, but you yourself will go to hell. Are you committing an act of evil?

I know how I would answer as an atheist, but I'm interested to see what Christians think about this?


@jubilant: My interest in Christianity is just a minor curiosity I'm exploring in between bouts of more interesting and important study.

Update 2:

"Like asking 'Is it good to drown yourself to make somebody else float?'"

Yeah, exactly! Nobody called Leonardo Di Caprio evil when he sunk to save Kate Winslet.

Mind you, many people accused that scene of being artificial and poorly contrived as well. :-/

But yeah, am I right in thinking that you guys believe that no situation can ever occur in which an evil deed of yours will cause someone else to go to heaven? Or are you saying that your causing someone else to go to heaven doesn't count, and your deed is still evil? Or something else?

5 Answers

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    You don't even know enough to ask a coherent question.

    When two or more people live in the same area they have to adopt some rules about who does what to whom. Any such rule is called a more, pronounced "mor-ay". The adjective form is moral, and the habit of following mores is morality. Mores do not have to be right, only accepted. Another group on the other side of the river might have very different mores.

    Hell is a hole is a grave. Check any dictionary. Everybody goes to one. There is a lake of fire, but only spirits go there.

    Nobody "sends another person to heaven". People preach the gospel. People who hear the gospel may or may not be saved because of it. But only spirits go to heaven.

    You may think you have "minor interest in Christianity" but that is only because you are an unbeliever. The word of God always causes division: it divides believers from unbelievers, and there is nothing minor about that.

  • 8 years ago

    (i am an agnostic but i went to catholic school for 8 years so i feel qualified to answer this)



    At least those examples. I mean, how would those help anything? How would prostitiuting yourself help someone repent?

    (and for the record, prostitution would not send you to hell, but killing someone would, but only if you didnt repent)

    Ok, but anyway, youre examples dont make any sense (no offence) but no you should not condem yourself to help someone else, simply because there should never be such an occurence, and if there was, there is bound to be another way.

    (of course "Christian" is a very broad term. technically the westboro babtist church considers themselves christian even though they are definately not. so youd have to ask independent churches, as they all have different ideas about everything, but im talking from a catholic point of view)

    im not sure if i answered your question exactly, but there you go.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    Muhammad means people are laudable. His noble and best of creatures. That said Muhammad was a bad person, is false hadiths manmade hypocrite.

    Miracle of Muhammad is splitting the moon (but now the one-utuhkan again), emitting water from the palm of the hand, despite living on little food, and the largest is the Qur'an.

    The Qur'an is the word of God is maintained until the Day of Resurrection, no one bit error and doubt in it. Islam is a religion of mercy for all the worlds. Islam is not a terrorist religion, but religion is more concerned with morals and manners. Islam is a logic religion. In Islam a person will feel the presence of God is real and true.

    Jesus is God's creation, he was sent by God to the Israelites. Jesus is God's creation, do you worship a fellow creation of God?

    Jesus is God's creation, so do not you worship. Due to the fact that Jesus is not God, but he is a divine creation. . .

  • 8 years ago

    If jesus was just only creation than so why he was rejructd frm death. And God took away him with his whole body.

    Nd kuran also says jesus will come again for judgment. So what you if jesus have authority of hevn and earth so belive him. Jesus is God.

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  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    i read the first two sentences and realized you have no idea what Christianity is about. hit the books young man!

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