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Michael asked in Games & RecreationCard Games · 8 years ago

Yugioh: ways to beat six sams.?

My friend runs a six sam deck. Now this deck is built to negate EVERYTHING I throw at him. Seriously. I cant take out his shi en because he keeps one or two extra kagunasha on the field to protect shi en. I cant do anything. I dont have this trouble with any other deck I play against. I run hieratic OTK. (Level 6 build). Ive beaten spellbook, dragon rulers and topped 1st several times in tournaments. So what can I do to beat him. No joke. Every card I play, he has something to stop it. Then he gloats on how "he has the worlds best six sam deck and nobody can beat him." (Although he never makes it past 2nd round at the tournament) please help.


Let me say...he stops EVERYTHING. every hand trap, attack, spell, trap, summon. He protects shi en with kagumasha. Even if I do bait shi en, he switches the target to kagumasha. What am I supposee to do here?

Update 2:

Let me say...he stops EVERYTHING. every hand trap, attack, spell, trap, summon. He protects shi en with kagumasha. Even if I do bait shi en, he switches the target to kagumasha. What am I supposee to do here?

7 Answers

  • Ryan
    Lv 6
    8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Sounds like your friend is using a lower-rate form of a negation deck. Six sam's are quite good at negation, however they have huge holes compared to other top-notch negating monsters such as Quasar and Naturia Exterio.

    To beat Shi en, simply negate his own effect via hand traps, then go in for the kill. Or, you can bait him, use a monster effect, directly attack him...the list goes on and on.

    I don't generally play advanced, so instead i've built an illegal deck which is far more extreme in terms of negation..meaning i won't let you do anything past drawing once per turn. The problem with your friends deck is that he doesn't have enough backup to keep a solid hold on the field long enough. A great negation deck has multiple limitation monsters that provide cover for each other. Shi En, in itself can only counter once per turn....its simply not good enough to get any advantage whatsoever.

    You CAN beat his deck. It's not nearly good enough to lock down all plays possible. Just make sure you out-maneuver him with SPEED.

    Good luck!

  • 5 years ago

    Kagemusha Yugioh

  • 6 years ago

    This Site Might Help You.


    Yugioh: ways to beat six sams.?

    My friend runs a six sam deck. Now this deck is built to negate EVERYTHING I throw at him. Seriously. I cant take out his shi en because he keeps one or two extra kagunasha on the field to protect shi en. I cant do anything. I dont have this trouble with any other deck I play against. I run...

    Source(s): yugioh ways beat sams:
  • 8 years ago

    U need these 5 cards 2x dragon Shrine 2x Silvers cry and 1 Hieratic Seal of the dragon King.

    Hieratic Seal of the Dragon King cannot be negated by Effect Veiler or Fiendish chain as it is an normal monster that has an effect.

    The other 4 cards u need to use as early as possible or use other spell cards as bait.

    As soon the Dragon King is in your graveyard the game is practicly yours.

    Dragon Shrine will alow you to send a second dragon type monster to your graveyard, i use it to send all my normals to the graveyard.

    Dont go all out, make some intimidating Xyz monsters like Ptolomy M7 and detach to send 1 monster from your grave to your hand (hiaratic dragons except the seal of the dragon king if possible)

    If u think the coast is clear go spamm with the Seal of the Dragon king its effect can be used multiple times while u pop his monsters and spell/trapcards.

    Try to leave 1 spell/trap card on the field to pop it last so u have 2 lvl 6 monsters for Xyz.

    If u wanna play like a BOSS u need Azure eyse silver Dragon.

    My friend plays Six Sam also, but here the roles are changed i never lose to him or my other friends.

    I worked 1 year to make my deck of what it is now, 1 tip Tragoedia isnt that helpfull for hieratics in fact it holds u back, be more agressive ;-)

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  • LeLuke
    Lv 5
    8 years ago

    I here this question all the time on Yahoo Answers. There are sooooo many cards that can rape Samurais.

    Look if your having trouble, Skip all the Bullshit and just use Volcanic Queen or Lava Golem, even Solemns won't stop the tributing of Shi En. This is if you are just outright sick of him. Alternatively:

    Before Shi En:

    Summon Limit

    Vanity's Emptiness

    Solemn Warning Judgment

    Black Horn of Heaven

    Skill Drain

    Shadow-Imprisning Mirror

    Royal Decree (most builds are trap heavy)

    Stygian Dirge

    Maxx "C"

    DNA Surgery (call anything Except warrior, Shi En can't be summoned)

    After Shi En:


    Skill Drain (Chain to Shi En's effect that negates, so you'll have to bait it first)

    Shadow-Imprisoning Mirror

    D.D. Warrior Lady (gets around destruction and targeting)

    Breakthrough Skill (Shi En can't negate the second effect)

    Maxx "C"

    Effect Veiler (To counter Kag)

    Lava Golem

    Volcanic Queen

    Source(s): There is just so much stuff that kills Shi En, since you said he/she always has Kag in board I didn't mention Cauis, Raiza, and etc. many if my solutions will get rid if Shi en no matter what they have, cheers.
  • 8 years ago

    By the way, you tell things, it is probably that the six sam user has a six sam deck that restricts your card playing and just makes it frustrating like all Meta decks, right? If you want to kick his *** in this game, you must know the enemy, so here are the six sam strengths and weaknesses

    Strengths: Incredible Swarming Power, Strong Support Spells (ex: Six Sam United, Gateway, Shien's Dojo, smoke signal, etc.), LSS Shi en's effect, being able to summon extra monsters with quick producing tuners, and devastating effects at least two or three are them

    Weakness: Always needs backup, Negation of Special summon or anti-summoning, Field Clearers, effect negation, not a lot of attack, relies a lot on spells

    In other words, Six Sams are heavily relying on Spells and their effects to summon more of them. So if you want to counter them, you must prevent them from being summoned in the first place using traps or effects. Next, Field Clearers are cards that clear the field such as Torrential Tribute or Dark Hole or black Rose Dragon. Apparently, if you wipe their field, they tend to have a harder time making a victory almost out of nothing because most players tend to use most of their resources to quickly swarm the field but some experienced players don't blow it all at once and may be more of a challenge but your friend doesn't sound much of a cautious person in this matter, so a good torrential tribute should blow him away and make harder AND longer to gather the six sam materials and Shi en without losing Life Points. Also Restriction cards also limit the six sam potential gathering abilities and thus make them very vulnerable for a simple attack .

    So, what if Shi en's already out or it is with Kagemusha you might say? Cards such as Puppet Plant or Gozen Match are great cards that might help in this situation. When Shi en's out, usually it is a LOT harder just to get rid of it but there are some ways to get rid of it. If I were you I would try to get a least several cards to get rid of Shi en such as Lightning Vortex or Divine Wrath because while Kagemusha and Shi en can negate and all that, its negating ability is limiting by first targeting Shi en and its effect will destroy the first destroying card. Then target it again with the second card in which Kagemusha would be destroyed and use the third card to ultimately destroy Shi en.

    The cards below will help very much

    Gozen Match

    Royal Oppression:

    Spell Shattering Arrow:

    Thunder King Rai-Oh

    Kinetic Soldier

    Chain Disappearance

    Divine Wrath:

    Cursed Seal of the Forbidden Spell

    Puppet Plant


    Gorz the Emissary of Darkness

    Penguin Soldier

    Overall, Spell Card and Trap Card Sides are not very effective against Six Samurai decks, as Legendary Six Samurai - Shi En, Naturia Beast, Naturia Barkion, and even Great Shogun Shien will mainly shut down such countermeasures. Instead, Monster Sides such as Gorz the Emissary of Darkness are more effective, as the Samurai player's deck will most likely not be able to handle that many sides so far outside of its negation capabilities. However, it is imperative to make each sided monster count, as there are not many that can delay/shut down Six Samurai decks. "Effect Veiler", "Fiendish Chain" and "Breakthrough Skill" can help against most monster effects.

    BTW, could you answer by question on

    Source(s): Been playing Yugioh for 7 years Six Samurai User
  • John
    Lv 4
    8 years ago

    Bait his negate.

    Honestly the best card to stop him is Breakthrough Skill after he is summoned, the secnd use forces him to waste negation. Allowing yo to destroy him. Before that just don't let him summon the damn thing. book of moonthat touner, negate that shi en.

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